Sunday, 16 June 2013

Music words and photographs

 My holy trinity
Music, words and photographs combined
Music credits to Sigur Ros on their new album, Kveikur

I must say the three words above are the holy trinity of the joys of my life. The three words are what I want to do, when I'm free and yeah, they revolve around my daily life a lot. I keep a diary, I blog, I take photos, and of course I listen to music. In fact everyday, I did all these. Not blogging and writing but I think of words in my head like a story. And I often take photos using my phone. Be it instagram or not (yes I know I can spam photos at times).

Well Sigur Ros' new album is going to be released this MONDAY! Can't wait for it cause I already pre-ordered it in iTunes. I really can't wait to get my hands on the CD. I wanted to pre-order but I realised I'm left with like uhh $3? On my POSB card and being a grown up now I am going away from asking my relatives to use their credit card. So I will patiently wait for August when I can get my hands on them in Singapore. Or maybe in Jakarta.

They have been really kind and nice for giving us a free streaming of the new album on their website. Thanks to this I really can't wait to get my hands on the album because the songs sounded REALLY GOOD! I had to argue with myself to whether I can say it's their best album. After 3 days of listening (now 5) I really agree that this is their best album so far. Hoppipolla will always be my favourite, but Stormur may take its place haha.

And their songs are really nice. As I listen to their song every night, usually in the late nights like 2 AM or so, images start to pop in my mind of the songs. Images that I have seen before, and some that I have not. I feel the music, I see and I hear the music. So I begin to write and for the first time, I actually express my thought of songs through photos. It feels rather therapeutic and nice to do this. Expressing your thoughts freely and expressively.

I really love the new album. It's definitely an anti-valtari like what Georg said in the interview. I love Valtari's ethereal-ness and also Kveikur's strength and darkness. To be honest when I listen to the album it feels like I'm in this huge cliff overlooking the sea. And somehow everything is in black and white haha. Dark and powerful, electrifying and soft, cold and warm. It's a mix of feelings. Stormur seems like a happy song but I feel sad listening to it.

Oh well, my holy trinity. It's my escape from reality.

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