Hello! Wow it's been such a long time since I blogged. It's been like... 4 days since I told myself "Okay I shall blog today". Get the joke? But anyway I'm not sure why I kept on not-blogging. Been busy with studies I guess? Or I just... Forget about it. But anyway here I am, so I shall blog! Many things happened, so I shall just blog some of the interesting ones heh.
I'm sure you guys have heard... There was an eclipse last night! And I'm soooo glad that I captured it with my own camera and documented it! Even though there were only 5 shots of the moon that I took with my camera. I'll post them here!

Awesome eh, the watermark is cause I took it off my tumblr so yep. But I searched the net and say this is the longest eclipse in... 10 years? Is it? And it's a total lunar eclipse so it's pretty awesome. Kind of scary to see the whole sky turn dark suddenly while the moon was shining bright and nice. That's the awesome part of nature :)
Today was alright I guess. Did nothing much but went for a haircut though! Not sure why but my hair seems to grow at a... Lightning speed rate. Or is it just the aunty who didn't cut it short enough last time. But anyway, it'll be my last haircut before... -That- and I'm just so excited about it already! Hohoho
In the evening went with my mum to get some bread and... I guess that's all for the day!
But before that, I love to go up to the top of my room and lie down there to just listen to music. Beneath the sky, with the wind blowing softly. It's just so blissful. I guess I'm a true blue cancerian - Cancers love to have solitary moments to themselves. Just like me. I enjoy these solitary joy, I call it, to just have everything to myself. It's just so... Good.
I wish we can have like a patio on top of my room heh. Retractable chair that can extend so that I can put my leg there. And then maybe a small table beside it so that I can bring drinks there. Life is good if that can happen. Don't need those huge umbrella, I like the sun, it's good enough. Well when all of my favourite things come together - sun, blue sky, music and wind. It's just so blissful, no?
Talking about blue sky, I always lie down listening to the Mongolian song I posted before this post. I was thinking to myself... If I were to enjoy lying down here with music, watching the blue sky, I can't imagine lying down on the grass to enjoy the blue sky too in Mongolia! I mean that would even be better, and... Ah, just can't wait really.
Alright I guess that's all for today. ETC is waiting for me to be done. I really don't know how to study for that, just so many things to remember! Shall do a research on how to study for that hehe. See ya :)
Solitary joy, solitary pleasure
79 more days to Inner Mongolia OCIP!
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