Photography by Yours Truly
Marina Barrage.
Righty... So today is National Day 2010 and thus wishing Singapore a happy 45th Birthday!
Since I didn't do much today, I decided to do a mini room cleanup. Basically I just simply tidy up some of my cabinets and cleanup my piano as well. It's a bit dusty (I feel so guilty! Haha). And I washed my piano cover as well. It's been "stuck" there for sometimes.. So yeah.
I didn't really do much today, cause I've decided to give the weekend, plus today a rest day for me. BEfore going... HARDCORE! On studying of course. At first I didn't feel the "heat" of end of semester exam. But I was thinking of the chapters I had.. And it's a little horrifying.
So well, gonna chiong this study break.
Just watched the NDP just now, it sure tells me how long I've studied in Singapore. Well firstly I was reminiscing about the past NDP songs I've embraced through the 8 years of my study here. "Home" sure brings back lots of memories, so thus "We Will Get There" which is one of my favourite.
And also "What Do You See". Even though it was last year's NDP song, I felt sentimental cause I used to sing that in class last year. And remember how Adeline would laugh at me. Ohh well time is really a mystery isn't it?
Anyway uhh I don't know why but I didn't feel the wow factor of this year's NDP. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I didn't celebrate it in school like I used to in the past 7 years. So didn't really get in the mood of NDP. But anyway I really love this year's NDP song (the Corrine May's version one!). I'm biased, cause it's Corrine May who sing it hehe.
Alrighty that's all for today. Not sure what I'm going to do tonight, for sure, it's gonna be something slackish! :D
These 8 years have been awesome :)
Hi Adhi!
Haha, i still remember those days when we'll sing 'What do you think' together! HAHAHA! FUNNNXD
Hahahaha ya lor, those were the days sia :(
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