No idea why I am giving this title post "Ray of Light". Couldn't think of any other title to start the post but I just recently re-listened to this favourite album from Madonna of mine! And hopefully I'll see some ray of light soon. It's August now can you believe it haha. 5 more months to the end of 2018! And a new year is upon us soon. So crazy to think of this fact really. Time just seems to fly faster and faster as we grow older. Cause well, we're running "out of time" of course. We have nowhere else to go.
Anyway it's been quite an alright 7 months of the year actually. Although like I said above, I still hope that I get to see some ray of light as we move closer to the end of the year. A sign, a breakthrough, whatever you call it. Feels quite tiring sometimes to hold on to this weird feeling.
Hope to shake it out.
Anyho, August also means that... It's one more month till my 10 year anniversary blogging! Whoop whoop. Crazy, it's been ten years since I started writing here. I never expected to arrive here to be honest, I've always thought that I will stop halfway. No one blogs and no one reads blogs nowadays anyway. But nahh, I love writing. This has become a journal and just a place I seek comfort in.
Well obviously whatever things I was thinking of to do throughout this year, to commemorate this milestone didn't happen haha. But I do have some things in mind. I have a couple of posts to write to celebrate this, and even a special dedication post! There is one person I have to thank for making me fall in love with writing, even up to this day. I shall keep you updated once the post is up.
Alright that's all for now I guess. I think I'm going to start writing these posts, so that I won't take a long time to write everything in one shot haha. Yes, be prepared for a long post. Here's to an Awesome August for all of us! And here's to more years of blogging, I hope.
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