Friday, 28 September 2018

1000 Meatless Days part 2

Right I have just finished with work so time to talk more about what I was writing about yesterday! 

Maybe I should talk about my journey to this day. Even though I talked about it a year ago I think. But yeah in the jist of it, I am vegetarian for the animals. Because I see no difference between humanely and inhumanly obtained meat, as a life is lost at the end of each process right?

I think these 1000 days have taught me two things. Or they reaffirmed my view on meat consumption.

The first one is that why should we kill animals for our food when we can get whatever we need, nutrients and minerals, to function normally, from plants! Okay maybe there are some topics that are debatable like vitamin B12. I read that it is obtained through the digestion of meat, as it is made from the bacteria in our guts. But I also read that food like tempe contains B12 too and we don't have to worry about being deficient as long as we consume them. Also there's supplements! :)

Secondly, now that I have not consumed meat in 1000 days, I begin asking myself the real reason that we eat meat. If we can get what we need from plants... So why do we eat meat? I think I have come to the conclusion that the only reason why we eat meat is simply because for its taste. Like we can actually live without meat. We just love the taste of it, thus we consume it. But would you trade an animal's life for your tastebud? Is it actually worth the killing of a living being?

These are some of the questions I asked myself before I go meatless. There are times where I "convinced" myself to eat meat (while I was still considering my decision!). Like I tell myself just eat less meat, don't worry, animals are meant to be eaten anyway bla bla bla. But yeah I think eventually I told myself that it's not really worth the life of an animal. While I enjoyed the taste of meat, a life has to be unwillingly taken. So yeah I felt it wasn't worth it. Hence I stopped eating meat.

Although yes I am aware that I haven't fully stopped contributing to animals' suffering as I still consume dairy and eat eggs. I am transitioning though. Although err I broke my no-dairy promise today haha. I was really craving for pizza so I got myself Dominos veggie delight pizza. There's cheese in it so eeep. So sorry. I have stopped consuming milk and cream tho.

Alright that's all from me now. I have no plans to go back to eating meat. And I have never felt the temptation to as well. I think I've seen through the taste and aroma. I've heard the cries of these helpless animals who have no voice. I hope you can give Meatless Mondays a try! Or whatever day that suits you. It's good for the animals, good for your health and also good for the earth.

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