Thursday, 5 March 2020

Ignorance Vs Virus

So on Monday, it is announced that Indonesia has detected 2 patients who are infected by the COVID-19 virus. They have both been isolated and sent to a hospital for treatment, and they're doing well now! Thankful for that. But hmm, just like many other countries out there, there was a panic scenario that happened on Monday-Tuesday since the announcement was made. It's just 2 cases thus far...

People were panic buying in supermarkets. Masks were being hoarded and some have the audacity to sell it at a higher price WTF! And unashamedly saying "it's for business/money-making". Hello people are trying to protect themselves and they use this moment to make money?! ARGHH. Okay yes I was pissed hearing all these news. It's seriously ridiculous for people to do all of these.

See the thing is I'm not really afraid of COVID-19 (okay just kidding, I'm worried haha). But the thing is... Virus has been around in this planet for probably millions of years. They have been a resident of this planet that we all share as home. It is part of the planet, and thankfully we have the consciousness and ability to protect ourselves from them. By keeping our immune system and health up, and so on. And if in worst scenario we get infected, we have the facility for treatment. Even though at the end of the day, our immune system is the one that does the work for viruses. 

Oh and not forgetting: We have vaccines!

So as of now, the best thing we can do to protect ourselves from the virus is to really keep our immune system up. By eating healthily, get enough sleep and keep ourselves hydrated. As to avoid the virus, we can keep our hygiene up by washing our hands frequently, avoiding crowded places and isolating ourselves if we are not feeling well. And wear a mask if we have to be out and about.

See, I'm more afraid of one thing: our ignorance! I'm more afraid of people panic buying, hoarding masks and thus depleting our supplies. I'm more afraid of irresponsible people who sneeze/cough without covering their mouths. People who go to crowded places even though they are sick. And so on.

We have the ability and capability to protect ourselves and others from the virus. And all of these panic buying isn't helping a single bit. All of these irresponsible acts are not helping either. So yeah, do what we can do and take care of ourselves and others. It's really that simple.

On the other hand, I really wish that we can all go through this worrisome period in health and safety. And to all the people who have been infected, may you have a speedy recovery and be back in great health quickly! I really applaud some of the measures that different countries have taken. Especially in Singapore. I went through H1N1 and SARS in Singapore, and I have faith in the SG government really.

To be honest... I kinda believe that we might have more undetected cases here but let's hope not. I mean the number of Chinese tourists who entered Indonesia before the travel ban was put in place is a lot. There might be some tourists who carried the virus. We might not know. And also some other travelers from other countries. But lets just hope I'm totally wrong. We can do this Indonesia!

Take care everyone in this current COVID-19 situation. Don't forget to wash your hands often!

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