Hello! I just got back from school about 30 minutes ago heh, today was SPSB's 29th I Believe in Music series concert! It was really awesome! My 4th concert with SPSB and yup, it was another awesome one. Seriously great.... I'm lost for words heh, cause when it comes to music, there's no way to describe it but through.... Music! Heh
Anyway the day was alright, there was Funana in the morning which I came late (oh well) thankfully I was not late for my presentation as Candy was late too heh, we ended up presenting last, but Miss Yulia said we did well! So I hope it's a good outcome. After Funana I went for Gem bio for 30 minutes? And I went to band after that for our rehearsal.
Our rehearsal started at about 1 plus, starting with warm up then some practices for the soloists. It was freezing cold in SPCC :P After 5.45 we all went for dinner and dress up and were back at the rehearsal room at about 7. Tuned up, prepared, and the show started!
Okay it's impossible for me to really tell how each piece went but I'll just roughly tell how the concert went. I think the first half was not bad. Celtic was a bit shaky in the beginning, but we all got hold of it throughout the song. The year one band was cute! I mean cats haha. But there were a few intonation problems for IBM. 2nd half was alright I guess. El Camino was (Y).
But seriously, who cares about the glitches here and there. I think what matter the most is that we had put out heart into the music, tried our best during this performance and of course, believe in the music we make and the music we give! Right? :D
One particular piece I really loved tonight was Variations on a Korean Folk Song. I don't know why, I know this sounds weird but after the piece was played, I just smiled. When I hit that last high C, after the semi-quaver, I just smiled, and stood with pride and joy when Mr Leonard Tan asked us to stand up. It was... I don't know. I felt really happy and good playing that song.
I guess that's why Mr Tan said it was one of the most important piece of wind band literature.
I guess... I don't know. It was just happiness. Just pure bliss. Something I love, and I hold dearly to. Something I always love to do, love to make, love to feel and give.
That is music to me. Something that I always love. It's just part of my life, something I believe in. something I hold dearly to. It's music, music is not words. It can't be described in words. It can't be written in words. Music is something extraordinary and unique in this world. It's played with your mouth, fingers, legs, air and more.
But it is heard with your heart, with your feeling. It is expressed not in words but in beautiful melodies no words can describe. That is real music to me. It's a part of my life that I CANNOT live without. Life without music, I might as well be dead.
Oh well I really don't know what and how to say and describe how awesome tonight concert is. Tonight's concert just goes to prove how much music mean to me. How much important music is to me. What is music in my life. Just goes to show how much I love music.
And at the end of the day, the only person who can enjoy the music you played is not the audience only.
But yourself :)
Good night everyone!
23 more days to Inner Mongolia OCIP!
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