Sunday, 27 January 2013

Laneway Festival Singapore 2013!

Laneway Festival Singapore 2013!

Hello earthlings it's been a while since I blogged! Oh well. Anyway yesterday was such an awesome awesome awesome day! Cause I went to Laneway Festival Singapore 2013! With Lizzie, her sister and her sis' friend Sam! PS: Thanks for helping me get the ticket at the bundle price too hehe. I wanted to go alone really (since I didn't know anyone coming) but yeah thanks a lot anyway, my Laneway was less lonely I suppose! :)

Liz sister, Sam and Liz!
PS: Liz and her sister REALLY look like each other!

The festival, being my first music festival ever (should have gone for 2012 one!), it was such a blast! Both the music and the artists and the shows! 4 of my favourite artists were there. Kings of Convenience, Of Monsters And Men (OMAM), Kimbra and Gotye. I've never really heard of the other bands, but after hearing them yesterday I'm falling in love with them! Real Estate was awesome, Alt J and Bat for Lashes! The rest was fantastic too!

KoC! Erlend and Eirik rocking the stage!
Minus the cameraman meooowww

KOC was nice too, though I only caught them for their last two songs (which nevertheless were my favourite songs!), it was so nice to see Erlend dancing around haha. I love his quirky and hip character! And to end their set with "I'd rather dance with you" is such a perfect song. I was dancing to the beat. So nice! I hope I can catch their concert one day :)

 Of Monsters And Men!
Life's to-do-list: watch them live

I was really looking forward to OMAM performance cause they're my favourite band after all heh. It was such a goooooood time! I went in front with Lizzie to the crowd and it was such a wonderful time dancing and singing to their songs! I love everything, especially Little Talks cause .... @#$@#$$% I can't describe it in words. Just pure awesomeness! Just arggghhhh, so good! I took a video of Little Talks, so that I can immortalise the moment! Fyeah!

Nanna and Raggi singing it out

Well it was just blissful to go up and have fun, dancing and singing, losing yourself and forget the world. Forget whatever I'm worried about before I went to the festival. Forget life! And just have fun with music. Love the atmosphere really!

Such a fabulous day isn't it?

But I enjoyed watching the other singers back at the meadow too. Though it was a SCORCHING day but it was worth it no matter what. I'm burnt now but it's all good hehe. I love the ambiance of the whole festival. There's this jovial and lively feeling to it. Feels like everyone is here for one thing and that is music. And this atmosphere is just something so wonderful I can't describe. We need to have more Laneway festival! Yes! Just pure awesomeness hehe.

Kimbra rocking out!

Kimbra was a blast as well, love how she just went all out during her performance. It was nice, love her a lot! Plus her set was during the transition of day into night and so it was really wonderful in so many ways haha. Gotye was amazing as well. He's so down to earth! After most of his songs he would say "cheers" and he talked with us. And I thought he's not gonna sing "Somebody That I Used To Know" but hey, Kimbra was there to surprise us (Y).

 Gotye and his beautiful visuals

Ah well Laneway was such an amazing festival. Enjoyed myself a lot. It was 12 hours of pure eargasm from Indie Music. I really love it. If only Sigur Ros was there hahaha. I just love the energy, the ambiance and everything else about the festival. Thankfully the weather was lovely (though scorching) but it was nice! Imagine a rainy Laneway. No no no haha.

And oh when Tame Impala was playing at like 11, I was lying down on the grass patch. The night was clear and the moon and stars was shining. It was just wonderful. So blissful and really... Ahh.... It's like I just want to say "This is life" haha. And the wind was blowing quite strongly but it was nice. Feels like once again, life was slowly melting away.

That's the thing about Indie music. When people listen to what I listen (mostly) most of their response will be "What kind of song is this?!" or "You listen to this kind of songs?" or best "You have a weird taste in music". Well that's the thing! Indie music are those music that doesn't have to "make sense" (or so as what other people deem suppose to sound like) but they just SOUND GOOD! Well afterall, music, like art, is a very subjective thing.

It was just a nice thing to dance, and sing, and move to the songs played by the various artists yesterday. People may find me weird, but that's how I feel about the music. There are even people who stand up and dance to the songs. And I'm totally fine with that. Well to put it this way, imagine you're hungry and you have no food. That's how we feel if we're not allowed dance and move along to the songs we like. Ah music is music. Seriously food for the soul.

