Yo~ again, finally the week is over so time to chill for the weekends. Today's lesson was fun haha like disturbing Jolene in Bio class lol and we also looked at a few flame test done by Mdm Ng. During Chem the whole class was like a kindergarten! Cause we were looking at the flame test and everyone was like "woooooooooo" "omg!!! So cool!!!" "Wow..." haha, we were like sooo attracted to the colour of the flame even though it was not really clear for some (especially Barium which produces a small green flame). After that me and Neal went to settle the chalet food taiji and now we're done. Neal introduced a new caterer which is kinda cheaper so it's good. Then head home and I... fell asleep lol. Then woke up, cook dinner then here! Ok that's all for the day. Crap I have lots of homework already....
Friday, 31 October 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
End of world?
Yo today is kinda ok, school was pretty much great and after school went to SC meeting and then to KFC with Neal and Kelvin. After that I went home and omg... My shoulder was in great pain I tell you and I realised how tensed it was and so I changed my mind in going for a swim so I decided to sleep lol. After that went to cook dinner and then here. Well before this I actually came across this video in Youtube about the end of the world prophecy in the year of 2012, 21st Dec to be exact. Do you believe in this? Well I don't really believe lol but at least the reson for this end of the world makes sense, and it is another planet going near to our solar system's orbit. Then all the Earth's crust will move and there will be tsunamis, earth quakes and volcano erruptions. Makes sense yeah? I mean it's not those lame causes about (no offence) demons... Satans.... And more. If this is true, why do HALF of the world have no idea about this? Why is there no research? Why is there no news everyday? Ok I don't know really. If the world ends due to global warming, I will honestly laugh like I've never laughed before before I die lol. Cause somehow it seems ironic.... Dom't know why hah. Ok I just want to share this infos with you guys and yeah I wanna have a discussion about this with people. And I really really hope if National Geographic can do a documentary about this. Maybe more people will be informed hahaha. Ok ciao! My EL and Math baobei waiting for me.
If it's 2012.... Then I'm still young. Shit!
If it's 2012.... Then I'm still young. Shit!
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
School rocks?
Yo, school today was fun, and kinda over-rated. First thing we came to school and "Please surrender your phones, mp3 and PSP" and we were like errr what's happening? So we found out that they wanna make us more focus, which I really feel is a good thing to do actually. But I felt that something is missing like my pocket is so empty haha. And kinda caused me some troubles cause' I didn't get the chance to SMS the SC's to meet Mr Tan at 10.15 and not 10.30 but well too bad I guess. Time really flies DAMN fast today it's like 4h 45mins seemed like 1 hour really... After school went to band with other 6.... SIX.... people. Pathetic man! But we managed to play some songs and chatted with Ms Portia, an enjoyable one I must say. Oh yeah I'm so looking forward to seeing our new band Uniform! I'm sure it's gonna look more professional than the current uniform hahaha. After playing went to eat with Sam Sim, Cheryl and Syafiqah then went home. On the way home, the sky was just so picturesque and I think it's been 4 days since we see sunshine haha (Ok just being a lil more drama). Ok that's all for the day. Ciao then
Keep the comments flooding guys :)
Keep the comments flooding guys :)
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Ok I know this is a lame way to start a post but... I'M DAMN FULL lol. Ok I cooked fried rice and ate like 2 bowls of it... Soooo good haha. It feels like my stomach got stuffed by 1209 things haha. Ok whatever. Today usual stuff, bored as hell but was damn satisfied cause' I succesfully played Jay Chou song lol. I'm going to put it here and you guys can comment on it. I cut some part already anyway. And F.Y.I I played this without having no music score or some sort, just my mp3 and my ear so you won't find 100% of the song. Alrite enjoy and please comment! Thanksss.... :)
Ok this is Dao Xiang by Jay Chou, newest album hohoho and I just simply fell in love with the song. Kepp the comments flooding! Thanks! Ciao....
Ok this is Dao Xiang by Jay Chou, newest album hohoho and I just simply fell in love with the song. Kepp the comments flooding! Thanks! Ciao....
Monday, 27 October 2008
Yo again. Sorry for not posting yesterday, was too engrossed in watching The Simpson Movie and it was damn hilarious. I wanted to watch Harry Potter 5 too but was played at the same time as the Simpson so... Too bad and anyway I watched Harry Potter on DVD like 6 months ago? Ok I'm not sure. Anyway I remembered something and actually.... I have The Sims computer game! And yesterday I quickly installed it yesterday and started playing. Life in Sim is soooo fast, today, my coupe just gave birth and my daughter is now like a kid haha. And in 9 days time my couple is going to be an elderly... Cool eh. I also transformed my house into a beautiful, modern, sophisticated and my-so-wanted house. Well extended school lessons are starting the day after tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it (?). So is band too. Oh yeah I also booked my ticket to home (yeah baby) and I found out that I can go back during CNY next year woohoo. And there's on werid thing, I kept on dreaming about me taking O-level and you know is NOT a good dream cause' in my dream I dreamt of me being late to my English, Chemistry and Chinese paper. But I dreamt of getting A1 for English! Hope this comes true... Haha dreams are just flowers of sleep. So I don't know whether this flower will bloom? Or it will gloom. Ok that's all then see ya!
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Unlucky day
Ok first of all 3 things happened to me. First, I scalded my hand in the afternoon while cooking. Second I just cut my finger when washing the knife. Third my pimples hurt like shit. Ok Unlucky day for me. And as usual, my day is as monotonous as advertisements on TV. And thanks to the same group of things that saved my day today... TV, Piano, Flute and comp. Practiced a little of La Storia but not perfect yet. I guess I'm still not adapted to flute and I wish I can perfect my playing ASAP. I prefer clarinet though (no offence) even though I love flute more than clarinet cause' I have been wanting to play it since I was young (I don't know why). So I'm trying to perfect my playing and play as well as possible in SYF and I WANT A SILVER BADDDD. Or a GOLD (I knew it's kinda impossible but nothing is impossible). Ok that's all for the day I think.... Ciao
