Sunday, 30 March 2014


I feel that March is a month that went by pretty pretty slowly somehow. Although ironically at the same time, I'm feeling surprised to realise that it's the end of the month and that April is coming soon. Real soon. Was doing work when I realised that well, May is coming in a month's time. Time did fly, but somehow I feel that it went by kinda slower in March.

I suppose it is very easy to lose track of time when you're working. Having a routine made you forget about time - about how it went by so quick and how it feels like forever. In school we keep track of time due to assignments and tests but when you work, everyday is kinda the same thing so yeah, you lose track of time pretty easily.

And it is also easy to lose your passion when you work, which is something I fear the most in life. That's why I prevent it by doing the things that I love everyday, although it's only for a while. That's why I have project365 and also I try to play the piano everyday when I have the time. I try to blog and write, and something I always do is to listen to music.

Always remind yourself everyday to what you're passionate about. If not, one day you won't remember what you once loved doing, as life's routine engulfed you.

I think having a passion is really a privilege. Something that not everyone has. And I think it is even luckier if you can do what you're passionate about everyday, and you will be the luckiest and happiest person if your passion becomes your full-time job. It's like doing it everyday till you grow old, and at the same time you gain something to make a living too!

Having a passion is like listening to your favourite music/band. You know, the indescribable feeling you get when you listen to them. And there are a few others who are like you in this world and it makes you happy to talk with people who enjoy the music that you enjoy too!

Okay talking about music I think I shall update my music discoveries of this month! :D

Great music of March:
- Years by Alesso feat Matthew Koma
- Future Days by L'alphalpha
- Gema by L'alphalpha
- Terang dan Tenang by L'alphalpha
- Transmutasi by Homogenic
- Utopia by Homogenic
- The Mother We Share by Chvrches (Moonboots Remix)
- A lot of Carpenters songs

L'alphalpha is an Indie-pop band from Indonesia. I came across them watching their cover of Vid Spillum Endalaust by Sigur Ros on Youtube. Just discovered recently that they have released an album (Von Stufe Zu Stufe) and I purchased it. Very nice album with lovely songs. My favourie would be Future Days because that song just gives me so much hope for the future and the present! I listen to it every morning after I wake up haha.

Homogenic is an electronic/dance band from Indonesia as well. I discovered them recently when they've been active for quite a long time (not sure if they are still!). I heard Transmutasi at the local cafe and I asked the cashier what's the title of the song playing and he gave me the title and yay I fell in love with Homogenic from then! Heh.

I bought the Ultimate Carpenters compilation album and it brought me so much memories! So say yes to bringing back the old days! :)

Alright shall stop here for now. Here's to more awesome music discovery next month, and so on!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


I don't know how others perceive me as their friends. Am I a good friend, a bad friend, a friend worth keeping or someone who's forget-worthy. I don't know, and I leave it to everyone about how they feel about this. But maybe I am a bad friend, because I don't really care what you think of me, as a friend, but I just want to let you know that I'm here if you need someone to talk to! And sorry maybe, if I don't make great efforts to keep in touch with you everytime. 

Perhaps I'm a bad friend, because I'm definitely not a "close" or as I like to put it, a "clingy" friend. I'm not someone who will talk to you everyday, or even once a week. Maybe I'll comment on your post on social media and stuff, but well yes, shame on me for not trying to talk to all my friends once a week or something. If you know what I mean.

But like I said, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here :)

I'm kind of glad to have a few friends who share the same thoughts as me about this issue. I once talked to a good friend of mine and apologised to her for not keeping in touch with her after so long. And her reply was the same, how she felt guilty for not talking to me for a long time. And we both come to a conclusion that it is perfectly fine to do this, because somehow no matter how long we didn't talk, we ended up talking like as if we just met yesterday.

I come across a similar post in Tumblr about friends, how best friends are people in your life, whom you may not talk to for a long period of time but when you do, you talk to them like as if you met with them everyday. Which is very true. I don't believe in having one best friend in life. But I truly believe that I have great friends around, who I am proud to know of.

Not sure if it's because I'm someone who's quite used to be alone, that I become such a person. But well yup like I said I'm just not the clingy type of friends you will find.

So to those who think that I'm a bad friend... I would like to apologise I suppose? Don't worry I will always treat you as my good friends yeah :) Anyway I'm writing about this well just because I feel like writing about this. Well I think many times in life where we want to know how others see us in front of their eyes. And I will never know how I look and act in the eyes of others. But just in case you want to know how I view things, well this is it.

