Wow, today I had quite a shock. While in school my 1st sis boyfriend smsed me saying that my 2nd sis is in the hospital going through citiscan, suspected for appenditits. I was so shocked! I rushed down to Paragon medical centre but I was so glad that it's tested negative.
But she's still feeling pain and will be going to the doctor tomorrow again, a different one (long story about today). I just hope that she's okay and nothing is happening to her. If it's negative, I suspected a pulled muscle somewhere near her stomach there. It can hurt too you know. Or maybe she's too tired or stressed so yeah.
I just hope that everything is alright. I'm so worried just now.
Anyway today was a great day (except for my sis' part haha). I loved the lessons, it was really fun. Had a good laugh in ONOW class though! Here's the joke. We're supposed to write our goals like in family wise, health wise and spiritual wise etc. So...
Me: My spiritual goal is to be vegetarian.
Alexis: And your obstacle is?
(laugh laugh laugh laugh)
Wei Ping: Solution is to eat chicken rice for a year and get sick of it.
We really had a good laugh there! It was so funny haha. After the class I rushed to Paragon to meet my sister. And we had dinner there. So yeah, I'm really glad that she's okay, hope that the pain will go soon.
And I'm happy to discover that Debra is joining band too! Yay a clarinetist whom I know is joining. Awesome yeah. Alright I got to go now. I wanna revise on today's topic again. See ya
I hope she's alright and fine! Hope nothing's wrong :)
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Lomography by Yours Truly
So why not kick it aside, and live a life full of cheers?
Yay, today was a great day and tiring day as well. So many things happened and yeah I think they are considered as good things haha. Lets talk about today.
Anyway today's A&P lecture was cancelled, so we get to come to school later. Instead of coming later , we (some od the 02 class people), went to play bowling! Had a great time playing, even though somehting happened in the end and I would not talk about this since everything is okay.
And we came late for the next class! Thankfully it's just a little late, like not 10 minutes late or anything like that. Anyway practical was fun, totally reminded me of Chem SPA cause it was titration. My partner was Nicholas, and I think we did well hehe.
After practical was Math lesson. And yeah never fail to enjoy Mrs Pearly's classes. Today we learned about Excel. Never knwe it was such a fun and wow-ing microsoft office application, since all I know it MS Powerpoint haha.
And yup, that was all for my studying part. While waiting for band, and while Candy waits for Kennedy and Rahul, and while Weiping wait to eat her cookies, we chilled near Colours. And the sky was so pretty! Should have brought my lomo along (planning to do so one day). Weiping went home, while Candy, Rahul, Kennedy and me chilled there waiting for time to go by.
Guess what, we were crapping a lot! Singing, making funny noises, making funny sounds, crap and crap and crap but... Total fun!
And I headed to FC5 to meet Alex before heading to band together. Met Bev too :) Band was...
I think I've made up my mind to join band (cause I was still unsure). But well, it's been 1.5 years plus since I played the clarinet, and now, we meet again. I met some of the freshies who also joined band. And the seniors are nice too. So yup, gonna come back for band. And sign up tomorrow! :D
Alright that's all for the day. Really tired. And crap, didn't revise tonight. Have to make up for tomorrow I guess. Righto, see ya all! I love the making-music-good-feeling once more! :)
Music is a part of my life. If there's no music, I'm incomplete.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Second week

Lomography by Yours Truly
Need to control this addiction :P
Crap, I just remembered I have a homework, and I'm not done with it! Well sort of done, I just need to finalise it yeah. I'm happy with the fact that I'm adapting to the poly life little by little, slowly by slowly. So yup!
Anyway lots of things happened haha, should start from yesterday.
Adeline, Jeslyn, Wei Qi, Neal and I decided to give Meng Fung a surprise on her birthday! Neal went to meet with MF to pass her some notes, not knowing that we were there too. So on the way to Bukit Batok Macs, we went to surprise her with a little cake. I hope she enjoyed it.
Followed by that we went to watch Shutter Island. I seriously love the movie. Though it may be disturbing, I totally love the plot. One of the best movies with the best plot ever! And after the movie MF had to rush home so we head back home.
And as for today...
Nothing much happened, just like an ordinary Sunday. Did lots of Lomography though! In Holland haha. I wonder how the picture will turn out. And also... I went for an evening run! I don't know how long I ran but I know I ran non-stop (almost) for about 30-45 mins. So I should run for about 3 - 4 KM long.
Alright that's all for today and yesterday. My second week is waiting for me! Gonna go and study. I hope this week will be a better week than last week. And I know it will be. Cause... I got a feeling, that this week gonna be a good week! See ya
And I'm so excited for French Class tomorrow :D
Friday, 23 April 2010
5th day
Today is the last day of my first week of poly life. One word to sum my first week all up? AWESOME haha. Seriously, awesome. Well alright firstly, I'm starting to enjoy poly life. I know it seemed hectic during the first few days but now, I learn the tips and tricks already. So yeah, and studying with Weiping and Candy is never not fun.