Ok someone please save me out of this misery...
Ok someone please save me out of this misery...
Friday, 24 October 2008
I'm decomposing
Help man... I need help badly... I'm kind of decomposing at home currently cause' there really is nothing better to do! Well thankfully I got TV, Piano, flute, comp, books yeah if not I'll literally decompose hah! Well yeah today was pretty much boring, woke up, cook breakfast, eat, watch TV, play piano, fell asleep, wake up, watch TV, practice a little of flute, play piano (composed a new song whee =) ) Then head to HV for dinner with sis. Tomorrow the students who go for the India trip will head for India, hope they have lots of fun. Well I was supposed to go but Mr Lim forgot that I'm a foreigner and the cost increased to 2000 and well I don't want to put much burden to my parents so yeah decided not to go. Too bad, I have to miss the fun :'( Well anyway the extended lessons are starting next week and I'm so looking forward to it. Alright that's all for today folks, see ya ciao.
Anyone has nice books to recommend?
Anyone has nice books to recommend?
Thursday, 23 October 2008
It's over.... =) Wait not really.... =(
Yo, the secondary 3 life of mine has now ended, wait not really ended but we have extra lesson next week for two weeks. Still, I feel we're not Sec 3's anymore because we have finished it and now it's time for us to move on! And O'level is like next year so I'm very excited and happy about it... Right.... Haha. Ok yesterday MF, Jes, Wei Qi, Kel and Neal and me went to Seoul Garden at Taka to eat and celebrate the last day of school haha. Will and may not upload photos (Sorry guys haha). Wanted to post about it yesterday but I just simply fell asleep cause' I was damn freaking tired!! Today my sis decided to come to school to take my report book cause' Mrs Lee didn't want to give it to me before she send an email to my sis or call her and thankfully, my sis decided to come to my school so I get my report book!! Yay haha. After school went to Fed's house for like one hour only then went home, the go to DBS bank then home again. On my way back home, something happened which made me say "Thank God I'm from a neighborhood school!" I guess being in an international school doens't make you feel that you're better than government school student, really trust me hah. Oh yeah received a letter from Immigration centre which offers me to become Singapore PR..... I don't know though maybe asking my parents first cause yeah, errr you know haha. And if I'm a PR I have to serve NS!!! Wow lol I thought that's only when you have parents here but nonono the enlistment act says that all PR are eligible to join NS... So too bad I guess. Alright that's all for today, see ya! chao
Three levels over, one more to go.
Three levels over, one more to go.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Yo, today was hell lot of fun... Err SPA! Yeah we used the Data logger and thanks to Wei Lun and Kelvin I actually found out that we can draw there, which is a freaking cool thing to do haha. Wendy and me keep on drawing pigs lol and I ipod and some abstract stuff cool eh? Then the experiment was fine and tomorrow will be biology, should be fun cause' Mr Goh told us that we're handling fire hohoho. And I'm going out tomorrow haha, cool. Oh yeah there was O'level today and we were dismissed early, I think the same thing will happen tomorrow... Ok that's all for today. See you! Chao
Monday, 20 October 2008
Ok today is a holiday, it's some promotion day thingy where teachers get together to setlle who retain and who gets promoted. I hope no one gets retained and if someone does, I don't know. But today is soooo boring but thanks to Cinemax, HBO, Star Movies, I'm kinda entertained with movies. There were X-men, Monster House, Saving Private Ryan and more and because of this, I forgot to eat lunch! Haha, one more step to my jian fei-ing progress. Then went to cook dinner, cook some beancurd and it tasted great hah. Then here now! Ok there's school tomorrow, thank god haha since we're doing SPA.... Yum yum ok don't get wrong meaning, SPA = Science Practical Exam ok haha. Ok that's all then. See ya!
Lalalalalalalalalala I'm bored
Lalalalalalalalalala I'm bored
Sunday, 19 October 2008
New skin finally!
Hey people, I've got a new skin finally. I love it so much but errr... I couldn't find my dashboard anywhere weird eh? Ok anyway I''m so happy coz.... I actually changed the skin by myself! Haha usually I'll ask Annabel for help but this time... I did it all ALONE hohoho. Ok there are some reasons why I choose this skin. First, I love beach, especially blue beaches. Secondly, it represents my theme of escape. Thirdly, this is where I wanna go all my life, and I'm just hoping that I can go to such places one day. Alright enjoy!
Life don't really sucks I guess
Life don't really sucks I guess
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Life is full of irony
Yo, today is a soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring day man, I went out with sis but after that zzzzz haha. I wanted to go out with Ah meng and co to buy Jes' present but I went out with my sis (Sorry >< I always go out with her every weekend) but anyway, I gave my part of the present so yeah. Then spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV which I ended up sleeping coz the movie was kinda boring. Then went to eat in a HK cafe at sunset way for dinner, damn yummy, damn feeling haha. Alright I feel like talking this so maybe I shall share it here. Yes, life is so full of irony. In some part of our life, there WILL always be irony and well honestly it's kinda hard to actually realise that these parts of our life is an irony but when you realised it, it will just make you smile. I guess it's part of the symphony don't you think so? Alright I guess I'm going to stop here. Chao!
I want a new blog skin.....
I want a new blog skin.....
Friday, 17 October 2008
Yeow! Today was a slack-and-art-and-reveal-and-fun-and-sadness-day for us. So well today we went through some paper, or maybe one paper only. Then went to an STD talk and I swear I'm not going to do sex! (Except with my wife)..... And to whoever reads this, please follow me too haha! After that we went to Biennale 2008, which I found out is an art festival that is held in Singapore once every two years (That's what Biennale means anyway). After and when seeing the exhibit, I was truely amazed and inspired by these wonderful artists! It's like whenever I see a piece and I will go "Oh yeah I didn't know that" "OMG this is so cool!" "Wow I didn't think of that!" and more...
Here are some pic, I love lots of the exhibits but I'm just going to show the pics that I love!

