Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Shut Off

Hello hello hello! I'm back again and now the holiday has officially started! Mwahaha. Yesterday was the last day of work at the factory, and today was the start of the yearly Hari Raya holiday. Today was a pretty chill day. Went for a haircut and... Wait, it wasn't exactly a chill day, cause I decided to finish all the work I have to do hahaha. Well I have a list of things to do before the holiday. I wanted to do it last night but I still had some things to do so I was determined to finish them today. And I did! :)

No actually last night I decided to give myself a break, and nua the whole night off heh.

Anyway I still have a list of things I want to do during the holiday. The usual monthly stuff, which is nice cause now I have lots of time to do it. Nothing else to do anyway! I'm definitely looking forward to spending the next 10 days or so just chilling and relaxing. Most importantly - recharging.

I don't have any travel plans this year during the long holiday. Well I did the same thing in 2016 and it was quite a pleasant thing to do actually. To just relax and chill in the long holiday. But I do have gigs plan in July though heh heh. I'm looking forward to a music-licious July indeed.

Alright I'm not sure if I should blog everyday here for the holiday. We'll see! But I will definitely blog more. I have a couple of things I want to blog about. Alright see you soon. To Indonesians out there, have a great holiday! And to the rest of you, have an awesome remaining month of June :)

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