Monday, 9 February 2009

When you're exhausted, physically and mentally

Okay seriously, I'm freaking tired today and yesterday. Today I was kind of "empty". Everything seemed blur and blank to me and I spent most of my time kinda blanking in lessons. First of all I was drained because we ran 2.4 today (and I failed by two minutes). Then the rest was also dragged by it because I was too tired. Then we had band which lasted till 6.30. How cool right? I fell asleep just now after my dinner but luckily my friends sms me asking stuff, which made me wake up! Thank you all :D Then I studied my probability as we're having a test tomorrow. After studying, I finished my algebra worksheet! Woot another homework "killed". So I'm left with three more homework which is Amath workbook, Chemistry worksheet and Letter writing, which I'm planning to kill two tomorrow. Alright I'm honestly tired now, so I guess see you tonight then!

I won't be blogging as much, yeah. Beware of the FLU VIRUS!

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