Firstly I learn that I HAVE to read before entering my class. This would ensure that I won't be so lost during lectures. Secondly, review my work. I have and I must review them after class. Well at least not continuously but well like one day after, and so on. Thirdly, play hard, rest well and enjoy life. That's it :)
But most importantly will be time management.
Anyway so many dates I have not update eh. Alright so basically we started learning Biochem. Which is a very fun module to me, even though it may be quite confusing. Dr Elangovan, our lecturer is one awesome lecturer!
And we learnt ONOW, which is taught my Mdm Mah. Guess what, she's the one who interviewed me for my DPA! And she's my personal tutor. And she remembered me and Candy so we are happy.
And let me see... Not so much for practicals as they are either cancelled, or just briefing cause we have not received out lab coat yet. So we've been enjoying "early" days and long hour break days but well, they are all gonna change from next week onwards. Oh great.
Oh, I have also....
Decided to join band! Thanks to the guy who played the trumpet today which I can hear clearly from across the field. It made me feel like seriously joining band. Cause his playing was so nice. And also thanks to my ipod and Youtube. Of their constant playing of my favourite song.
Right I'm very sleepy now so... See ya all then! I need to seriously change my sleeping pattern to prevent me from sleeping in class. Dangerous eh. Alright see ya!
In this world of vanity we're living in. Oh well.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Get my ass
Photography by Yours Truly
Get my ass to work!
Right, second day of poly life. One word to sum it up? Tiring. Again! Haha. Well maybe I'm just not used to this new life I'm having. It's so different from secondary school. When we have to move in just a 1 - 4 floors down and walk a few metres to the next class. Now I have to walk like quite a bit of distance from one lecture/tutorial to another. How awesome?
And today I met with Mr Mole Concept again. Oh God, I can't believe we meet again Mr Mole Concept. I have to brush up more on my triple sciences seriously. Thank God I don't have Physics (I think). And well after my Chem class, I had a 4.5 hours break! And Candy, Weiping and I headed to the library. WP did her math while Candy and I studies. We're so hardworking haha.
Oh well I seriously feel I have to start studying as soon as possible. And I totally regretted throwing all my notes. Damn, shouldn't have given them all to my juniors. It's time to buckle up and study! Yes! :D
After school, guess what. I walked home from SP! Within 28 minutes. Well I don't know the way back home (by walking) all I know is that there is a way, somehow somewhere somewhat. And with the help of my Nokia Maps (first time using it) I managed to find the way out hoho. A good exercise (cause I sweat a lot) but I won't do it so often, it's quite a far distance :/
Alright that' all for today. I'm sleepy again so it's time to sleep. Morning class tomorrow. Whew, must get used to it, must get used to it. Ciao~!
When your life is new, well. Get on with it!
Monday, 19 April 2010
First day
Photography by Yours Truly
And I wish and pray for a wonderful ending :)
So well, today was the first day of my poly life. And well to sum it all up in one word. It was tiring haha. Well maybe it was due to my sleeping late last night. I slept at 2.30 and woke up at like 8.30. Supposed to wake up at 8 but yeah.
Anyway met Weiping at 9.30 cause I wanna print out some stuff first before heading to class. In the library, wow, there are like lots of people printing notes, timetables etc. Hectic first day for them too I suppose. After printing headed to FC4 to eat and then headed to class.
First class was critical reasoning skill. Totally reminded me of ESS. The teacher is fun, and I gotta know my class for the first time. I'm glad they are pretty open and not those quiet ones who "don't accept" me cause I'm being an extra. Oh well I'm so happy.
Next was Mathematics A (I think). I was so tired and sleepy cause I went to have lunch before that lesson. Gosh I couldn't stand it! But well I didn't fell asleep thankfully. This time, I the class reminds me of Mr Sia lesson and F&L. Oh well, I survived her lesson. Oh she's fun too!
Lastly it was Basic Immunology. Oh wow it's totally Bio haha. I love Bio so enjoyed the class pretty much. Was a chance for me to refreshen up my memories about Bio since it's been what... 6 months since I didn't touch them? So yup.
Before heading home went to print more stuff with Candy. Haha and Candy did something funny! Somehow she changed her setting to print in A3 size paper. And it's like totally huge haha. Damn funny. But she re-printed. And oh we also bought our textbook :)
Alright currently I'm very sleepy. I mean really sleepy. So yup. I wanna head to bed. Gonna wake up early tomorrow too. See ya then!
Hope this new beginning, will have a smooth and fabulous path to follow.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Photography by Yours Truly.
Love today, love today!
Whew, I just had a wonderful cab ride home. Seriously, a naaaaiiiissseee cab ride home. Anyway tell you the story later. I went out with Jes and Neal again today. But this time we went to Clarke, not the usual place (like Orchard or etc haha).
Anyway went to eat lunch at Clarke with my sis in the afternoon. It was a nice ba kut teh, seriously nice haha! And the best part, you can top up the soup! And then we headed to Orchard to do some shopping. And I am looking for the OST CD of How to Train Your Dragon! Damn it is not out yet. But the funny thing is, the OST for Clash of the Titans is out. Weird.
