Sunrise I watched today :)
Hello! Blogging while waiting for my food to be cooked hoho. And I think it's better for me to blog now or else I'll take a long time to blog later heh.
Anyway it's MST this week! Gooosshhhh I'm so... Okay kinda ready. Just left with the studying to do etc. Really hope I can pull this MST damn well. I want to maintain my GPA :/ The past two days weren't that productive but I managed to finish what I wanted to finish. And also been memorising Biochem today, I've memorised glycolysis! :D
Last night was terrible... I had insomnia. Like literally. I slept at 830 AM TODAY. It was really horrible, I didn't know what happened. I went to bed at 3, that's normal for me, but I was wide awake till 5. So I watched TV till about 6. Then I tried sleeping again and it failed. Finally, I've decided not to sleep till 7 and see what happened. Result? I watched the sunrise -.-
I slept at 830 in the end, and I woke up at 11, and slept till 1,30. Sigh, I don't know what's wrong with me, really hope this won't happen to me again :/
Anyway yup just a short update before MST! My food should be done now.
Wishing all SP students who are having MST this week all the best! Lets bring MST down and pawn them like a tiger prowling... That's super cheesy. Okay, see ya then! Won't be posting so much during MST :)
Good luck to me for MST! :D
69 more days to Inner Mongolia OCIP!