"Stone to Fill the Sky" by Zhan Wang from China. There's a magnificent story behind this and it's truely inspirational!

"Beauty and the Beast" by Rashid, Layla Juma A. Another beautiful piece for me haha. It's actually made out of chewing gum!

"Hair Salon" By Erlich, Leandro from Argentina. Well when I stepped into this room, I thought these "mirrors" are really mirrors! But....

Last but not least, "Felice Varini Project: "Drill Hall", Singapore Biennale 2008 S.S.V.F.H.Q 1931 Building" By Felice Varini from Switzerland and is currently living andworking in France. Love this one a lot!
Ok here are random pictures....

Toilet Cubicles lol Lets enter the exhibition hall....
Alright, that's all folks, I have other pics but hmm lazy to put them here haha. I want the class photo! But gonna post it as soon as I get the photos from Mrs Lee/Annabel/Wei Lun. Alright Chao!
Here are some pic, I love lots of the exhibits but I'm just going to show the pics that I love!

"Stone to Fill the Sky" by Zhan Wang from China. There's a magnificent story behind this and it's truely inspirational!

"Beauty and the Beast" by Rashid, Layla Juma A. Another beautiful piece for me haha. It's actually made out of chewing gum!

"Hair Salon" By Erlich, Leandro from Argentina. Well when I stepped into this room, I thought these "mirrors" are really mirrors! But....

Last but not least, "Felice Varini Project: "Drill Hall", Singapore Biennale 2008 S.S.V.F.H.Q 1931 Building" By Felice Varini from Switzerland and is currently living andworking in France. Love this one a lot!
Ok here are random pictures....