Went to do more shopping. Got myself two pair of pants, two books (yay) and some others. I'm looking for pants anyway, for my poly hehe. Kind of weird to wear the same set of pants for a long time isn't it.
While my sis went home, I headed to Clarke to meet them. Errr I waited for thirty minutes for Neal, and we waited a few minutes for Jes. But never mind haha. Went to Settlers' cafe but it was fully booked. And somehow somewhat Neal's booking was not received. So we headed to Central cause Neal had not ate his dinner.
Then we decided to walk along the river. Thanks to Jes who brought me to those nice-to-take-picture places haha. And we had our first (maybe) experience to buying a Turkish Ice Cream! The man is so funny! So was Jes. But seriously, I made a fool out of myself there like seriously. And people were laughing at me. Oh my God!
And we took pictures, walk, took pictures and walk and chatted at the end. About the title of this post, I made this random (seriously random) posture of saying nice. Neal and Jes found it so funny that they made it like my "signature" nice move haha. And decided to take bus number 2.80 home. Figure out yourself :P
Now lets talk about my naiiiiissseee cab ride home. So basically, the route goes like Bukit Ho Swee --> Bukit Batok --> Ulu Pandan. I told the uncle to go by Jalan Jurong Kechil (JJK), and I think he interpreted "GO to Jurong Kechil". So at the end of JJK he asked me where to stop. I'm like huh? So I told him go straight.
Then we came across a junction. If I turn right, I'll go to Clementi Road (which is where I should go) and if I go straight I'll go to BKE (WRONG WAY). And I said go straight. Oh well, I'm so dumb dumb. But anyway he exited through Eng Neo Avenue and then through 6th avenue and yeah. I'm so glad I'm home. Was kind of freakish at that moment.
Alright that's all for this naiiiisssee day! Pictures on Facebook tomorrow, lazy and tired tonight haha. Ciao!
I'm happy that we still can meet up. 4 years of friendship. And counting on.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Flag day
Photography by Yours Truly.
Need to go for a photography session bad :(
Today was flag day. And uhh "business" was bad for me haha. Let me tell you the whole story.
Met with 1B22 at Outram and we headed out to start our flag day. Russ, Jian Ming, Stanley, Ka Yee and I went together and we decided to split. I didn't know where we went but well I was circling around Chinatown area. Let me tell you my route.
First I went to Outram, then to Chinatown, then to Clarke, then back to Outram and then I decided to walk around Chinatown for I don't know how long. Well I firstly thought that it was a brilliant idea to do that. And it was a good strategy. Well not for long haha.
Met Justing, Gary and Thwe Ni in which I took a break then. Thwe Ni was also having no luck like me too. Ashley called and I decided to meet with him. And let me tell you something super hilarious!
At first place Ashley and I decided to walk back to Outram. So I "lead" him back and guess what. We made a huuuuuuge circle and we walked back to the same place we started! It's so funny and tiring at the same time. And now we have to walk back to Chinatown to go by Ashley's way. And well it worked haha. Sorry Ash!
Met Russ, Stan and a new friend Amir hehe at Outram. We decided to head for lunch before continuing and we decided to go to Macdonald. Ate and talked for a while before we decided to go head back to Outram and try our luck again. I decided to stop while Russ and Amir continued doing flag day.
And now let me tell you what I've learnt from flag day. Do NOT JUDGE people by their looks. Somehow it is those aunties and uncles who are kind enough to donate to us, instead of those middle-aged people. And those businessmen and Caucasians are also the same. I was so impressed by some of the uncles and aunties I've met.
One uncle donated 4 times. Twice to me and twice to Ash. He said one for me, and one for you. An auntie APPROACHED me to donate instead of me approaching her. And she even told me that that was her fifth time donating. And Indian uncle shouted at me (I thought I was going to get scolding) and... Took out a coin to donate me.
And? Most of the middle-aged people donated to me, while others simply "diao" me or rolled their eyes at me or best one: Ignored me totally, without a smile, a head-shake, a no-signal, nothing.
And all I could do is to smile at them. Somehow I wonder, I think the only people who deserve my smile and my thank you are those who either refused to donate politely and most importantly, those who have donated to me!
But anyway, I'm not angry or whatsoever cause I've learnt the morale behind flag day.
Since flag day is a charity act in which we raise funds for those in need, I learnt that it is important to help them. Flag day is like symbolism to me. The act of flag day is like a symbol of how hard it is for those who are in need to earn money. Especially in this difficult time. So somehow I don't mind doing flag day, cause at least I know I'm helping someone somehow somewhere :D
Alright that's all for today. Last day of orientation for me tomorrow. International Student Orientation haha. Going there with Sem, Kelvin and Thwe Ni. Not sure about the rest. Hopefully it's gonna be awesome fun! See ya
It's not how much you give. It's hoe much you're willing to give.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Photography by Yours Truly
Love skies and winds.
Happy 400th post my dear blog! You've done well in bearing with my rants and complaints and anger and more. But well you made my life more meaningful with this haha.