Lizzie and I! :)

 I wouldn't count myself as an Indie person. Like I listen to Indie 24/7 etc. I'm a general music lover, but I lean towards the Indie-ish side. Their melody may not make sense, their lyrics may be random things, they may be loud and crazy. But to me they are still music. I listen to a lot of genres, but well maybe you can say, Indie is the genre I wouldn't mind listening to all my life. I hope that answers the question. Aiyah, I love music! Haha

Okay that's all for today. To an awesome week ahead! Thank you Laneway for giving my January a beautiful ending. Kudos to everyone who made the event possible, the organisers, the artists, the crews and everyone else! I really hope to come back for Laneway another time. I hope this is not my first and last Laneway ever. Oh well we will see :)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

My Life Is An Open Book

Picture post tonight! :) 


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Before I graduate

The place I will miss
Back in its former glory
(before the umbrellas are up)

Today was a lovely Tuesday I must say. Though I woke up late, and couldn't make it for some lunch raawrr! Blame the bus (and blame me too) for coming late! But anyway it's good cause I finally managed to get myself a cup of Mr Bean soymilk for breakfast. Which I never get in a long long time. I'm still glad the aunty still remembers me. And she said to me, hao jiu bu jian! Which means long time no see in Chinese. Reminds me of my ITP days!

Well I stopped drinking soymilk every morning back in like November I think. Cause I was scared I'll get breast cancer HAHAHA. And also they say something about some phytochemicals in it which may cause cancer too. Scary! But again, more research is needed to prove these theories. Besides I got the info off internet -_-

Anyway after school I was so hungry, so we decided to grab a bite. I really love the lok-lok from FC3 haha. And it was a great time talking and chatting with Kai, Candy and Syaz. And thank you Syaz for joining me to Clementi! Enjoyed the Tutti Frutti session too haha. I finally got the stuff I need for my "project" and I hope it will go smoothly.

On the way to Clementi (and there) Syaz and I were talking about what to do before we graduate. Any wish list... What do we want to do and so on. Well I still have some stuff I want to do before I graduate! And I'm glad I have already done some in the past year. Things like busking, going back to band, performing in concerts, being part of a camp and so on.

And there are also things I want to do still, before I graduate! Stupid things like, climb that hill behind T11C (instead of taking the stairs), I want to swim in the swimming pool, take a ride in that electric car thing (this is like everyone's wish haha). I want to "abusively-use" SP facilities before I graduate. No I'm not going to destroy them, just wanna enjoy them before I leave.

Ultimately though, I just want to have an awesome and wonderful last term in SP. Before I graduate, I want to spend time with my friends, to enjoy and bask in the school to the fullest. I've "lived" in this school for the past 3 years. Being in SP has allowed me to do so many things, many 20-year old like me cannot do. SP is really, my second home for the past three years.

I want to graduate, of course we all do. But I surely know that I will miss the school very much. That I will miss my friends very much. My lecturers, my life in this school. And time has to definitely move on. We'll go on our different ways and paths after graduation. And life will seem dreary and dreamy, to think of the future. As sweet, as bittersweet the past can be, life's bittersweetness have to move on too. We can't just be stuck in one position no?

Ah well, I contemplate impermanence.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Sad song

 Pine cone dream

I'm currently hooked to Lenka's song "Sad Song" once again. Though I knew this song like last year... Or two years ago I forgot. But yeah it's really such an upbeat song that makes you sad! Haha. Which goes in line with the lyric of the chorus which goes:

Sing me a sad song and make me feel better
Sing me a happy song and I might start to cry

How true is that! Right?

Anyway once again I'm very sorry for not writing. Once again school has caught me up and life was yeah. Busy. Or, I simply forgot to blog cause the weekend's weather was just so beautiful for slacking away! Haha. It was good... Cause it rained the whole Saturday and I was just lazying around the day. Then I met up with Vith and Jerri for dinner. Yum.

These days, actually there's another reason why I didn't blog that often.

Because I want to spend time alone at night. Less of writing in blog, but just... Being alone. There's this sense of joy when I'm alone, I don't know why. Plus, thinking about those things make me sad. And when I think of it, I feel even sadder and I lost my thoughts and feel for writing. So yeah hope you don't think I'm neglecting you. As much as I don't want to.

But well life is life, c'est la vie.

I know the days ahead are going to be brighter. Like the sun shining in spring! Bringing joy and warmth to people after the coldness and gloominess of winter. Life, is just life really. Silly me haha.

Good night dwellings of earth.

I think happiness is something difficult to find these days
Not because it's wiped out of the surface of earth
Not because it has decided to leave is alone, suffering
But because of the things we do, the things we say
The things we feel, the way we see life as it is
We do things that remind us of unhappiness
We create unhappiness, when happiness is there for us
We forgot about happiness
Because the things we do, just make us unhappy

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Forget the world

 And until the day I die
I won't escape from this
We won't

Whew, today was a good Tuesday I guess. Somehow after yesterday's presentation I felt really... Relieved. I mean well now we get to get some "rest" before continuing to the next part of the module. And I'm still working on deciphering the paper for current topics. Which is really @#!23!@#$@# but nevermind, one step at a time. I can do this.

