Thursday, 27 December 2012

Nice sunset. Roast chicken.

 Sunset today!
I hope 2012 will end this way
So beautiful.

I've really... I don't know what else to write for my titles you see. So to blatantly write the content of today, yes there were nice sunsets today and also, I roasted some chickens...! Which kinda failed. But still taste alright. Though not so nice. But okay. What am I talking about?! Anyway yup that's what I did today. I'm going to go for 2nd try in roasting chicken tomorrow!

So for the chicken wise it was just literally salt and pepper... With olive oil. So it was really plain. Tomorrow I will cook a whole chicken and I already buy lemons and garlic and onion and everything else! Haha. Isn't it awesome. Cross my finger! It's gonna be awesome. And here is a photo of my awesome chicken today haha. Looks plain right.

And thankfully there was beautiful sunset today! I quickly ran, cause I reached home from grocery shopping at 5.50 PM. And the sun usually sets at about like 6 plus here. So I went to a good spot where you can capture sunset, beautiful sunset that is, and snap snap snap! Today ended beautifully really. And I hope, so will my 2012 too, since we're only left with like 4 days to the new year? Time flies huh! Can't believe the new year is coming so soon.

Anyho, I realised a trend. I remembered last year, there were beautiful sunsets too, at this time of the year. And it's the same scenario where I wished I could see beautiful sunsets but just couldn't do so. And somehow the sky gave me beautiful sunsets at the end of the year. My my, feels like time is playing tricks on me, or am I playing tricks with myself.

Okay, September it is! It was three months back, yet it felt like a week ago, though somehow, I couldn't remember much things happening then, freshly.

[] September []

September was another month happening with lots of events - which I liked. I guess after feeling homesick and so on, it was a month to distract me, to sort of give me "presents" to cheer me up. Funny how, like I said, it felt like as if it happened a few weeks back but I couldn't remember clearly of the things that happened. I have to refer back.

September happenings

So as seen from the first photo, I was tearing the calendar, which was then left with two more pages. I began the month by getting my new camera, Sony DSLT A57! Really love the camera, just so cool! Haha. Then there was an exchange with the Baden-Wurttemberg youth wind orchestra from Germany! It was a fun night of interacting and making music with out fellow friends from Germany. Truly a memorable one, playing 1812 with them hehe.

Not forgetting the 4th race of the year which was Safra Bay Run 10K! First time running in that event and it was great I suppose, met quite a few familiar faces :P Then there was Azmi's birthday celebration with Saeyeoh, Kai and Ardin which was a great Sunday I enjoyed! And of course, Ciara finishing her Masters! It was a great Friday to know that she finished her presentation. Can see the relief of her face after weeks of stress! Those days :P

Ubin with 1.5 and mid-autumn

It was also the month which I watched THIS Buddhist Film Festival screenings! I watched 3 screenings with Saeyeoh and I must say all of them were just great and thought-provoking. Glad to have met the director of "Angin" too (in the photo) Mr Winaldo. The screening I went to literally goes along the theme of this year's festival which was "Open Your Mind" :)

There was mid-autumn, where I spent a Saturday night (after Souls of Zen) to Chinatown and snap those pretty lanterns. And to end of September, I went to Ubin with some of 1.5 peeps (above) for a great Sunday time out! It was a nice outing though quite a few couldn't make it. Really a great way to end my September I suppose.

I guess these events, were small appetisers I should enjoy. Because the months to come, were really heating up! Haha. Oh well, they are all over now. 

And how can I forget!!!

5th of September - One year anniversary of the awesome Green Desert @ SP Fall 2011 trip!

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