I'm FINALLY done with my enrollment stuff! and I'm officially an SP DBS student! :D
But well uhh I checked my SAS and they say I'm in 1A/02, but I went to blackboard and they say I'm not enrolled yet. So... Which one is correct haha. Oh well I'm kind of sad to leave my 1B22 class. I made so much friends there and now I'm leaving? That is sad. But well Thankfully I have Weiping in 02 so not so lonely.
Anyway today was alright. Got my lab coat already. I took XL and I'm still wondering whether I should have taken L instead. L fits me nicely but Dr Tan says I have to get one size larger, since I'm using it for three years. So well, kind of ban xin ban yi haha.
After enrollment went to eat with Wei Ping, Candy and Kennedy. And then headed to Colours to study! Weiping, Ashley and I stayed to do prep maths together. While the others went to catch a movie in the library. Gosh I realised I have to brush up on lots of things huh. Bio, Maths and more. I love studying with them, and we have more studying session soon :D
And headed home and yeah that's all so far for today. Went to Popular to get some stuff on the way out haha. And oh, met lots of Tanglin people today. Somehow...
Tomorrow's my flag day! And I'm soooooo excited. Yeah. So. Hahaha. Anyway umm hopefully gonna have a good time during flag day. I enjoyed doing it so long I have friends with me haha. Well at least it won't be so boring right. Alright see ya all then :)
Life is never fair. Gotta remember that.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Photography by Yours Truly.
Then I don't understand why people can't accept one another.
Righto, yesterday and today were the FOP programmes basically. Yesterday was the Freshmen orientation and today was SPICE training and bonding session day. Uhh not bad for both, made new friends and bonded with the people of 1B/22. But!
I'm freaking class-less and it totally sucked. I mean, totally.
Firstly, on the first day itself we (Candy and I) have no class. We have no idea where to go, which class to go to and stuff. And when we approached the counter we straightly told them that we were class-less. And they were shocked, and we were smiling. Arrrgh.
Secondly, today. We couldn't do anything much for the SPICE training. Why? Cause we have not enrolled! Like again. We couldn't do our CLS declaration, can't do this, can't do that. Oh well yeha I'm glad that we have learnt about SPICE. But still?
Thirdly. I seriously have no idea why we have to go through the bonding session with the people of 1B/22 when we might actually change classes. I mean come on, after all the fun I had with them, all I get is a goodbye? And all I can do is to join another class (which I don't know yet). Well at least I know Ashley in 21, I know Wei Ping in 02. But still?
Arrrgh I'm so frustrated. Well not angry, it's just that I feel it isn't fair to us. It seriously feel sucky when you don't have a class. Imagine this, you're at a place where you are new at. You know little people, the rest are strangers to you. And these people have somewhere they belong to (a class). They can bond and have fun. And then came you. Who doesn't have a class. Like... Right?
I firmly believe that SP should change the enrollment process for DPA students. We should enroll at the same time together with the JAE people. Well at least we will go in together and stuff. And we won't feel so lonely and "lost" anymore right.
Oh well, what can we do. Even though we complain, we still have to go through this. And I keep reminding myself. Remember, you only go through this once and for all. Right?
Anyway today had an awesome day after the bonding session. Wanted to run on the track with Weiping, Candy and Ashley but it was raining super heavily. So we decided to head to the gym! First time like -seriously- exercising there. I ran for 30 minutes non stop :D Burnt about 200+ calories. Average heart beat 153. Wooooh haha.
I also played around with the gym stuff and it's really fun haha. Well first time going to SP gym so yeah I didn't know much things. Oh and I got my fat, muscle and body mass calculated. Okay so well yeah I need to lose more fats, and go to the gym more often. Haha, expected. Anyway the guy who helped us measure these is really a nice and friendly guy. And he said he can help me train. Oh well if I can to.
Ate dinner at Sumo after than since FC4 was close. Talked a lot there. Somehow we were talking about our schools haha. Like I just know Ashley school is... Yes. And we were talking about some of the embarrassing things that happened before. So funny. And as usual, B&J ice cream for dessert together :D
Alright that's all for today. I really hope that tomorrow's enrollment will be a breeze and will run smoothly. Sigh, really really want to get this over and done with. Kind of bothering my mind for the past few days. See ya all folks!
Oh yeah baby, French here I come! Bonjour Bonjour Croissant Croissant!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Catch up
Photography by Fish&Co guy.
I enjoyed the outing yesterday!
Right. Well umm my back is now looking really really scary and freaky. But awesome at the same time :D Because I went for the outing, and was under the sun without my shirt. I have... Sun Burn! And now the skin on my back is peeling off and yup. It looked really scary.
Anyway so many things to catch up with. Friday.
Went to Holland first to do my health check up and finish my bank stuff for SP. Whew it's like FINALLY done. After all the hustle and bustle I have to go through. Met Neal and Sem at Sumo for lunch. Oh wow, it's been a long time since I went there to eat together with them. That was like last year? Slacked there for a while before heading to school.
