Monday, 18 May 2009

I am FREEEEEEE... Maybe not

Oh yes, today 11.33 A.M. was the end of my mid year this year! Oh my gosh yay done done finish finish haha. Today's two papers was okay I feel (wooh, I'm finally confident on one paper) even though I did not revise Biology that much.

Well it rained right after we finished our paper. I hate that haha, shouldn't it be sunny with the sky not filled with clouds? Cause aren't we supposed to be "free" out of this misery like finally haha. Well I guess the sku was so happy taht it cried tears of joy for us.

Somehow it's weird why I am anticipating my results even though I know it's going to be atrocious. Well I guess this is a good thing. Whatever happens, don't take it as a setback but take it as a lesson. There's a saying that goes "Winners take mistakes as a lesson, losers as a burden" so yup. And remember, always look on the bright side of life!

Alright I deserve a good break. But I am not going to forget not to study, I mean dude, it's O level haha, but yup take a good break, it's worth everything. Alright ciao!

It's over, it's over it's OVER

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