Saturday, 20 June 2020

Airport Dream

Somehow these days, I've been having really vivid and weird dreams! Okay I don't have much to talk about these days so here goes another dream diary entry haha.

Okay so the dream began with me walking through this crowded (anxiety inducing, thanks Covid) hallway. It was quite huge and wide, and many people were walking (with and without mask oh gosh haha). I don't know what that place was until as I reached the end, I saw that huge board of departing flights like in Changi so I learned that it was an airport. I didn't know where I was going.

I went through more hallways with shops inside (I presume it's airport shops) and I was then walking with LTY heh. We went to the boarding gate, and at this time I still didn't know where we were going! It's so crazy in the dream that I just kept on going even though I didn't know where I was going. I guess that's how dream works haha. Anyway we boarded the plane and it was an SQ flight.

There was no social distancing in the plane and I was so puzzled. I still didn't know where I was so I asked a flight stewardess and she told me we were in New York (what) and we're flying back to Indonesia. But when I looked at the TV on the plane, we were not landing in Jakarta but in some place with weird abbreviation. And I asked the stewardess again and... Turned out it's a city somewhere in Sulawesi where we go there to be quarantined haha. And the plane would then go to Singapore.

I woke up halfway during the flight. That's all.

And this dream was from a few days ago. Then I had another weird dream!

So this dream started out in the airport again. This time round it was Jakarta airport, I recognised it from the brown tiles below. And I was in a lounge sipping some drinks. There was a cashier who gave me some change and told me to "enjoy my flight to Amsterdam". So I thought okay I was going there.

But then somehow when I landed I was in the US?! HAHA. I was in Atlanta or Alabama, I forgot where. And there were a few of my friends there and we wanted to go and move there for good. We stayed in an apartment and there was our school beside the apartment, and also there's this old library where we went to. It was such a bizarre dream. The weirdest part of the dream is that the apartment that we stayed resembled a lot like Pandan Valley HAHA. They look similar!

Alright that's all for this dream diary series. I don't know why I kept on dreaming of airports heh. It's just a strong sign that I need to go for a holiday haha. Alright I hope you're keeping safe and staying healthy. Have a great remaining of June ahead. Take care and stay safe!

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Happy First Birthday Fedric!

Happy Birthday Fedric!

Just a quick post wishing my youngest nephew a happy birthday! May you grow to be a healthy and wise young man :D Can't believe this little boy is one already. Time really flies! He's the youngest in the family now and I can't wait for him to walk and talk and... I can bully him more hahaha. Just kidding.

Anyway today's a pretty chill Saturday with a small celebration for him in the evening. I hope you had a great Saturday too! We're in the middle of June already so... Here's to a Joyous remainder of June :)

Friday, 5 June 2020

Greatest Celebration (II)

2020 might be remembered as the year where festivities and celebrations are cancelled. But perhaps it will also be remembered as the year we learn to participate in the greatest celebration on earth; one thing that is worth celebrating every single day. It's none other than gratitude. 

Right as promised, I will talk about the greatest celebration that we learn to participate in this year. None other than gratitude itself. So yes as we all know by now, 2020 has been a weird year where we cannot hold the usual festivities and celebrations that we usually commemorate every year. For example for me, we didn't go for Qing Ming, and Vesak wasn't celebrated at the temple. And the most recent ones, Lebaran feels relatively weird and empty. Usually we could feel the spirit.

However, even though we have to go through these cancellations, I think we also learn to participate in another kind of celebration that we do everyday. Gratitude. We learn to count our blessings, what we have, who we are with and who stay with us and so on. When the going gets tough we learn to toughen up and find ways to get through this. When we see people facing hardships we also see people rising up the help one another. From news, social media and so on. It reminds me how blessed we all are.

We see the doctors, nurses and medical professionals working in the frontline curing people. We see the essential workers working tirelessly to keep things going. We see people supporting each other. And we see people adhering to rules by practising social distancing. As we go through isolation, we begin to notice the people and things around us. What we actually have, the selfless people working together, angels and heroes not many notice, but are actually surrounding us. They are everywhere.

And I think when we truly realise and notice what we truly have, we being to live a life filled with more gratitude. We become more thankful that this life as we know it is actually abundant. Abundant of resources, abundant of wonderful people. We see through the power of humanity. We see what we can truly do as a human being, and collectively as a human race. We seem to open our eyes.

And anyway, I kinda think that the root of every celebration is none other than gratitude itself too.

When we celebrate birthdays, we don't just celebrate the day we are born. But the fact that we have lived through another year. And without realising we're inching closer to our death. The same goes when we celebrate the passing of the clock at 12:00 every near year's eve. Thanksgiving is pretty obvious, we give thanks to whatever we went through in the year. Chinese New Year signifies the arrival of spring, another new year, new cycle. Where farmers go to work again after a harsh winter.

Ramadhan taught us the spirit of giving, to share and experience what the less fortunate goes through. Deepavali celebrates the victory of good versus evil. Every celebration is rooted in gratitude if you think about it. So perhaps 2020 is bringing us back to the root of these celebrations, by reminding us to celebrate gratitude every day. Probably the only thing worth celebrating every day.

And of course, I surely hope we can continue with this even after this whole pandemic is over!

Stay safe and take care as usual :)

Monday, 1 June 2020

A Good Break

Right, I am supposed to elaborate more on my previous post about gratitude but err, it didn't happen. As usual haha. And now here I am writing on the last night of this long holiday. And we're coming back to work tomorrow. But anyway that's okay, I had a good break. And... Hope I'm ready for work haha.

As mentioned in my previous post, as the years go by (by that I mean the past 2 years haha) I learn to enjoy the long holiday by... Not doing anything. It's rather funny cause usually during this long holiday I would come with a list of things that I want to do. Like blog everyday, or at least I'll come up with a list of things I want to blog/talk about. Or I want to journal everyday. Create a drawing or something like that. And like my yearly resolution, they don't happen haha. Or at least not wholly.

So yep I think what better way is it to enjoy a holiday by just doing whatever you want to do. Instead of telling yourself that you have a list of things to do. But as always, I will definitely clean my room during the holiday. And get rid of things I don't need. So yeah, I did these two in this long holiday!

And now here we are on the last night of the holiday. Which I'm glad and thankful to go through. It was a good break and I enjoy it, even though as always I wish I could spend it overseas. But hey the world is forced not to travel now so we're good mwahaha. Been spending the long holiday at home for 3 years now so no complaints either! :P Next year, maybe, hopefully, I get to go somewhere.

Alright I will talk about my previous post in another post soon. Promise!

In the meantime here's to a great start at work, and oh gosh, it's June now! So yes here's me wishing you a Jubilant June ahead. The world has really went through a lot in the past 5 months so.... I hope things will turn for the better for all of us. For the world, for humanity and so on. 

Stay safe and take care as always!