Sunday, 22 September 2013


 I really don't know what title to give for today's post so... Untitled it is.

Anyway hello! It's been 2 weeks since I last blogged. Uh oh feel bad but well last week I really didn't feel like blogging at all somehow, not sure why. Just one of those nights I suppose. Life's so so I guess, was kinda a rough week but hey it's over, and a new one is coming so look ahead yeah! :) Can't believe we're in the middle of September already.

Or more like we're 8 days away from October.

At the beginning of the year I decided to carry out the 365 project where I promise to take a photo a day and compile it so that I can look back on those days. And well yeah I did... Break my promise. I found out I didn't take photo on every single day for the past 264 days. Yes two hundred and sixty four! Left with 101 more days to the end of 2013.

So well I gave up, because I know I can't go back in time to take a photo on a day I missed right? So be it. Nevertheless I have most of the days covered. Like I only miss about 5 days in the 264 days. So it's not bad I guess. Besides, the absence of photo means that there's nothing really special on that day to make me snap a photo. So yay yay.

And yes, looking back on the photos... I feel really really shocked at how fast time has been flying really. January, I was still in SP... And February, left SP and so on and forth. Feels like graduation was a month ago when it's actually 4 months back. It just feels so weird and bizarre really. But well time is time I guess and no one can comprehend it well.

And then looking front, we're left with like 3 more months to the end of this year. Next month is October, and next next month is November and... Then December. Feels really quick huh. I thought time would fly slower when I got back here but it's really the complete opposite of what I've been thinking before I return here. I suppose it's the things I do everyday.

Sure, school fills up most of my time in the day but here I have more things that fill my day I suppose? And well when you have things that become a daily routine, and then you do it for a good long time, I suppose it will really make time seem to fly fast.

I always have an analogy for the speed of time. It's like well imagine time is like a water gushing at a constant speed through a hose. When you have nothing much to do the hose has a normal shape and the water just gushed normally. But when you have lots of things to do the space inside the hose got smaller and water gushed faster. Get it?

So yeah activities = the space of the inside of the hose.

Well it's been almost 4 months since I'm back home and well I finally get the hang of it here. The routine and stuff. Though my heart is still at conflict with reality, I'm trying to find the middle way where I can walk on, peacefully. And I suppose, I've been making my plans and strategies to do so. Life will give a way I believe so yes. I'll just have to wait (and do) patiently.

Alright that's all for now. Here's to insomnia.

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