Photography by Yours Truly
This was an extension from the original taxi queue :O
Alright I've just reached my house... Okay not exactly just reached though. I reached about 30 minutes ago. Gosh the taxi queue was so long. Like really really long. Like seriously long! Haha I'll show you the picture later. Anyway I'm glad to be back whew, it's quite a long day~
Woke up at around 10:20, should have woken up at 10 but yeah you know why. Went to this shopping centre with my mum and sis cause my sis wants to get a nice shirt from there. Then ate my brunch and we were finalising our packing and yup. We were supposed to leave my house at 12, but turned out to leave at 12.30 plus! Haha. Rubber tiiime.
But anyway there were a few jams here and there on our way to Jakarta. It was seriously... Sort of unexpected. But oh well, time was well spent with TALKING! Haha so we were talking all the way from my hometown to Jakarta, and so 5.5 hours felt a bit.. Short. And just before we reached the airport, there was another jam. Oh gosh.
Ate dinner before checking in, and we were sort of running out of time. We got into the queue at 6.50 PM. And the counter said "Check in closed at 19:00" and there was like a super long queue on the counter. Oh well, we were rushing rushing and rushing, when we reached the gate, it was just nice for us to board the plane.
And we waited for about 20 minutes plus IN the plane just to wait for two late passengers. Oh my tian (Chinese for God), seriously! If I were the pilot I would just touch off and go. But well that's evil haha. Everyone around me was complaining to why the plane didn't touch off as according to the schedule.
In Changi, as I mentioned, the taxi queue was so freaking long. Like urgh, not sure why either. But yeah it's long. Oh well, but I'm thankful of the two staffs from the airport who were giving us water! Yay haha.
So yup, whew, I'm glad to be home after this long day. So yeah that's all for today cause I gotta wake up early tomorrow! Garlic pounding time, this time by myself though so yep. Alright see ya! :D
And time is money in this two weeks. This two weeks!
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