Sunday, 24 May 2020

Selamat Hari Raya!

First of all wishing all Muslims around the world Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H! Eid Mubarak to those celebrating! :D Well I think without a doubt this has been the weirdest Ramadhan that all of us went through. And definitely something's off for this year Hari Raya too, with the whole COVID-19 situation. But I'm glad to see many of my friends still uplifting the Raya spirit, be it through online communication, wearing Raya clothes at home or even delivering goodies to others!

Anyway so yes I'm also having the Hari Raya long holiday here. It's always something that I look forward to every year. A chance to not do anything (without feeling guilty, cause there's nothing you can do, work wise) and to simply rest. The factory's closed, my shop's closed (just for 1-2 days aha) and yeah, a great chance to rest up I suppose. This, you can say, is my only proper break of the year.

This sounds weird but whenever I'm having the holiday, I usually come up with a list of things I want to do. Like... Blog everyday *cough cough* and journal everyday *sneeze* and some other random stuff. But it's been 2 years since I don't come up with any plans heh. I just live and let live the holiday. Okay I do try to blog and journal as often but I don't make it a compulsory thing to do. At the end of the day, the thing I enjoy the most about the holiday is actually doing nothing heh. Resting.

Today's the first day of the Muslim month of Syawal or Hari Raya itself. And it is actually, in my opinion, the quietest day of the year. I swear it's super quiet on this day. Perhaps it's because yesterday the Takbiran was echoing through my hometown through the night and now there's none. There's also no call for sahur, for breaking fast and the nightly teraweh or tadarus sessions.

The silence is rather eerie but something I enjoy too.

Alright that's all for this first post of the holiday. I'll see you again soon. Stay safe and take care!

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