Met Cheryl and Annabel halfway and we went to school together. And I took a walk down memory lane. A wave of thoughts just rushed back in my mind. Anyway the achiever's day event was kind of awesome. We (4E1 award winners) were crapping around here and there on our seats. But it's so fun haha. And we took lots of pictures too.
After the whole event, the JJ people of 4E1 met us up and we headed to Fish&Co for... Supper? Or dinner actually. So fun, played lots of games and had an awesome time together. And it's a good opportunity to meet up and catch up with the rest as well. Oh sigh, again, it reminds me of how fast time flies. We were a bunch of secondary school kids a year ago and we are not either JC/Poly students.
That's all for Friday. Saturday.
Went to do my X-ray and finish up my banking stuff. And now I'm officially done with my SP enrollment stuff! Cause my mum faxed me my birth certificate already. Went to Orchard to shop with my sis. And lunch too. I bought a toy camera which produces awesome shots! Check my facebook for the pictures under Lomography.
At night... Neal called me and ask me whether I wanna meet up at Holland's Starbucks. Well I have nothing to do so I joined him an Jeslyn! Talked a lot there and we were happily talking about the We Are the World song, both new and old one. And I was happily trying to imitate Wycleff Jean singing and making fun of Justin Bieber mwahaha.
Ate supper at Crystal Jade. The Dim Sum was lovely and I have to fight with Neal by playing either scissors paper stone and cai quan. I won once, he won once. And th most funny thing is when we told ghost stories... And we were so scared to go home! Haha. But well we headed home quite late. Kind of feel guilty cause Neal got scoldings by his mum.
Anyway today.
Today did nothing much. An ordinary Sunday with an ordinary activity. Tried eating at the new Korean restaurant at Holland though. The BBQ stuff is so expensive! We ended up ordering those ala carte stuff. But not bad for them.
And I'm excited for tomorrow! Cause it's my Freshmen Orientation Programme haha. Meeting up with my fellow tubbies as well :D And hopefully with my course-mates and my school mates. Alright time to bathe, see ya!
I came up with a new line!
When the world doesn't accept you, it doesn't mean that you don't belong to this world. It just means that you are not accepting yourself :)
Thursday, 8 April 2010

Photography by Yours Truly.
Sometimes I miss the way things used to be :(
Today was another awesome day with my teletubbies! I love the movie, I love the cycling, the walking, I love the talking cock and I love today haha. It's awesome :)
Anyway met Candy and Kennedy in the morning to accompany them to change their enrollment date. And I went there to ask some questions. And my answers are kind of horrifying. Firstly. I need to go for another blood test! Oh my God... Well I'm kind of immune to needles, just that I hate the prospect of knowing that I'm gonna be poked.
Secondly, I went to Jurong to take my blood test today. Guess what? The clinic was so full that I have to wait for at least an hour to register. It was 10 AM and I'm leaving for Pasir Ris at 11. Okay so I skip the whole thing and went back to SP to meet back with the rest. How pissing!
The pissing thing is not about this. Last year I went for an HIV test (which is and always is negative haha) and gave it to SP during my DPA enrollment. And the guy asked me to give it next year (this year) for enrollment. So when I gave it again today, the lady was, I'm sorry it's unacceptable and I have to go back and do another blood test! What the flower!
Oh well but anyway, trained to Pasir Ris with Candy, Kennedy and Thwe Ni (who stopped at Raffles Place) and met the rest of the group. Lunched with them and then watched how to train your dragon. It's a very awesome movie! I love the music especially. The storyline is kind of nice too. I can see lots of symbolisms, ironies and themes.
After movie cycled and played at the play ground at Pasir Ris park. It's really fun! Awesome and somehow we seem to go back to our childhood days. Everyone was acting like a child haha, but we had fun! We played until evening and then headed back to white sands for dinner. and of course, took a long train ride back to Clementi with the rest, with our anti-social device.
And... I'm excited for tomorrow cause I'm going back to school to take my award haha! I don't know since when the school is so kind to ive the top scorers awards. Which they usually don't. Perhaps they are rich now haha. And meeting back with my friends! Woosh woosh, so excited. And I hope they will allow me to take some shots of the band. Cause I wanna do that hehe.
Alrighty, gonna have busy days ahead with banks, bloods (GRRR) and admission stuff. Whew, I hate enrollment but got to keep it in mind that I'm doing this once and for all. So yeah, be with it! Okay see ya all then :D
I love the weather today :)
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Photography by Yours Truly
I love them to the max!
Ah crap, I wanna blog before I reached the 12 AM mark but... Too bad. Anyway I had an awesome day today with 4 of our tubbies! Candy, Weiping, Ashley and Yan Kang hehe. And my back is seriously hurting now cause of the sunburn. It's really really pain. Just had a aloe vera session on my back and face hoho. Hope it can improve my condition.
Anyway, met them at about 2 plus. I went to SSC first to collect my enrollment package. I met Kelvin there too and guess the first thing he said? You look tan. I knew it haha. Well we were surprised by what we have to do. It's like... Completing thousands of forms (well not thousands but you know) and I have to like settle the school fees (which is huge for me) in one freaking day?!