And today was a handphone-paralysing day because there was something wrong with M1 and so we were having errors with our phones. Well it started late last night I remember my phone not having any signal. Then in the morning, no signal. Then late morning it was back to normal but I couldn't switch on my mobile network. So yeah it was... Okay I guess, not having internet for the whole day. At least I can call and sms. That's the main function of a phone right?

Though I heard some people couldn't even call or even receive sms whew.

Well isn't it funny how technology helps us a lot, making our life easy and so on. But then when it fails us, we blame it, complain and swear like there's no tomorrow. To think that humans could once live without it, then why can't we live a day without technology? Then I just remembered. Oh yeah, there's a term we know as evolution. Of course.

When I reached home I just slept cause I was really tired, I don't know why. So tonight I decided not to do work at all and just rest, do whatever I want to do. Felt like it's been a long time since I did this. Oh well at least now I get to do it. And I hope I can do it more often. Life's about balance of course, I can't do this everyday right.

Anyway I'll be meeting Brenda tomorrow! It's been such a long long time since we met so yup looking forward to it! And then there's a talk as well. Tomorrow's gonna be a great day :) And it definitely will be better than today.

Okay that's all for now I guess. Goodnight.

I can't afford to feel sad every night. But how? When I think of it, I'll be sad.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Hello, again

 Impermanence, is what keep me going

Oh gosh what have I been doing, it's been 10 days since I've last wrote here! Well I'm really sorry, though I should stop that habit since I... Really need to blog more here haha. I've neglected you so much in 2012, I don't wish to do the same in this year so yeah. Okay I will write more often here. The only problem is that, I spent most of my weeknights doing work.

So well basically there's something I need to do almost every night. Of course when I mean by something it's work. School work. Things to read, presentation to make, notes to write etc. I know I only have 2 modules but well I suppose, it's really a packed term when you have two modules for a term. A short term. So well things can get really busy.

Anyho, I'm here now. The past two weeks of school has been really quite packed but I'm coping well. It's rather scary to think of fast time will be flying in this last term. Can't believe I'm already done with two weeks of school! Well what can I say but I'm going to live the remaining weeks to the fullest! Cause it's the last weeks of my poly education.

Well yesterday I spent the whole day at IBN International Symposium, attending a total of 19 seminars! It was my first time attending a symposium. I'm really mind-blown by these seminars, some of their findings are really interesting, and they remind me again of how hardworking and dedicated these scientists are! Really inspired and awed by them.

The student forum was also interesting, though it was a short 1.5 hours, it was a refreshing ending to the seminars haha. Well I really enjoyed the insights given by the panel of the forum, it was an interesting one. Well, what I learned from the forum is that.

Having a passion is more important than knowing what you want to do in life

I bet some of you may disagree with me of course. Planning is important - knowing what you want to do in life. But well sometimes in life, you don't have to absolutely know what you want to do in life. What I mean is that if lets say now, you don't know where to go, you don't have to necessarily do what you're doing now in the future.

I guess many people many people see life as an open book, but they don't dare to write their next chapter. Some write their own, while others write side stories. Not writing a story they should be writing. I guess it's pretty hard too, I wouldn't blame today's world for making people do this. But it is truly important that they write their OWN story. Don't be afraid to take that pen, write on your pages. Don't make life, write those stories.

Well we should all live a life, but shouldn't let life, live ourselves.

Wow I just wrote that? Haha.

Anyway yeah. I guess I'm starting to write, or maybe prepare to write the next few pages of my life. I'm already writing the last few pages of this chapter which... I wish wouldn't end at times. Yet another part of me is eager to start that new page of that new chapter. And talking about this new chapter, the date for my graduation has been set! 22nd May 2012! My prediction got missed of by one day haha. I thought it's gonna be the 21st.

It's quite funny. Every year, or in fact in my life, I have dates which I've been looking forward to in different times in my life. Back in sec 4 I was waiting for Os, then the end of Os, then graduation, then prom, then the start of DPA life, then the start of year one, the end, the start, the end, the start, then the end of my ITP, the end of my FYP, the start of my last term. Now I'm waiting for (hopefully) a few graduation trips, and last but not least, my graduation from poly.

Life is a constant movement I guess, we wait for some things to happen and we wait and we wait and it happened, and we look forward to another thing. It's life really. Time is what keeps us flowing. And then we arrive, and then we leave.

I try my best, not to think of anything, not to think of the future. But life being life, I always think about it haha. You may not see it. But that fateful day is in my mind all these while. Ah well, I tell myself to live the moment. Yet here I am, thinking of the future.

Come on, you can do a better job Adhi.


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Second day

 Tempus Fugit

Today was the second day of the year! Umm Duh. Hahaha. It still felt weird that... It's 2013 already. School will officially start tomorrow and yeah. It's my last term baby! At times I still can't believe that I'm on my last term of school already... Well whatever it is I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest! Because this is one thing which will be something I once dread, that turn into something I will miss heck of a lot. I'm sure it goes the same with everyone else :)

I have yet to think of my resolutions right? I've thought of a few so today I'll just list them down. When there are more I'll list them again! So here goes....

