Photography by Yours Truly
I'll try to defy gravity
Okay this is random but I was trying to blog, when my Internet Explorer crashed and I couldn't continue blogging. Urgh so say hello to Chrome then! Which I'm blogging at now :D
Anyway today was an ordinary day, but also a hectic-for-my-camera day. Okay so well I went to my dad's garden and was happily shooting things around. Then the nightmare begins: I saw a freaking ANT crawl inside my viewfinder! I was so shocked, at first I thought it was on my lens, when I looked at my lens, there was nothing.
So I panicked and thought that the ant was still inside. So when I returned home, I opened the lens and blow them with a blower. I'm not sure if it's still there or not but... Lets just hope it's not. And well now there's this stupid dust speck on my viewfinder, should be cause of my blower. But it doesn't disrupt the image quality.
Well so much for a DSLR camera. I think it all comes down to how we handle it. And how take care of it. But I'm still left puzzled by how that ant went inside the viewfinder! It's so... Weird and amazing at times heh.
Anyway I've just downloaded Chrome, like finally. But it's a bit irritating cause it's in Indonesian now, like almost everything. Believe it or not, the words on this post now is being underlined in red, cause it doesn't read Indonesian. Eeeek. And I'm still finding the way to make English my default langugae. Which is really frustrating -.-
Alrighty that's all for the day I guess. Hmm guess what, I'm visitting the dentist tomorrow O.o after like 5 years or so! Hopefully all goes well, it's just a check up anyway. Okay see you soon!
Until I try, I'll never know - Defying Gravity
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