Sunday, 23 March 2014



Today was a lovely Sunday indeed. Although towards the end I get really really moody like I just got the ultimate moodswing of the month kind of thing. I suppose it's that time of the month again. Of course I'm not getting menstruation but it's just one of those days of the month where my hormone levels are just off-balance. So yes.

But nevertheless we've been enjoying a good dose of sunshine the past three days. It hasn't been raining since Friday and the weather is pretty lovely. Good to see Mr Blue Sky again after a seemingly endless cloudy month of March. Today was indeed a lovely day with patches of blue sky and lovely evening breeze. I was at the garden when I came across my favourite feathery wild plant which can be found here. And somehow, they grow during these months.

They remind me of summer, and how wild and free things feel like during these months. Their feathers dancing in the wind, it feels pretty and free indeed. The breeze today also reminds me of those days in Inner Mongolia where it just feels so awesome being at the grassland in the afternoon enjoying the autumn breeze. I'm longing to go back to those days as usual.

I'm not sure why I felt really moody towards the end of the day. Like I said maybe it's just an epically off-balance of hormones. I don't know. I felt so tired, both mentally and emotionally. I was so close to breaking down just now. Like I just want to go to my room and listen to music and shut the world from my vision. But of course I couldn't do it because sadly I was doing something (which makes the whole feeling worst) at that time.

Life's just pretty confusing I suppose. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it.

Although well, just wanna say,

It's pretty tiring to know that everyday,
the dreams you have and hold, are drifting away.
When the things you do everyday,
drifts you further away from your dreams

It's pretty tiring to hold on to your dreams
As you got lost in the world of uncertainty.
But it's pretty comforting at the same time,
to hold on to your dreams in this time of uncertainty.

I'm just tired.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


I kinda came up with the line above just now. How technology = tech-NO-logy? Or maybe tech-no-logic hahaha. Doesn't make sense because technology is created from many many logics that come from brilliant brilliant people. And it doesn't make sense when we say that there is no logic there. Okay what am I talking about but anyway, I am writing about this because well... I am kinda discovering the ugly sides to technology? Although I can't live without it.

Can you imagine a world without technology. I wouldn't even be blogging here. Maybe I'll be writing this in my diary instead and I can't share it with people. I can't take photos from my phone and camera, and would probably be still using film cameras. And the most despairing thing is that I can't listen to music! As freely as I am now. I can't purchase songs from iTunes and will probably be listening to songs via vinyl players. And my parents will kill me for playing at night.

Of course, technology has made our lives so much easier as compared to the past. Can you imagine a day without technology? Maybe sure we can live one day without phones but it will be so troublesome. How do we interact with people. What, using letters? Phone calls? And technology has made life more convenient and effective. For example like we can watch Youtube videos and listen to music via iTunes etc. And it's so much more convenient.

Today I woke up feeling... "Frantic". I suppose gone were the days where I would wake up feeling "Ooooh it's a brand new day! Let's bring it on baby!" And then I would walk to the bathroom, take a bath and brush my teeth etc. The first thing I do when I wake up is to check my phone. And when I look at my phone at the gazillion of notifications that I have. BBMs, messages, whatsapp, and I went to panic mode like holy crap oh my god what's going on.

And then I will slowly read them one by one. If I read messages of things that I forgot to do, or some emergency messages that made me turn to panic mode, it made the beginning of my day so restless. So it's like before the day even starts I am already feeling so reckless and lost and mehh with all of these messages. And it's just so tiring sometimes.

Sure the best solution is to not have a phone. Then how am I going to communicate with people! Hahaha. Or maybe don't get a 3G phone or something. But I need it to communicate too. It's just really something we can't run away from I suppose? I used to feel amused when some people I met don't own a phone in such a technology and phone-driven world. Now I tell myself how lucky these people are. They must be feeling so wonderfully free!

My dad doesn't have a phone, nor an email, doesn't know how to use the computer, and I think he's much happier than me hah.

And you know I heard a lot of stories about cyber crimes, fraud and hacking, and of course not to forget viruses. And how people can really really be so freaking evil and cruel when it comes to this. Like it seems that technology is a key, a catalyst for crime to happen. So it's really a confusing thing how technology, in one way help us a lot, and also destroy us.

Isn't it ironic how social media made us more anti-social? We spent so much time on the internet and lesser times interacting with real human beings. Well I mean for me is a special case because my friends are a thousand kilometres away from me. I see people in cafes hooked onto their phones instead of interacting. A family where the parents are using their iPads, and their children on their iPhones playing games or doing whatever they are doing.

