Saturday, 1 February 2020

Missing Those Days

Whew guys it's been such a rough January for the world hasn't it? Floodings in Jakarta and Venice, the Australian Bushfire, Iran-US escalating tension and the recent Coronavirus outbreak. All of these rocking this nervous world left and right. Anyway, February is here. Let us all hope and pray that thing will get better as the year move along. And also prayers for everyone affected by the Coronavirus, the patients, and also the medical team who work tirelessly to contain the disease. 武汉加油!

Not sure if it's because of all of these events happening but I feel like January moved way too fast! Haha. Well that's kind of the case in each year. Every year moves faster and faster, and so does its individual months. We only have 29 days in this month, so it's gonna even be quicker!

Anyway it's Saturday now and somehow earlier, during the night, I just came across the thought of my old days back in Singapore. Just a simple reminiscing thought, about how I used to spend my Saturday. Well to be honest I really miss those weekends. Those weekends where I really have a weekend. Nowadays I don't have a weekend heh, cause there's always things to do on both days.

Even though I still do work most of the time during my weekends in Singapore, I usually set aside my Saturday as my chill day. Usually I'll just "force" myself not to do anything haha. Unless I have lots of work to do, or I have some revisions to do before exams/tests. And usually I'll do work on Saturday morning till afternoon. But I will always dedicate my evening time to chill. And man I miss this feeling!

Usually my Saturday will start off quite late (as compared to weekdays). I'll usually wake up at 10 AM ish. Usually I would have already bought breakfast to eat. If I'm feeling really lazy, I would start the day watching TV till the afternoon! I remember I always call Saturday the day where lunch is forgotten. Cause believe it or not, there were a few Saturdays where I skipped breakfasts and lunch (maybe snack a little) and watch TV/browse the internet till evening! And I would hate myself after that.

But anyway most of the time I would pull my ass out to eat haha. Either at Clementi, Holland or just a walk to Cold Storage to get something to munch. If I'm feeling lazy I will settle my dinner too. If not I will go out to get dinner again, or spend the evening out with my friends for food. Man, those were the good old days really haha. I miss that feeling of freedom, that feeling of doing whatever I want to do on every Saturday. Back in Singapore Saturday is always my favourite day of the week haha.

At night, if I didn't go out, I would spend it at home. Same, watching TV or surfing the net. Since 2010 onwards, just like these days, I spend it journaling! If I'm feeling lucky I would buy beer and drink it at home heh. The night would stretch till late, probably 2-3 AM. But usually I won't exceed the time, because I usually go to the temple the next day and have to wake up at 9 AM ish.

And yup. This is how my Saturday usually go. A completely different Saturday than the one I have now haha. I ain't complaining. I understand that life happens, life moves on. We all get busier heh. I do hope one day I can experience this all over again though. The freedom, the silly things, the quiet afternoons watching clouds pass by at the balcony, or through my window. The little things.

As MGMT song "Time To Pretend" says: 

"I miss the boredom, and the freedom and the time spent alone".

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