Photography by Yours Truly
Taken in SP!
Yes, I'm finally able to run! Not finally able.. I finally RAN haha, today. I went with Vic and Jesher! Thanks Vic for taking your time to run with us, even though you went to run with your friend before joining us, and you even ran a 4.8km distance before us! Strong guy haha. Anyway I ran a total distance of 5.6km! Broke my own record :D But my timing sucks... But who cares! I think the fact that I've completed the distance is more important than my timing. Seriously :)
Anyway I'm not a runner or whatsoever, I just run :)
Today, nothing much either, just a usual Sunday. But oh gosh, my waking up time is like getting horrible! But well I couldn't sleep last night, slept at 3! So yeah... That's why I woke up late today. Guess what time? 1 PM! Believe it or not. But thankfully it's the holiday, so no one really cares eh. Lunched at HV as usual, and went to shop for dinner. Which we cooked some friend fritters. Yum~
Then met Jesher in the halfway point of the track. Waited for Vic to come and we ran together! We ran a total of... 3km! But I ran to the halfway point that's 600m, and while Jesh and Vic went off, I ran another 2km on my own. So total 5.6 :D Yay I feel so happy cause the longest distance I ran was like 5.2 I think... So yup! I wanna run 10k next time, and join a marathon :D
I wanna show the world a fat blob like me can run marathons too! :)
Okay shall start my holiday topic #2 - Don't run for the sake of overtaking others. Run for the sake of overtaking yourself.
I know you might have seen this phrase in my blog, a month ago or something like that. Yup, that's what I have in mind whenever I run, or swim or whatever. Many times when we run, we would feel timid or small when someone ran faster than us, overtaking us. We would try our best to run faster than them, to overtake them.
But what's really the point of overtaking them in that moment?
All we get is a sense of satisfaction that lasts for... A minute or so? A sense of "yeah I'm faster than him/her". But does overtaking others mean you're a better runner than them? Nope, I don't think so. In fact you'll be put to shame (like me last time) if the person manages to take over you again in a matter of seconds.
So I have that phrase in mind. Instead of overtaking others, why don't you overtake yourself? Why don't you push yourself to a limit you've never reached before and be the faster runner in YOU. After learning about this, I never try to overtake people again haha, I just run on my own pace, and with that end of the track in my mind as a target. And I kept telling myself, I'm going to complete this run, I'm going to finish it.
So yeah, running is a great form of exercise I guess. Not only you burn fats, you're doing a cardio exercise, and... You get to think great thoughts from yourselves heh. I love walking too. Try to walk, and talk to yourself. You'll be amazed by the billions of things that may pop out from your mind. Some, that make you say "Wow I'm surprised I just create that line!"
So go out now! And exercise and walk and run and swim haha. It's like killing three birds in one stone! But don't over exert yourself please, exercising too much isn't good for you either. Too much of a good thing is bad...
Alright I guess that's all for today! Holiday topic #2 done :)
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