Hello, oh gosh I'm supposed to blog last night but I've been knocked out early the past two days ever since I returned from Singapore. Anyway yes I returned from Singapore on Monday night. I was so sleepy and I had some work to be done as well. I really wanted to blog but well, too bad.
Anyway yes Neon Lights was amazing! I had such a great time there. I'm going to blog a special post for it soon. Well I just love everything there. Maybe not the mud....
Okay won't be talking much now, let me just share you the awesome music of November!
Great Music of November:
- Meeting points at 2 AM by dne
- So Alive by Gill Bondy
- Kids by One Republic
- Born by One Republic
- Fever by Roosevelt
- Heart by Roosevelt
Okay not many music in this month. But anyway I discovered both dne and Gill Bondy through Majestic Casual! I love "Meeting points at 2 AM" by dne... Try listening to it in the middle of the night and whew, everything is amazing haha. It kinda reminds me of late nights in Singapore hmm.
My copy of One Republic's Oh My My is finally here! I really love the album. It's such a... I'm not sure how to put it but grand would be a great word? A grand album. The fact that they went all over the world to record this album (even in hotel rooms!) is pretty amazing. I am hooked to Kids and Born now. The album is awesome, although I kinda feel that Native is better heh. Great album nevertheless!
I discovered Roosevelt back in 2014 during Java Soundsfair. Not sure how, but I missed the news that he released his debut album earlier in August this year! So I went to get it in Amazon and wow, definitely one of the best albums ever released in 2016! I love the production of the album, all the 80s vibe and everything. Fever is a favourite of mine. Roosevelt really brings back the 80s fever heh.
Alright that's all for now. One more month to the end of 2016 and I am excited to discover more music in the last month of this year! Don't think there are albums that I am anticipating hmm. Okay maybe Mondo Gascaro's debut album. Hoping to get its physical format! Okay I hope November has been well for you. Let us all end of this year beautifully! Have a great December everybody.