I've been wanting to blog about this since like Tuesday but some things always crop out and I always ended up not blogging. Oh dear I hope it's not a sign that I will have lesser chance to blog this year heh. But anyway, I wanna talk about something today. I think I blogged about this before.
So I think I blogged about how I gave my TV away to one of my workers about 2 years ago. Well actually I still have a TV. It's located in my sister's room which is just beside my room. We actually shared a decoder together, so it's one decoder and two TVs. But as the years go by, I rarely watched TV. And then my second sister moved into another room and she has another TV, which shared that decoder too. So back to two TVs and one decoder. So practically, that decoder is only for her TV heh.
Although I can watch TV still in my sister's room, I suppose life got the better of me and so I watch it less and less. Also I have no time to watch TV heh like seriously. So you can say that it's been almost two years since I lived without TV. The only time that I would watch TV would be when I watch them with my parents in the living room, or with my sister in her room. Apart from that, nope.
Now however... I am officially decoder-less heh. I decided to move the decoded in my sister's room to my dad's room. He has a TV and another decoder (it's a free one with just local channels). So I changed this decoder to the one that I have in my room so that he can enjoy cable TV too.
So I am officially... TV-less!
Like I once said the my source of entertainment has changed. I rely on the internet as my source of entertainment. It's quite funny because in Singapore I love watching TV. I think I spent more time watching TV to relax and enjoy my rest time than surfing the internet/YouTube. Be it movies, random shows and documentaries, I just love flipping through the channel.
But life has been very busy as I got back here and the time I spent watching TV decreased dramatically. Back in 2013-2014 ish I still watch TV in my room. Or in my sister's room (cause there's a super comfortable couch) every Saturday night. But most of the time I'd go to my laptop to watch videos on YouTube, read articles, blog, listen to music and of course, write on my journal.
Across the years, I've learned one thing. And I've been training myself to do this; to rely on myself to keep me happy. I created this sort of "entertainment hierarchy" for me. Like what do I do in my free time? What do I enjoy doing? And what if I can't do them? What are the alternatives?
So here goes:
1. Internet
From YouTube, to reading articles, blogging to listening to music (either online or etc). After I do my work and eat dinner, I'd open my laptop and my Firefox to start surfing. I know it's kind of a bad habit but well, I always try to do things that I enjoy. Or things that I am curious about.
Which brings me to my next point: YouTube. See the thing I like about YouTube is that the contents inside are not so long. Videos that range from 2-30 minutes are pretty enjoyable. It's like you can watch a lot of things in one hour, as compared to TV shows that last probably a minimum of 30 minutes. Sometimes I would dedicate a night watching documentaries on YouTube too heh.
YouTube has really become a part of my entertainment life. Just to name a few: Casey Neistat, Fun For Louis, Buzzfeed, lots of different channels and vloggers. And also now I enjoy watching vegan recipes haha. I think I should dedicate a special post for this! :P
2. Writing
What if the internet fails? Well I have two options. One is writing and the other is music. I usually write an entry in my journal. Or I would just randomly write poems and random writings on an empty (reused) paper. I am looking into trying out calligraphy too. Because my Tibet journal is still empty and I'm looking for ways to use it. I've always been interested in calligraphy, although I have a horrible handwriting haha. I've been doing it on my pen, I think I should get a calligraphy pen soon.
3. Music
If I don't write, I would listen to music. I would listen to music on my iPod. I would lie on my bed and just listen to music. I've been doing this since I'm in primary school so it has become a habit. In fact I always go to sleep listening to music. Unless I'm very very sleepy and tired.
Now... All the first three "levels" require something: electricity. So if the internet fails, I can still write, if I can't write, I'll listen to music. What if there's a power outage! Well usually I keep my iPod charged all time. Cause I really need music haha. But if I can't use it well.. I still have my discman and my loads of CDs heh. There was a time when there was a power outage at 4 AM and my iPod was out of juice. So I ended up listening to some music on my discman and it's pretty good.
The ultimate ultimate option is to meditate. That's what I do most when I'm traveling heh. If I'm in a position and time where I don't want to do nothing, I would meditate. Or chant, or whatever heh.
There you have it, this is how I keep myself happy through "entertainment". It is when I learn that seriously, we are the only ones that are able to keep ourself happy. Because I don't want to rely on one thing to keep me happy. In my case it is the internet. So yeah if it fails me, I have other options to choose from. No worries! I don't feel annoyed when the internet is down or something.
I used to feel very urgghh back in Singapore when the internet in my room died. Especially at night. There was also a time when the internet was down and the TV was down and I thought it felt like the end of the entertainment world. I always blame Starhub and Singtel for "ruining my night".
But nevertheless, I've learned to rely on myself to keep me entertained. And that I don't want to rely on one thing only to make me "happy". I am the best companion I have, and I am the best person who can keep me happy. Hmm, I think we will all be happier that way.