Monday, 20 April 2020


Not sure if it's because of this whole COVID-19 situation or whatever, but I've been feeling moodless and empty these days. I really have no mood to do anything. And as always I don't like forcing myself to do things when I don't have the mood so... That's the reason why I haven't been blogging. It's kinda mind-boggling all these days. I think too many things are running through my mind.

I don't really know what's gonna come after all of this. I definitely know for sure that the world will change at the end of this pandemic. The life that we know will be very different. The way we interact with each other, and the way we think and feel too. These days may feel like the world is coming to an end. But what if it's not the end of the world? What if this is the end of something else.

The end of ignorance. The end of the negative things we've been doing to this planet. Or are we just going to fall back into the sea of ignorance that we enjoy suffocating in.

I'm reminded of Sigur Ros' song from Kveikur called Stormur. Even though it translates to storm, Sigur Ros also gave it another description: A powerful gale, able to disrupt and alter everything that comes in its path. I often thought Stormur refers to time, because time changes everything that comes into its path right? Well ultimately, time plays a major role here. Cause we just have to brave through this storm, and see where time would bring us to, at the end of the storm.

So stay safe and take care everyone. I will see you on the other side of the storm.

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