Toilet Cubicles lol Lets enter the exhibition hall....
Alright, that's all folks, I have other pics but hmm lazy to put them here haha. I want the class photo! But gonna post it as soon as I get the photos from Mrs Lee/Annabel/Wei Lun. Alright Chao!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Over then
Whew, today I get the rest of the results:
Bio - 76/100
Lit - 76/100
Chinese - 57/100 (I failed my paper 2 T_T)
SS - 78/100
Combined Humans - 77/100
That's all then.... And somehow I get lots of 76 so I decided to make it my favourite number now :P
Ok see you again haha, "meeting" in progress!
What more do you want...
Bio - 76/100
Lit - 76/100
Chinese - 57/100 (I failed my paper 2 T_T)
SS - 78/100
Combined Humans - 77/100
That's all then.... And somehow I get lots of 76 so I decided to make it my favourite number now :P
Ok see you again haha, "meeting" in progress!
What more do you want...
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
6 down, 4 more to go!
Yo, back to blog and today I received 6 of my results from 6 subjects (duh? haha). Ok so here goes!
EL- Total SA2 - 68 - Total whole year - 68 (TOTALLY NOT SATISFIED)
Emath - 86 (I didn't believe myself that I passed EM paper 2)
Amath - 83 (I didn't believe this either)
Physics - 75.5 (Thanks to Mr Goh!!!!! And Sherman! And Jie Long! And whoever taught me ok!)
Chemistry - 76 (Thanks to Mdm Ng and whoever taught me again!)
History - 76 (Ok A1 but Mr Andy talked to me like as if I did my SS super BADLY)
Ok that's all for the info and overall? Ok I'm sorry to say but "Partially not satisfied!". Ok after school went to tomorrow's interview briefing and yeah, we are chosen to be interviewed by some HOD's from other school and whew boy I'm so scared haha. After that went to band and I'm UTEERLY speechless. When I entered the bandroom? It's like "1 2 3 4 5 6..... 12!" people only? Gosh it's so grrrrr. Haiz honestly, we really need people to come for band again. C'mon, SYF is like 5.5 months away? And we still have breaks and holidays? And looks like we're left for like 3-5 months? And we haven't even practised the pieces fully yet and we still have the unknown set piece coming? Ok I'm not any leader of the band but my point of view is that what a band needs is the passion of the members towards band and its music. You can't really just leave the band like that, I mean it's your CCA... Ok why am I saying this? Whatever ok byeee...
4 more to go.... And I'm still FREAKING OUT!
EL- Total SA2 - 68 - Total whole year - 68 (TOTALLY NOT SATISFIED)
Emath - 86 (I didn't believe myself that I passed EM paper 2)
Amath - 83 (I didn't believe this either)
Physics - 75.5 (Thanks to Mr Goh!!!!! And Sherman! And Jie Long! And whoever taught me ok!)
Chemistry - 76 (Thanks to Mdm Ng and whoever taught me again!)
History - 76 (Ok A1 but Mr Andy talked to me like as if I did my SS super BADLY)
Ok that's all for the info and overall? Ok I'm sorry to say but "Partially not satisfied!". Ok after school went to tomorrow's interview briefing and yeah, we are chosen to be interviewed by some HOD's from other school and whew boy I'm so scared haha. After that went to band and I'm UTEERLY speechless. When I entered the bandroom? It's like "1 2 3 4 5 6..... 12!" people only? Gosh it's so grrrrr. Haiz honestly, we really need people to come for band again. C'mon, SYF is like 5.5 months away? And we still have breaks and holidays? And looks like we're left for like 3-5 months? And we haven't even practised the pieces fully yet and we still have the unknown set piece coming? Ok I'm not any leader of the band but my point of view is that what a band needs is the passion of the members towards band and its music. You can't really just leave the band like that, I mean it's your CCA... Ok why am I saying this? Whatever ok byeee...
4 more to go.... And I'm still FREAKING OUT!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
School is starting.... I mean results are coming...
Whew, today as usual, went to see my cousins again cause' we forgot to pass the the CD that my father wants to my aunt, so have to give it to them today. Then had lunch together and then my aunt went back to Indo after that, coming back here again in December. I spent my afternoon sleeping, I don't know why but I am freaking sleepy.... Slept from 4-7 then woke up and cooked dinner. You know what? I ate this fried-chillies that my sis brought from Indo. It is DAMN delicious I tell you but also FREAKING SPICY!!! I ate that with rice and my stomach is like burning like hell now, like there's an inferno in my stomach. Uh oh, I hope that I won't have hot-shit tomorrow lol. And hope the inferno turns to heaven by tonight! Ok I'm getting my results this week, as I have said, I am looking forward to it, but also don't want to look at them. Ok if the tests are our enemies, then the results are their lords. So conclusion? The war is not over yet and this time it's not up to your brain... But to your heart whether you, or the results will win the war... Ok Crap I don't know why am I talking this but I'M FREAKING OUT FOR MY RESULTS! Ok that should summarise everything? Ok see you soon. Chao
