Sunday, 20 October 2013


 I miss the colours of autumn

Currently listening to Nigel Tay's song "Song of Spring" (Thanks Jinnyboy TV for introducing this awesome song!) and it reminds me a lot of graduation which was like, 5 months ago. Still remember listening to this song on the way to SP for the ceremony and although it was a cloudy day, everything seems beautiful to me. Whew, it's 5 months huh.

Anyway it's mid-October already! Can you believe it. Life's been awesome I guess. Rather busy with work because we're getting more customers for the flowers and so yeah. Very interesting. When you work with living things you need patience because well, you can't make them as and when you want to be, you can't set a date to when they wanna be manufactured, and you can't stock them when you over-produce. They are not dead things.

But I suppose, they taught me a lesson that everyone in this world is unique. Right?

And as for the title above, it's not autumn... Well it is, in other parts of the world. It's October so well temperate countries are experiencing autumn I suppose. And I love autumn. I think it is my favourite season. Well I have experienced the four seasons like in other countries, each season for a country so it's kind of a biased judgement heh.

But I love autumn. I experienced autumn in China, Inner Mongolia to be exact. The weather is more on the cooler side but at the same time the colour of autumn makes everything seems warm. I've also experienced it in Beijing but it was more of late-autumn so it was really cold that it felt more like winter to me. Love the colours of autumn!

Autumn reminds me that we're 3/4 on our way to the year already. So we're left with 1/4 of the year more. Well actually it's like we're left with 1/6 of the year heh. But anyway yeah, 2013 is ending. And I don't know why but I really can't wait for this year to end? Although logically and technically speaking, I have no reason why I want it to end. Like it doesn't do anything to me except for bringing 2014 to me. Right?

I suppose I'm excited to see what lies ahead of me. 2013 has been a year of big change to me where I close a big chapter of mine and start writing a new one. So what will I do in 2014? How will I do? I don't know and no one knows. Although I have a big plan coming up in August next year. Hopefully it will come true. No. It will come true because I'm going to make it happen! :) It's for me to know and for you to find out nyehehe.

I've always loved the end of a year because I have the chance (although you can practically do it anytime actually) to look back to see what I've achieved in this year and so on. And from this I can carry myself to the year ahead and set goals and dreams about the coming year. Life goes on and we want to try and write a great story. To write a great story we have to close chapters we have already written and think of what to write next, beautifully.

It's kind of sad that these days I've lost track of time. To an extent that I don't know what day it is, or what date. I just realised today is the 20th of October when I thought the month has just started a week ago or something. Time seems to fly faster at the end of the year. Or is it just me haha. Time seems to fly when you grow older too. Meh.

But well as I've always remind myself, time flows at a constant rate. No one in this world has the ability to make time fly faster or slower, but yourself, by the things you do, to make it seem to flow faster or slower. Right?

Alright I'm going to stop here for now. Happy autumn everyone!

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