So I was like telling the lady sorry but I can't do it tomorrow. I just tell that straight after I hear what I have to do. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to finish those things in one day. Oh well, I guess they just don't understand. And some of my friends are also shocked and unhappy about what they are supposed to do. Oh, I'm not going tomorrow but on the 14th instead.
I met them at FC5 and we headed to colours @ library to study. Weiping, Candy and Ashley were studying. So hardworking! I was doing the enrollment stuff while Yankang was on his laptop too. I joined Ashley and help Weiping with her prep maths question later on. Lunched at FC3 after that and...
We run!
Yup all of us headed to SP's track and ran together. Well I was running/walking/jogging at the same time. Candy, Yan Kang and I ran 4 KM. And I'm so happy and surprised that I ran the first 4 rounds non stop. After that I started to slack. Ashley ran about 11/12 rounds, Weiping ran for 20 rounds... She's so unbelievable. And yes she ran non stop.
Anyway thanks to Candy and Ashley's encouragements, I kept on running and running, trying to get myself in focus. And thanks a lot to Candy for running with me for all the 10 rounds. And Ashley for pushing my back to make me run faster haha.
So well I ran 4 km in 34 minutes. I considered that as slow, knowing the fact that I ran my 2.4 in 18 minutes. That's horrible. I ran that in 12 minutes last time (6 minutes difference -.-"). My level of fitness surely dropped eh. Anyway everyone was telling me not to care about the time. It's the effort and the distance that counts. Not the time. Which is true!
I'm really really blessed to have such friends, who push encourage me to do something in which -in everyone's eyes- it seems foolish to me. I mean come on. When I said I wanna run, they said you can do it meh? And now these 4 people were like come and join us. They don't even care how slow I run. At least they ask me to join them right?
So sometimes I wonder. I may be fat. But I'm proud of it. Cause at least I am who I am, and not someone I have to be in the eyes of others. Like duh? I don't wanna slim down for the sake of pleasing people so that they can no longer tell me "you're fat" No. I wanna be who I am.
Oh gosh, I'm so emotional right now. Cause it sucks to be fat and I'm trying to lose it. But the world just don't accept people being fat. Oh well... Ces't la vie!
Okay I can't wait for tomorrow's outing again with my fellow tubbies. Gonna go and upload some pictures as promised to them so see ya!
It's the world. It's life. I've no choice but to live it.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Sentosa :D
Today's Sentosa outing with my fellow CLS campers and Mama and Papa is awesome! Woots, love the tubbies-to-tubbies talk I had with my fellow teletubbies group. And Love the games. Love the talkings we did, and most importantly, getting my skin burned! It's like so red now, and it's PAINFUL. Especially when it rubs against something. My back! Ouchiie.
Anyway met teletubbies at 1030 at Harbour Front MRT. We headed to Giant to get some water, Candy and I went to breadtalk and get some bread haha. Cause I didn't have breakfast. And then we headed to.... SENTOSA! And we took the monorail, which is a first time for me. It's kind of fun squeezing like I don't know how many people in one train. How awesome.
Reached Palawan Beach and we started playing volleyball, slacking game, master bunny and more! But truly love the tubbies - to - tubbies talk I had with my fellow tubbies. So fun, especially... Talking about.. AHEM. Anyway yeah.
Time flies really quickly and we went to bathe. Oh gosh, all the boys were complaining about their sunburn pain. Cause it's really really pain just to carry your bag! And then we have to walk a bit slowly so that it won't brush against too much.
Headed back to Vivo and the boys had Carls Junior while the girls had Long John Silver. I really love eating with them, under the starry sky and the sea breeze brushing against you. Hmm, it's really nice and relaxing. We were talking a lot too, so makes it more fun!
And we headed home of course after that. Pictures uploading tomorrow, lazy to upload today haha. Anyway now I'm currently having a high session with my fellow tubbies. We're seriously high in MSN now. No idea why haha. See ya!
PAIN, my back ouchy ouchy!
Monday, 5 April 2010
To leave, or not to leave
Tell me, which way should I go?
Photography from
I find this road interestng. So should I take it?
Oh well, the dilemma thing yesterday. Let me talk about it here alright hehe. Do voice out your opinion if you wish to in the tagboard.
Alright so since secondary school, I have always this mindset of joining band in my next level of education. So well yeah I have the mindset of joining band in poly of course. But now somehow this mindset changes. Like totally.
Now I'm thinking of leaving my band life in polytechnic.
Well there are lots of reasoons to why I made this decision (wait I mean the decision of thinking to leave band, not leaving band). Firstly is my fear of not being able to cope with my studies. Biomedical is not an easy course as what I heard from my seniors. Well it may be hard but well, it's what I want to do of course.
But well the reply I get from other seniors is that it's all about time management.
Which is very true.