How sad!

It is really a privilege to have technology. But at the same time I feel we need to moderate on how we use it, instead of using it as and whatever way we want to. Don't forget to be careful as well because like I said, technology seems like a catalyst for crime to happen.

I've been taking measures so that I won't be hooked to technology as well. Some nights I would go off-grid and spend time with my diary and music. Or do something cool like make a video or something. Edit photos and add quotes onto them kinda thing.

Ah well, technology. Love it, hate it, but do remember that we will need it. In one way or another.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Can't sleep

The past few days have been very weird for me. I've been kind of losing my ability to sleep. It's not the insomnia kind where I totally can't sleep (although well, I just can't sleep heh). But it's more of a feeling? I've been having this weird and fuzzy feeling that makes me unable to go to sleep. Wouldn't say it's excitement just a weird feeling. Even I am not sure on what to call it. But well I just hope that it'll disappear soon. It's just weird, all of these.

Anyway hmm I really feel that March is dragging its feet pretty pretty slowly. I thought February and January kinda went by pretty quickly. But to realise that we have 14 more days to the end of March makes me feel that March is passing by really slowly, somehow. Maybe because the first two months of the year were filled with lots of happenings that it went by pretty quickly. But I don't know. And like Gandhi says there's more to life than increasing its speed so... Yes.

I've been (thankfully) keeping up with my project 365. We're at day 76 now and it is actually quite a challenge to take a photo everyday, and hopefully new and interesting things. But I guess that is the challenge! But well for a shutterbug like me I always find a lot of things interesting and I'm just itchy to take a photo of it. So snapping a photo everyday is quite fun for me. In fact I think I do it everyday. I hope I can continue for the rest of the year!

I can't wait to make like a hugeass collage of photos I took this year! :)

Talking about photos I took a shot which I really really love today. And it's...

Yes! Hoppipolla. My favourite song from my favourite band, written on a foggy window of a truck I was on today. It was raining in my hometown and I was in a truck. There isn't any air conditioning inside so the warmth from our bodies kinda make the inside of the window fog-up and that's when I have that brilliant idea. I wrote it and took a photo of it and voila! I am very very happy and satisfied with the photo. Just oh so great haha.

It's like writing the words using my own font and literally my own fingers!

I should do more of these because I find it really therapeutic to do "artistic" things even though I do it horribly. I can't draw for nuts, and don't even talk about creating arts and crafts haha. But like simple things like making photo quotes? Editing photos, doodling stuff, writing stuff. All of these are pretty therapeutic to me. Very lovely.

Alright gonna stop here. Watch this space for more artsy stuff from me (I hope).

Friday, 14 March 2014


Hello, anyway I've been having thoughts about this plan I'm going to announce next (feels like I'm some big artist announcing something haha). But anyway, inspired by the Youtube channel The Needle Drop, which is owned by Anthony Fantano who's an awesome guy that does reviews of music! I've been subscribing him since like a year ago I think and it is through him that I know great music. So thank you Anthony Fantano! The internet busiest music nerd as he likes to call it.

Anyway yes my plan starting from this year is to sort of do a music update on the great music I discover along the way. I did that already personally, because I always make a new playlist for each month in iTunes and also for my iPod. And I keep these playlists in iTunes where at the end of the year I can "keep track" on the awesome music which I discovered for that particular year. And since sharing is caring I shall post the great music I found here then? :)

And since I didn't do this for January and February I will post them here too! :)

PS: Some songs are discovered way back in 2013. Just that I purchased them this year or something.

Great music of January:
- Steinnun by Boogie Trouble
- Step Out by Jose Gonzales (Walter Mitty OST)
- Stay Alive by Jose Gonzales
- Always Gold by Radical Face

Great music of February:
- Alang alang by Tiga pagi
- Erika by Tiga pagi
- S(m)unda by Tiga pagi
- Tangan Hampa Kaki Telanjang by Tiga pagi
- Together We Are by Arty
- Dare you by Hardwell  feat. Matthew Koma
- Ribs by Lorde
- Team by Lorde

Great music of March will be done at the end of the month haha. I know some of these songs are discovered "late" like for example Lorde. I only know her from Royals and I decided not to get the album till I was in Singapore. Didn't have the time to shop for albums when I was back in January so I got her album in February during the EOTS concert and oh boy I love her more! Great songs indeed and two of the above are my favorite.