Results.... I love you
Results.... I love you
Monday, 13 October 2008
Yay! Chromatics are loved
Yoohoo haha, here I am again. Today is a so so day, went to Orchard for lunch with sis (she just came back to Singapore yesterday) and then met my cousins again after that and... I BOUGHT THE NEW iPOD CHROMATIC! And it's damn freaking cool but damn freaking small and fragile (?). Well anyway I bought this cause my old ipod kinda spoil, it has this krssssss zzzzkrkrsksxxx sound whenever most of the songs are playing. Well yeah you may find it "It's just a minor fault" but when you listen to songs for hours (especially me, who listens to long, classical/band songs) it's damn irritating, and it sometimes hurts your ear when listening to it. Anyway I'm contented with it but kinda regret buying the black colour, even though I was so against buying another colour when I was buying it. I wanted to buy green but as I stared into it for a long time, I felt kinda err haha. Ok whatever. Tomorrow gonna meet my aunt again, and I promised my little cousin to swim with her in the hottle again haha. Ok I wanna sleep... See ya chao!
I want my results! But I also don't want to see it. Gahh Life.....
PS: To Annemarie and Annabel: Long Live CLASSICALS!!!!!
I want my results! But I also don't want to see it. Gahh Life.....
PS: To Annemarie and Annabel: Long Live CLASSICALS!!!!!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
I love exams now
Yo let's post about today... Ok as I have planned, I slept at 2 last night watching TV haha and woke up at 11 today! Haha. Then ate my lunch, watched some TV shows until about 4 then left to meet my aunt. My cousin is going to study in Singapore and the government is holding this test for international students to take part and from the results, they can go to the schools they can go to. All the best to him then! After meeting them we went to Plaza Sing for dinner at Ajitei, then we went to Pacific City. Looks like I'm buying a new ipod wheeee haha. And it's going to be chromatics! I saw them just now and they are uber-super-freaking cool and slim... But nevetheless, overall it's good. Then I went to Yamaha by myself to look for new scores or other things. Well they look like they're renovating I hope they are not moving somewhere coz the place is like getting smaller. Then we went walk walk and then home. Sigh you know what, I now prefer exam days... Where I sould use this time to study instead of blogging haha. Ok whatever I wanna go off. See ya
Life ooohhhh Life haha
Life ooohhhh Life haha
Friday, 10 October 2008
Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes times ten to the power of 8! It's OVER! the much DREADED exams which have been killing me. I can't believe it but I actually didn't touch my comp for 6 consecutive days! I was like busily studying like no one's business, and keep telling myself get away from computers.... Cause' that button is gonna kill me. Well I TOTALLY have no CONFIDENCE in every paper, no faith no optimism nothing! But well it was my first time feeling confident after doing my Physics, thanks Mr Goh! Well today was supposed to be a slack day but Alyssa and me were chosen to be the in charge of today's graduation ceremony. Thankfully it all went 97% perfectly, there were some hiccups etc... And some sec 2's were GRRRRRRR couldn't focus at all, so I did shout at them but sorry anyway, I lost my temper VERY rapidly when I'm stressed and in a noisy surrounding like just now. Well I heard someone failed Emath paper 2.... Maybe it's me? Maybe not? I'm not sure so yeah ok whatever, I just have to belive in myself yeah? Ok I'm so so so going to SLACK tonight to repay the braincells that got killed during the last two weeks. Ok see ya!
I don't know, really. If it is true, why can't you tell me?
I don't know, really. If it is true, why can't you tell me?
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Yo everyone, I'm back again.... And well sounds more dead! Decided to blog before I start my Bio revision. Ok exam update! Friday was SS and Emaths paper 2 and it's a TOTAL DISASTER. I've lost like 10 marks plus for EM paper and SS I'm afraid that I did not have a good linkage (as usual). I don't know really now I can't do anything just to hope that I didn't really lose so many marks. After exam was the usual studying in library program haha. Library was noisy in the beginning, couldn't really study. Then Ms Solastri came and it became so quiet, thank God haha. Then we decided to study after Ms Solastri gave some students a lesson, but some people didn't really study haha, I'm gonna post some pics for you to see.
A big group of people studying.... And look Min jia is like laying down her head all the time haha
Lookss like Waiyee is praying for something?