Next, I fear that (this is the most ironic reason) I will be like the lousiest player in the band. I know that SP band is good. Well the last time I heard them was in 2006 haha. And I was really wow-ed by them. But I still know that it is good. Cause there was once when I hear a flute player playing his flute and... Oh my God. It's so good hahaha.
So well the ironic thing is that I told myself once that I'm going to join band in the pursue of my passion and dream. Not the fact that I compete and be the best among others thing. So why do I feel inferior? I don't know either. It's just this feeling that pops out suddenly in my head.
Those are the two main reasons why I was thinking of not joining band in poly. And there are a few reasons here and there in which I don't wanna say haha. But well those reasons are about there as well.
So now I'm seriously in consusion, in a dilemma, troubled and all the words you can say. And somehow this dilemma is affecting my mood cause I've been thinking about this. Oh sigh, well hopefully I can be okay ASAP.
The reason why I think so much about this (in which I know some of you might think "It's just a CCA") is because music is a huge part of my life. I kind of agree with Sem's post on facebook. What will I get in return if I don't join band? True huh. So yeah, I have to think of this decision carefully. And I love music. I can't live without it.
Anyway, I'm really excited for tomorrow's CLS FO and seniros outing! Hopefully tomorrow's weather will be fine and nice. And everyone's gonna have tons of fun! Alright see ya and sigh, hopefully I can find the solution to this dilemma as quickly as possible.
Life without music is like life without water to me.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Hmm, today was a rainiy day. And never underestimate what rain can do to your body bot physically and mentally. You can get fever when walking in rain (physical) or flu or etc. And you can... get very very sleepy when it is raining! Trust me, I was feeling really really sleepy today. And I have no idea why, even though I had a pretty much good sleep last night.
Oh and by the way, blogging with my lappy again :D
Anyway I wanted to blog last night but was too tired and lazy haha. So well yesterday I saw Neal sms when I woke up, asking me to go out. Then he called me, then Jeslyn joined, and we both planned to go out basically. And somehow co-incidentally, we were still laying on our beds! AKA we just woke up. So funny.
Met Jes at Vivo, Neal was late haha, by 30 minutes. But it's alright. Waited for him and we headed to eat lunchf irst at the chicken rice shop. Kind of shows how I love chicken rice, like in camp haha. Anyway after that went to walk around Vivo. Jes was looking for an earpiece/headset. Headed to Challenger and nothing.
I told her we could go to Funan to the headphone gallery. I wanna go there too to look for a more comfortable head set. Currently mine is kind of painful to the ear. Well I got mind, but she hasn't got hers. I bought another one which is nice and comfortable. The bass is nice too. Ate at Paradise Inn. I (or rather we) swear not to eat the zhi ma hu (black sesame paste) there again. All of us got stomachache after eating that. And it's sour.
Headed to Iluma cause we wanna try Jes' yoghourt shop thingy. And ate dinner at Manhattan fish market. And again, no more fish market haha. We prefer Fish&co. And then we trained back to home of course.
Today was a nothing to do much day. It was just as ordinary as an ordnary Sunday haha. Just that I felt really sleepy today. And I cooked dinner. Not bad, yummy haha.
Looking forward to Tuesday's CLS FO outing with my fellow teletubbies again. Gonna be awesome and fun. And hmm my mood hasn't been good these days. Cause I'm in a dilemma of thinking whether I should leave my band life in poly. I'm seriously in confusion right now.
Oh well, see ya then. Gonna be a long weel, hopefully I'll have things to occupy myself this week, Hopefully the registration and stuff will happen this week, And I'm making my student pass soon too. Okay see ya.
Music is a huge part of my life. So I'm thinking really really deeply.
Oh and by the way, blogging with my lappy again :D
Anyway I wanted to blog last night but was too tired and lazy haha. So well yesterday I saw Neal sms when I woke up, asking me to go out. Then he called me, then Jeslyn joined, and we both planned to go out basically. And somehow co-incidentally, we were still laying on our beds! AKA we just woke up. So funny.
Met Jes at Vivo, Neal was late haha, by 30 minutes. But it's alright. Waited for him and we headed to eat lunchf irst at the chicken rice shop. Kind of shows how I love chicken rice, like in camp haha. Anyway after that went to walk around Vivo. Jes was looking for an earpiece/headset. Headed to Challenger and nothing.
I told her we could go to Funan to the headphone gallery. I wanna go there too to look for a more comfortable head set. Currently mine is kind of painful to the ear. Well I got mind, but she hasn't got hers. I bought another one which is nice and comfortable. The bass is nice too. Ate at Paradise Inn. I (or rather we) swear not to eat the zhi ma hu (black sesame paste) there again. All of us got stomachache after eating that. And it's sour.
Headed to Iluma cause we wanna try Jes' yoghourt shop thingy. And ate dinner at Manhattan fish market. And again, no more fish market haha. We prefer Fish&co. And then we trained back to home of course.
Today was a nothing to do much day. It was just as ordinary as an ordnary Sunday haha. Just that I felt really sleepy today. And I cooked dinner. Not bad, yummy haha.
