I like this one! :D
Nope, I didn't see fireworks today, the title refers to Katy Perry's song firework! It's really nice, even though you may be surprised that I do actually hear this song, cause it's quite ra-ra. But I like up-beat songs now, totally make my morning, and night heh. Plus, listen to the lyrics, it is really inspiring. Anyway the song is not thaaaaat ra-ra, I can still withstand it :P
Anyway, sigh, today I went out again!! Arrrgh, well anyway I went out cause I went to get the things I need. Not like as if I went out for fun or something like that. Plus I did most of my work last week, so less guilty heh. So I'm blogging now so that I can start on my stuff at night! Yay :D
So. let me see what I get today... A pair of pants, Katy Perry CD heh, and a box, which I need for something. And went to take my developed pictures as well, which uhh failed terribly! Shouldn't have opened it! Crap crap! I guess that's the risk of using a film camera, some "unforeseen circumstances" can happen.
And talking about films, today I went out with my film SLR! Really nice, plus I'm using B&W films, really excited about how my pictures will turn out tomorrow. So yeah. But uhh I hate the fact that I get so much stares from other people. Cause they must have thought that I'm someone from the past, using such an oldie camera.
But who cares, I like how they turn out! :P
Right I guess that's all for today. Yay, there's no lab prac for Microbio tomorrow! :D Love it hehe so I guess I can sleep later tonight or something like that. But thinking of watching Khidir busking @ Starbucks. And thinking of shooting him as well hehe. Okay see ya then! :D
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