Tiga pagi is a band from Indonesia which I discovered through a Youtube series malesbangedotcom haha which features traveling around Indonesia with the host Jebraw. Their song, "Alang Alang" was used and I really love it. I love how they kinda mix Indonesian folk music with a touch of pop with beautiful melodies and lyrics. Lovely band indeed. Bought their physical album.

And I'm kind of into House music nowadays haha no idea why. Well my rule to music is just if it's nice I'll love it. I don't have a particular genre to LOVE although I'm a fan of Indie music. And post-rock. And for the past year I've been into electronic and synth-pop. I love how they can be so simple and beautiful at the same time so yeah :)

Well not sure if I should be happy or sad that I can't seem to appreciate the music of Indonesia today. Or I mean... The "mainstream" ones heh. I love those unknown bands in Indonesia which in my opinion deserve more ears to be heard! Well or maybe, it's just because of my taste in music that is different from most people. But I still believe these bands could get more views because they're really talented! Wishing all the best to them.

Alright gonna stop here now. I will update my playlist again for March soon! See you.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

It feels so scary growing old

That is the lyric from Lorde's album titled Ribs. And I'm currently hooked on that song because well, it's really a song about growing up and how much scary it can be. I love the lyrics and the melody and everything. And I really think Lorde did a great job on the lyrics. Love how she repeats the verses in the chorus really wonderfully.

Here's a video of the song:

Anyway watching another video of her playing live on the Letterman show, she says that she wrote this song about a party she had when her parents were away. But well I really love this song because it's about growing up, and I am really "feeling" the song. How growing up doesn't feel that sweet, as we imagine it to be. How it doesn't feel so fun like we thought when we we're young. In fact it's quite an opposite actually. Like the lyrics which go:

"It feels so scary growing old" and" It drives you crazy growing old"

Well growing old does feel scary and drive you crazy. I realise the amount of responsibilities we have to bear, the lesser time we have for ourselves, the things we have to do and so on. They're definitely scary! How we have to differentiate right and wrong, and also in a way have your own mindset and path which can be quite scary to create in the first place. Yes, so growing old feels scary. And if you can't handle it, it will definitely drive you crazy.

"This dream isn't feeling sweet"

I think we're all a victim of the sweet trap. A thought where we think that growing up feels so sweet. Where we can do anything, party and so on. Where we think that being an adult is such an awesome thing to do, because perhaps when we're young, there are a gazillion things we cannot do. We can't drink, stay up late, go out till night time and so on. But well although we can do all these as we grow old, we realise more ugly things that we have to deal with as we grow too. And when we realise all these, well the dream we once had isn't feeling sweet at all.

"We're reeling through the midnight streets, and I've never felt more alone"

Yup we realise although we may have friends as we are growing old, whom some stay and some left, ultimately we're all left alone in this world. I'm pretty sure in our teenage years, or even now, there are those days where you feel so troubled and worried about something. Yet you realise there is no one to turn to. Not even your best friends nor your parents. And as we grow up we'll have more of such scenarios. So yeah, I've never felt more alone now either.

"I want them back, the minds we had, how all our thoughts, move round our heads"

To sum these lines it's the thought of how when we're young we can't wait to grow up, but when we grow up we wish we can be kids again. You know.

"And laugh till our ribs get tough, but that will never be enough"

I think this line is the most difficult to interpret? But in my interpretation, I feel that you know, I think as we grow up we should just laugh off all these bad thoughts about growing up until our ribs get tough (like a shield protecting us? Our heart maybe). But at the end of the day, that will never be enough. We have to be stronger that what we are now, that what we are today, from where we have come from. Which is kind of a sad thing to think about.

Ah well, we're not in the age of growing up. And of course life feels more confusing. But well, everyone has to grow up and we can never remain young forever. So don't feel alone, we're all here for you. Though you might feel more alone than ever, just remember we're all growing up together. So no worries! This too shall pass. And our ribs will get tough.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Who would have thought

 5 years ago 
who knew we could land at where we are now?

Yesterday there was a 50th anniversary carnival at my secondary school, Tanglin sec and... Of course I couldn't be there, as I'm a thousand kilometres down south haha. So I was just scrolling through the photos that my friends took and shared on Instagram and Facebook. The carnival seems like a great success looking at the photos, so kudos to those who organised and went for it! I really wish I could be there but I couldn't so nevermind.