1. Enjoy my last term in SP
2. Aim for GPA 4.0 heh
3. Go for more me-times!
4. Graduation triiiiiiiipS
5. One more OCIP (If there is :/)
6. Continue going to temple

And more... There are some resolutions which I do not want to share cause it's... Secret! *wink wink* but I guess time will tell you guys sooner or later so yeah. I really hope to accomplish all of them! Unlike last year which I am left with quite a few resolutions not done at all tsk. But nevermind what's done is done, what matters is NOW :D

Just got an email from Dr Simon Tan today, he gave us a video to watch for tomorrow's discussion. You know what? I REALLY MISS SCHOOL haha. I'm so glad that tomorrow I will go back to school for lessons and not for ITP. So tonight I'm going to watch the video and jot down some notes for tomorrow's discussion :)

Well last year April I told myself it's my last year, it's now or never. It's really my last term now. So seriously, like effing seriously, it's now or never! Haha. Alrighty I will see you all tomorrow. Damn, tomorrow's gonna be an awesome day! Cause it's the day I've been waiting for - to return to school as a student. No longer as an intern. Good night!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Hello! I'm currently in Jakarta airport's Starbucks once again, just waiting for time to fly past. Wow there's like fireworks on my right, weird how it's already past NYE haha. Oh well but there's always reason to celebrate! Afterall it's...


Can't believe 2012 is over. And yes just like those jokes saying, it's gonna be odd and weird for us to start writing 2013 instead of 2012. In fact I've been typing and writing my year wrongly here and there. In my blog, in my status, tweet etc. Oh well! Will get used to it no worries. If I got used to it in 2012 I'm sure I will too, this year right?

And yes, I'm going back to Singapore! Seriously, can't believe that my holiday is over. This holiday doesn't feel like a holiday at all. It should be longer! [And that's what everyone says (I suppose) on the last day of a holiday, a long one]. But well as I say time is time, whatever needs to come, will come, will go pass, will be over, just like the year.

It'll be my last term starting from tomorrow. Whew, 5.5 semesters gone, when the first day felt like, okay not yesterday but perhaps last year. The memories of year one play freely in my mind like a video tape. I know back in June I wrote that soon these days will turn into a memory. And I want these memories to be good memories.

So part of me wish the holiday was longer, and that I don't want to go back to school yet haha. But another bigger part of me wants to go back to school, enjoy it to the fullest because I know once everything is over, I'll miss school more than ever. So by living my SP life to the fullest in these last three months, I know the memories I have will be a good one.

Contemplation of Impermanence!

I've yet to set my new year resolutions... And to cancel out the resolutions of 2012. Perhaps to carry forward those unfulfilled resolutions which I didn't manage to accomplish (quite a lot actually). Well I might be a fool for thinking this way but. I don't know why I feel that 2013 is going to be a great year :) Just have this feeling in the last few days of 2012, and also when I woke up this morning! I don't know, though I don't have a POWERFUL 6th sense haha.

Well like this morning I woke up with the morning sky greeting me with blue sky and puffy clouds. Then along the way the sky was lovely too, though when I reached the end of Jakarta it was so cloudy and dark and it started raining. Maybe the sky was sad because I'm leaving - it's sharing my share of sadness that school is starting :P

2013, be it a great year, a not-so-great one. And 2012 be it a not-so-good year, or a great year. We can't escape with the fact that this is a new year and this is a new journey starting for all of us. And to every journey there is a beginning, and there is an ending. With every beginning, there's a feel of uncertainty, optimism, anticipation and hope. It's more of which one do you feel? Which one more do you have and DO YOU TRY to make.

When you begin this year feeling scared of the year then sure you will carry fear throughout the journey. So change your mind, and well just change this fear to hope and anticipation. After all life is a journey of ups and downs. I always remember the lyric from the song "Mausam" by Nitin Sawhney which is translated to "Happiness and sadness are two paths in life. But if you only walk in one, it's not a really wise choice" or something like that.

Same, the year may be filled with ups and downs. But life is fair, and we won't be walking only on the ups or downs path. We'll walk in both, enjoy the view around us. And just like how I summed up 2012, that everything happened for a reason. So yeah, just live your life to the fullest. That's a must. It's like my "daily" resolution. Not even a yearly resolution hah.

Okay I guess I should get going soon. I'll see you in Singapore! Here's to an awesome last term of my SP life! I'm going to make it beautiful, wonderful and memorable. Just like how I always promise myself. May the flight and everything else for the next few days be smooth. See you! And happy new year everyone, here's to a great year ahead, a greater year :)