As much as I dread them, I really love them more than I dread them.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Alright, it's time.
No no no, I'm not dying or deleting this blog haha! I said this to say goodbye to my blog cause this will be the last post I'm writing before O Level. Yep it's exactly 7 more days AKA one week more to my war. Last war of my secondary school life. It's both exciting, and scary.
Firstly yes it's exciting because as I said I'm really looking forward to my Prom and Grad night which is at 16 and 13 Nov respectively. It's scary because... Tell me someone who is unafraid of O Level! Everyone is freaking out, hello haha. But as the saying goes.
Just give your best shot.
And when I say the best, I really mean the best. The best of your life so far.
So I really can't wait. Mrs Lee, and the other English teachers told us that in O Levels, we're supposed to write the best essay we have ever written in our lives. So yeah I can't wait to write the best essay of my life. I can't wait to solve that most difficult Math Sum. I can't wait to solve the questions of our lives, and the human body anatomy. The most intriguing Chemical reactions, and the most difficult Physics question. Woot!
Okay that is long heh.
Anyway yes, I have, I must and I will put my bestest, ever effort that during the O Levels. Arrgh I can't wait! 7 more days!
Errm alright I guess that's all for today. Hmm well I might, MIGHT blog during the O Levels. You know, those relieving stress stuff hehe. And to give you an update [but I know like super little people read my blog anyway] about my O Level. And I seriously can't wait to type these posts in my blog.
"One more week!" "3 more papers!" "LAST PAPER!"
And when it's all over, I'll realise how time fly quickly yes.
Okay people see ya and ALL THE BEST to ALL the SEC 4Es/5Ns OUT THERE who are taking their O LEVELS! We can do it! Let us all venture into the storm!
One more week. Wish me luck, bless me with luck. And Good luck people!