But anyway seeing all these photos made me really reminiscent about my secondary school life. It was definitely the highlight of my youth and at the end of the day I didn't regret joining Tanglin at all. Although it was my third choice actually HAHAHA. But well, the friends I made there and the teachers who taught me made the experience really unforgettable. If I didn't go to Tanglin my life would be so so so different right now! I won't be me today.

So I was digging through the old photos that I took, which I sadly lost because it was in my PC back in Singapore and it's not pretty much not working at all. All the photos I took with my trusty Nokia N82 are all gone... So that's pretty sad. But I did upload them on Facebook and my blog so I still have some of them, thankfully (whew).

I stared at the photo of my graduating class, 4E1'09, which was taken 5 years ago. And I realised and ponder to myself, that back then, who knew we could land at where we are now? Some of us are now in university, doing sociology, philosophy, pharmacy, engineering, business, tourism and more. Most of the boys are in NS now, with some already ORD-ed. Some started working at the dentistry industry and like me, I'm back home.

The photo was taken a few months before O Levels and I can still remember how clueless we are back then. We're still confused on which path to take and whether the papers themselves will be difficult or not. But now 5 years later, well like I said above,

who knew we could land at where we are now?

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Bali trip 2013

 Go for a solo trip at least once in your life
Trust me, it'll be good

Hello, I realised I haven't blogged about my solo trip to Bali last year haha. Although it happened a year ago, oh dear, but well better late than never right! Anyway I'm not going to blog everything about my trip because honestly speaking I kinda forget about the details of the trip. But I just remember how wonderful it is to travel alone, definitely an eye opener.

Anyway I went to Bali on the 3rd to 5th of March last year. I've been planning to go for a solo trip. Plan was to go after my ITP to Batam (can you believe it hahaha) but I couldn't because the time was too tight. So I decided to go after year three. I wanted to be ambitious and go to Laos but that's a bit mad for first time solo traveler so I decided somewhere closer, and also close to my heart and that is Bali. Besides, it's been like 10 years or so since I last went there.

Bali is a very lovely place. With its Hindu-majority population, it definitely doesn't feel like Indonesia. It feels like I traveled to another country. And the last thing I want is for its culture to be tainted. I love the island, life seems very chill there apart from the bustling Kuta area where tourists flock in. There's something so inspirational and spiritual about the island which I really love. Maybe it's the religion, or the people I don't know. Just lovely and nice.

 Flowers offering you can see almost everywhere there

Anyway I only have three days there so I was really trying to get as much Bali as possible haha. I took a morning flight from Singapore. I can still remember that I woke up late and arrived at Changi 20 minutes before the counter close. Arrived in Bali at about 11 AM I think if I'm not wrong. The weather was really lovely outside the plane. Blue sky and puffy clouds.

Okay although I went alone, I met with a local guide there. He's a guide whom my sister met when she was in Bali. I met up with him at the airport and we drove for lunch first. I am really thankful to him because he made going around Bali pretty convenient. Of course I could have spent the days riding taxis there and stuff but I heard how scary the rides there and how you can get easily ripped-off haha. So thank you to him for that, oh his name is Mr Suwandi by the way.

 Uluwatu cliffs

The last time I went to Bali, I didn't get much of the island itself. I think we spent it by the beach and going to the monkey temple. So this time round I went to all the places I've been wanting to visit. Uluwatu, Tanah Lot to a traditional Hindu temple (called pura), Tegallalang for its rice terraces, Ubud and yeah these are the major places. I stay in Kuta and that's like the traveler's heaven I suppose? So many people there and that's where people flock in.

 Almost sunset at Tanah Lot

Bali is a very beautiful place. Uluwatu and Tanah Lot are my favourites. I love Uluwatu for being a temple on a high cliff. And thankfully Mr Suwandi knows kind of a secret path that we walk on to a random open space near Uluwatu high on the cliffs which is nice. I've been wanting to go to Tanah Lot. Although sadly there was high tide so we couldn't go to the temple on top of the rock. The sights are definitely unforgettable. I was shutter happy back then.

The building of an ogoh-ogoh at Ubud
This would be paraded during the Nyepi celebration

Walking around Ubud is also a lovely experience, walking along the cafes and shops. Pretty artistic place I must say. I came across a primary school in Bali and it's nice to see the locals walking around. The kids carrying what seems to be like a broom for cleaning up and their artwork, probably the ones they did during class. Ubud is definitely a place to chill. If you want to avoid the hectic Kuta area you can head here for a relaxing stay.

