Don't mind the title, it's a song by pink martini! I discovered the band through their rendition of Que Sera Sera in Youtube. It's such a catchy song! And the best thing? It's in French mwahaha. C'est une magnifique song! And their rendition of Que Sera Sera is lovely as well. I like their style of songs, pretty simple and nice (Y).
Anyway today was a nice Saturday. It's literally a I-didn't-do-anything-Saturday. I failed when I told myself I want to study in the morning. But anyway as I once said to myself, I want to make Saturday an off-day for me. I want a system where I work hard on weekdays, and and off on Saturday, and then back on Sunday to study. It's not good to have a 7/7 studying days uh.
Anyway a friend of mine SMSed me telling me that she's stressed. It's only the beginning of the year and she's already stressed. So I told her to constantly take breaks, and don't stress herself up! It's not good either to study hard for the sake of getting good grades, while you're jeopardising (okay that word is too dramatic but..) your health, and your mind.
I believe one should spread their workload in one semester long. Don't do things on the 11th hour of course. And neither do we push our work in the early times, and let us suffer in the beginning. Life is all about balance. There's time to play, there's time to study, there's time to give yourself emptiness, there's time to do something you love. Many.
Was reading the 7 effective habits book, and it says something like if you're being too school centred, you tend to only focus on getting good grades. While actually, you're going to school to study and earn knowledge. Not grades. So if you go to school saying you want to top the cohort, you want to be the top in class. Then you shouldn't come to school at all.
You can make being the top of the cohort a goal. But not something you go to school for. Well who doesn't want to be the top of the cohort right? I want to be it too (even though I know I won't). But yeah, ultimately don't just study to get good grades. Ultimately in life, life will test you not based on the grades you have. Life isn't only about getting good grades after all.
It's like well, personally, I don't want to study so hard that I literally have no life at all. I don't want to focus on just getting that 4.0. I want to lead a balanced life between studying, and playing, and resting. That's why if I see a shooting star, I won't wish for a 4.0. I'll wish that I have balanced life between studying, resting, and playing. Make more sense no?
And so why am I talking about studies!! Hahaha.
Alright I guess that's all for today. So love the fact that Monday is a holiday, and I'm going for an outing with my lovely FLC editorial mates :D Sweet. So... I have to study tomorrow! Make full good use of the long weekend. Remember, it's balance! See ya all.
Sublime emptiness.