Drew some music notes even though I don't know whether it's playable

And Waiyee drew an image of Denise, quite cool eh?
Ok that's all for the pics and posts, Gotta study Bio, see ya!
I wish I could turn back time....

A big group of people studying.... And look Min jia is like laying down her head all the time haha

Lookss like Waiyee is praying for something?

Drew some music notes even though I don't know whether it's playable

And Waiyee drew an image of Denise, quite cool eh?
Ok that's all for the pics and posts, Gotta study Bio, see ya!
I wish I could turn back time....
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Hey people... I'm back... Just to blog for a little while... Cause' I need a BREAK! Haha ok I know I sound so dead but too bad, welcome to EXAM! Let me tell you about my past papers for this week. EL paper one, totally screwed my composition but essay writing was okay. CL paper one, quite good I think but found a mistake. EL paper two, looks like I'm dead for summary, hope my target of getting an A2 for EL comes true please??? Ok just done my revision for SS, I have been studying SS since like 12 P.M. Then yesterday I revised for History and I LOVE Stalin or should I love Hitler? I'm not sure really. I'm going to revise Emath soon, doing some of the papers and exercises. Anyway I wanna share ya'll a song by Groove Armada, it's called At the Tiver. Ironically, I've been searching for this song for errr...5 years! Since I was in P5. It was used as a background song in a Condominium advertisement back then, now I heard it again in a documentary advertisement in Arts Central and I knew this is the same old song I have been looking for. And what's funny is, the lyrics of the song goes "If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air...." And I actually typed it "If you find a sand dew and salty air" Funny huh, looks like I have to improve on my listening. You can check the song out at Youtube, I find the video quite cool too though! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KyPpHuIXZo and I must say that this is a GREAT song to CHILL after revisions, it works! Really. Ok I gotta go, see ya!
Fell much better after blogging, seems like my stress is passed to this dread blog.
Fell much better after blogging, seems like my stress is passed to this dread blog.
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