 Kuta beach BEFORE the storm hahaha

Kuta is a very bustling place. But Kuta beach is definitely a nice place for a morning stroll. I remember strolling along Kuta in the morning of the 2nd day and... There was like a sudden rain-storm. Like seriously sudden. I walked at 8.30 AM and at like 8.40 plus it just poured crazily. Kuta at night is very lively. I walked around Kuta and chill by the road. Then heading back to the hotel with an ojeg AKA motorcycle taxi. What a night haha.

Tea for one please!

It was a lovely trip indeed. I ended off by going to Mt Batur for lunch with a great view. And to Tegallalang to see the grandeur rice fields.

Before I embarked on this trip I kinda question myself to whether the trip will be "worth it" and nice, with the fact that I'm traveling alone. But hey, it was definitely an experience I always crave for. Traveling alone definitely opens another side you never seen before. Basically, since you're alone, you have no one to talk to, to share thoughts with but yourself. So yes you will be surprised to find the things which you don't know about yourself.

Stone carving in Ubud

Traveling alone definitely is a soul-searching moment. It's pretty much an epiphany to me. And I recommend everyone to travel alone at least once in your life, when you have the chance to. It will be worth it trust me. And you're going to enjoy it. Unless you're those kind of people who cannot be alone. And please don't try to travel alone to "hardcore" countries for first timers haha. Bali is a lovely place you can start with. Just don't do stupid things there heh.

Alright shall stop here. Great time reminiscing about those days. And I'm always looking forward to the next solo trip I'm going to have. And well, soon.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Expression of love

 How do you express your love?

Today I come across this article a friend of mine shared on his wall (Thanks Ardin!):

It's titled "Why Chinese parents don't say I love you"

It is a very interesting article and I think it's a well written one too. I've been asking myself the same question as I grow up till today. Why is it that I find it awkward to go to my mum and say "Hi mum I love you". Don't even ask about me doing it to my dad HAHAHA. Or even to my siblings and other relatives. And also how I find it alright that my parents don't do the same to me. That I don't find it a necessity for my parents to tell me that they love me.

Unlike in western movies where it's normal to see children saying "Love you mum!" as they leave for school or something. Or when they text their parents.

After reading the article, I truly understand why I find it okay for me, and my parents to do that - because their actions already told me that they love me. Their gestures, their habits and so on. Well for me I don't show it obviously either to my parents but well my siblings and I did small gestures that show how much we love and respect our parents.

From the parent side -  how my mum would always (keyword: always) ask me if I have eaten. Even when I was still in Singapore, the first thing that she would ask me is "Have you eaten?". And it continues till now. How my parents would ask me to bring a jacket along when we're going to cold places. How my parents would offer me food when we're eating. Sometimes even leaving the "best" parts of the food for me. Like meat in a dish or something. And there are many more things that I think will be too long to list. But these are the major ones.

From the children side - how I would just automatically go to the kitchen and help my mum when she's cooking, or at least ask her if there is anything I can help. How I would bring the towel for my dad if he forgets it, hanging outside. How we would hold our parents' arms when walking on slippery roads. I would even give my mum a massage when she's cooking. How I would just sit with my father so that we can have a conversation together. And same, the list can go pretty long if I continue too so I will just stop here I suppose.

But well I truly agree that the items will be much more in the parent side than ours.

 I remember a Channel News Asia show (I think it was Get Real) where random people are asked on the street to pick up their phone and then call their parents and say I love you to them. Some of them got so touched that they cried, and their parents cried too. I think yeah, expressing our love verbally to our parents here seem like a "difficult" and weird thing to do somehow. But to show it through gestures, I think we do it pretty well.

I think we're brought up here in a way where love is not something that you show to your parents... But it's just there? Which I think is weird in a very beautiful way. Well for me, my parents are stern in disciplining me. So I suppose I have grown a sense of utmost respect to them. And I think through this respect that you show, you will naturally and co-incidentally show your love to your parents too. It becomes something you do not say to them, but more of show.

Maybe it's years and years of the way we are brought up, the way our parents were brought up, and grandparents and so on, that this flows in Asian society.

I would like to end this post, with the same ending of the article where a blogger, Cindy, wrote:

“Chinese families know how to love fiercely. They do it through immense generosity, unwavering loyalty, and a lot of food. We love differently, not better, not worse, but definitely different.”

Couldn't agree less with the words above!

Anyway March is here, so far it's been a great beginning to March mwahaha. Let's hope for a greater and happier month ahead. And also... 

I've got the green light.