Photography by Yours Truly
Happe Deepavali!
(I know the photo is a bit inappropriate.. But this is the best shot of "light" I have :(
Well today is an awesome day cause... It's Deepavali! So meaning I have no school today. Oh well who doesn't love long weekends seriously? An extra day goes a long way!
Anyway wishing all Hindu devotees a happy Deepavali! :D
So well today was alright I guess, I did nothing much but felt happy cause I manage to make my notes for IO Chem! A little is more I guess. Went to lunch at Coffee Club with my sis and her friend. I don't know why but I love Coffee club's food... I think they are great, especially their sandwiches! And my favourite - Duck confit salad with poached pear!! Gosh, it's so nice.
But oh there was an incident that occurred in CC... Apparently someone fainted in the toilet. Thank God someone noticed that... So there was ambulance and members of the SCDF there. I hope she's alright!
My sis went out while I returned home... To study! But made a trip to Jelita first, to get stuff I need for my cooking. Yeah... Finally am able to cook once more. It's been such a long time since I cooked actually, that's why I decided to cook. When I reached home, I marinated some pork chops with lime (I know it's weird but try it), honey, garlic, salt and pepper.
Leave it to marinade in the fridge for about 2-3 hours for maximum effect haha, sounds like some... Reaction. Anyway while waiting I went to study my IOC. Better understanding now I guess, whew. I still fine Aufbau order very irritating though heh, can't there be any simpler way to write out configurations? Like the one we learnt in secondary school! :P
Anyway I've decided to blog now, so that I won't blog later... Cause I'm going to do something... Scrapbooking! (I think). Well I have this sudden urge of doing scrapbooking... I was cleaning up my room when I found some stacks of photography magazine. I've read them, it's sort of a waste to throw em away so why don't I use some of the pictures for a scrapbook!
This goes the same for the other magazines which I've found on my shelves as well... I think it's cool. So basically I'm gonna compile some pictures, and paste pictures of similar "themes" on one page. So if the theme is... Lets say sky, I'm going to cut pictures of sky and paste them! I think it will be fun :)
Sometimes I just want to do these different, fun and unique things. But I just don't have the time... Well this scrapbooking is so far only a plan. The idea just came to my mind like a snap. Oh well lets see how it will turn out shall we?
Alrghty that's all for today! Lets hope my plan will work out hehe. But uh I'm in another dilemma of actually wanting to study as well... Oh well oh well. Lets just see shall we? :D
Happy Deepavali once more :)
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