Monday, 15 September 2008


Yo~ Ok today was kinda ok, rained pretty heavily in the morning, luckily I didn't fell asleep in any class haha. Kicked the day with Chinese and somehow it was kind of hilarious cause' we were writing a compo about global warming. I was trying to be as scientific as possible, but using Chinese laguage! Can you imagine how hard is that? Can you translate irregular weahter pattern? Irregular growth of crops at different countries which led to starvation? Well did my best and finished it. Then the rest of the day went quite smoothly, had Bio test today and I'm so going to flunk it. Then aftre school, went for the last Lit meeting before tomorrow's presentation. Went home and took a nap (cause' I slept only for 4 hours yesterday). While doing lit script and powerpoint... my itunes wen haywire and i LOST ALL MY BELOVED CLASSICAL SONGS/BAND SONGS. DAMN YOU ITUNES! Okay sorry but I got soooo irritated cause' this is like not the first time this shit happens. Damn! Ok I wanna continue my literature cause' I wanna watch part 2 of Ennio Morricone in Arts central!! Hope I can catch Gabriel's Oboe. Chao!

Please, ask me for help when necessary ONLY

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