Sunday, 12 May 2013

Withdrawal Syndrome

 Takk Fyrir Sigur Ros

It's another late night posting, and yes at this ungodly hour. But oh well I really need to write this time. Cause I'm having quite a rather bad withdrawal syndrome from last night's Sigur Ros concert. It was just too beautiful, so beautiful, speechless-ly amazing and thus indescribable by words. It was so sad and depressing to wake up yesterday morning just to realise that the concert was over (though it was over like 10 hours ago then) hahaha.

But also I woke up feeling amazed and glad that I had went for the amazing concert!

Perhaps I should write why I love Sigur Ros (SR) and how I came to know them. I found Sigur Ros 3 years ago, right when my life in SP began. And I found them by pure accident. It's not by recommendation or anything. But I have to thank someone who brought me to the great band - he's my CLS FOC Group Leader (GL) Joel.

I clearly remembered him posting a Youtube link on his Facebook wall of SR's Goobledigook performance in Iceland with Bjork. When I first heard the song I went "Okay this is a weird song and a cool-looking band" but at the same time the song made me happy. I was interested and I went to look up for more of SR on Youtube. When I typed "Sigur Ros" on the search bar, the first song that pops out was none other than my favourite from them - Hoppipolla.

I clicked on the video, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel sad and happy at the same time. The feeling when I heard the song for the first time was so indescribable. It felt like as if I discovered something great, something that will stay with me for a very long time. And I can even still remember that night when I played Hoppipolla on repeat. It was such a nice song that I kept on listening to it. Back then I didn't have any of SR albums so I have no choice but to play it on Youtube. It was truly a moment of epiphany and wonder for me.

Then on the weekend I spent some time searching for more SR songs. Well SR is the first band that introduces me to the post-rock genre. Before post-rock the only songs close to post-rock that I enjoy listening to were Indie songs. Post-rock was a brand new genre for me. So in the beginning it was "difficult" to understand SR songs (duh they're all in Icelandic or Vonlenska) and also to appreciate them. But I found more songs and I began to enjoy them more and more.

I guess SR taught me to learn to appreciate music differently - in a sense that after years of listening to classical, chilout and indie songs, I began to appreciate music that don't sound like anything I've ever heard before. That things don't have to make sense to be beautiful. Not saying that their songs don't make sense, but I guess it's just too beautiful to have to make sense. Okay seriously what am I talking about! Hahaha.

But well yup, SR has taught me to appreciate music and life more. They have made me change my perception of music, and inspired me where no music has inspired me before. I must give thanks to them because their music have been with me since the first day I bought them. And of course, I have to thank Joel too for "accidentally" introducing me to the band. If he were not to post that link, I wouldn't have known SR at all.

And have you ever had this feeling of being thankful because you know someone/have something, and that you realised how different your life would be if you were not to know them or have them? Well SR is one band that I ever feel so thankful for knowing, for listening and for loving. Because life without SR would pretty much be different now. In so many different ways, that one I can bet with you. So thank you for being part of my life Sigur Ros :)

In fact I have plans to play Sigur Ros songs in my funeral mwahaha.

Well yup those are my thoughts for Sigur Ros. I can write many different things about Sigur Ros but well that will be really long. But that's how I know them and how and why I love them. And I guess many people have different perceptions about enjoying Sigur Ros songs. I've been to two of their concert in Singapore and Jakarta, and I observe different crowds.

Some just quietly enjoy their music. In fact I have come to discover a few people who listen to them. There are those who share with me how much they enjoy and so on. Well I don't know where I belong haha. I just love them. I guess it doesn't matter how you love them. Just listen to their songs and everyone has their way to enjoy it.

Like in yesterday's concert there are those who go all out, moving and rocking their bodies to their songs. There are those who stare in awe, quietly. There are those who share their excitement by shouting and cheering. And there are some who are expressionless. But I know we all share one thing and that is our love for their music :)

You see, I learnt from yesterday's concert that there are no rules when it comes to enjoying music.

There's no such thing as "steps" to enjoy music. Just enjoy it basically, there's no need to follow a certain rules, or a way which everybody does. There's no such thing as "step one to enjoy music and step two and step three". Music is a universal language. And being universal, there's no certain way we ought to speak and to listen to them.

Though urrm there are of course, etiquette to a concert right? Like uhh no clapping till the song ends or worst in the middle of a song. Was so sad when the flute solo from Olsen Olsen was ruined by applause T_T It's so beautiful then "clap clap clap" oh dear. But oh well nevertheless I think everyone had a great night! Though I read on the web on how some people were smoking INSIDE the venue and there were a few rowdy crowds.

And yes guess what I was being offered cigarette by this ang moh, and I was staring at this huge "No smoking inside venue" sign on top of him. Just told him no thanks haha. And oh gosh do I look like someone who smokes? -_-

On the other hand, well some of you may wonder why I blog at this hour.

It's all simply because... This is the hour and the time where I can have time to myself. In my quiet room, with music blasting to my ears. The place where I can write my feelings out and ponder about life. I've always believe and I always tell myself to set aside some me-times to myself everyday. Be it 5 minutes or so. It's good to have them. And I always enjoy writing so yeah. Writing is the best platform for me to spend my me-times.

Though I'm worried that my blog posts are getting lower and lower oh dear. It's a bit worrying that this is only my 32nd post in this year, and today is the 132nd day of the year. I could have blogged like a hundred posts by this time of the year actually! Well I'm sure I can hit my goal of blogging my 1000th post before I turn 23 haha. I'm turning 21 soon!

Alright I guess that's all for today. I hope to blog here soon. Damn I love blogging.

Happy Sunday folks!

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