Looking forward to Tuesday's CLS FO outing with my fellow teletubbies again. Gonna be awesome and fun. And hmm my mood hasn't been good these days. Cause I'm in a dilemma of thinking whether I should leave my band life in poly. I'm seriously in confusion right now.
Oh well, see ya then. Gonna be a long weel, hopefully I'll have things to occupy myself this week, Hopefully the registration and stuff will happen this week, And I'm making my student pass soon too. Okay see ya.
Music is a huge part of my life. So I'm thinking really really deeply.
Friday, 2 April 2010
CLS Camp!
The CLS camp is...
So AWESOME!!!!!! :D
I love my group teletubbies, mummy Wei Yi and daddy Joel! And all the time we all shared together in the camp! It is one of the best and awesome camp I've ever been to!
Anyway prepare for a long post!
So first day met with Justin, Thwe Ni, Candy, Gary and Russ at FC5 first. Met with a freshie called Firman and he's in Chemical Engineering. Then all of us had a small breakfast and we head off to meet the others near DSD. And we broke up into our groups.
And my group is called... TELETUBBIES! It was Candy's idea. I thought it was a funny idea cause I was reminded of some teletubbies ghost (our theme is freak show). But it turned out that everyone loved the idea of teletubbies. So we made our flags and do our cheer (which is loved by all the GMs and OCs!)
Then headed to bunk and proceeded to our games etc... Not realising we have two "traitors" in our group who are GMs and they took our flags and bottles away (-.-"). That Bryan (or Rui something) guy is like the best one. He really looked and acted like a freshie... He even talked to me... Ask me which school I am from, my course etc. And he's a GM. Gaahh. And Hui Xian who acted like another freshie too!
First day game was fun! The mud, the flour, the eggs (lets make a cake :P) and the water. And the coca cola plus garlic chilly drink. Gross. But fun! And I really love our group's enthusiasm. Like when other groups hate forfeit, we cheered and said.
"We love forfeit! We love forfeit! We love forfeit!"
First night was night walk. My partner was Jen and she rocks haha! Not an ordinary girl. We talked and crapped a lot during the night walk to keep us entertained and not so scared. And the best part was my action of repeating "I love chicken rice x 1000". And now the GMs and OCs call me the chicken rice guy mwahaha.
Second day was town-amazing race. The games are fun too, and again, I love our groups enthu-ness of doing all the games in public. the forfeit was a bit of an ahem (especially the card one) and some of the games as well but we love it! And we love forfeit, again! Mwahaha. It was tiring but it was fun walking along together, playing Daniel's "touch" game. And somehow it is during the walking that we bonded a lot as we talked along.
Trained back to school, bathed and then played a night game around SP. Chasing the freaks is like chasing the impossible. They are cross-country runners and they run REALLY fast. And then being chased by the jokers is another cool experience too. We were like freaking out to see red lights. But over all it was fun.
Campfire! Is one of the best part of the camp. Well.. That's because I am one of the shims in the shim night! AKA I was dressed like a girl. But please. I am STRAIGHT lol! Me no gay okay. Russ and Justin are shims too. But hmm... Justin, the 5th and 6th shim totally made the rest of the shim looked normal! Seriously speechless. And Justin is our shim winner! Haha
Well I don't mind being the shim for my group. Cause my group's motto is... Balls are more important than FACE!
Third day was normal, nothing to do much except for the packing up and etc. And we won the best group award! Woohoo! I thought it will be the Mad Haters who'll win cause they are like super ra-ra. But turned out that we won. Well daddy and mummy say the OCs love our team spirit and originality. Our first cheer is like their loved cheer haha.
Oh and we are supposed to get this like good and bad reviews from our team members. I seriously laughed looking at some of them. It goes like:
"You're not straight" (I am straight, no worries)
And someone else wrote
"Please be more gay" (I seriously hope a girl wrote this O.o) (And this is the opposite of the above!)
Best one
"You love chicken rice too much"
And Candy's and my favourite
"Being an enemy for a lot of times!"
So funny eh! But seriously, I don't know what to write on the bad columns of my friends. I mean they are all so good! Well so I wrote like "love chicken rice more" or "talk more or more enthu". And best for Wei Ping is "please laugh at my jokes" haha.
Anyway yup, that's all for the camp. Loved it totally! My group was like quiet during the first day. We didn't talk much, we didn't socialise, we didn't get high. But as the day goes, we all bonded more (especially during the games) and thus we all socialise more. So I love this transition where we all turn from strangers to brothers/sisters. It's not in every camp you got this you know.
And would like to thank mummy Wei Yi, papa Joel, my beloved teletubbies members all the GMs and all the OCs for this awesome camp! I really don't regret joining this camp and I don't regret being a SHIM! You only live once, so live it!
So yup! I love the CLS camp very much! And I would love to go next year as a a crew. Either as a photographer or a GM. Cause it's really fun haha. Love it! Okay anyway, I'm really tired and I sound like I break my voice for the second time... Super coarse. I can't even talk properly. So I'm being very very quiet now. Okay see ya peeps!
I'm proud to be a CLS student mwahaha.
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