Sunday, 8 November 2020

Insomnia (again)

Not sure if I'm just simply fated to have insomnia in the middle and end of year. Perhaps my body is just preparing itself for solstice, which is arriving in about a month's time. It's kinda annoying cause I actually feel sleepy. But once I lay on my bed, I just don't fall asleep. Which is really weird.

So yeah the past few weeks I've only been getting 4-5 hours of sleep. It's really wrecking me, but well I kinda get used to it. There are some days where I manage to fall asleep normally tho.

Anyway it's November now. Can you believe it! Well I can. 2020 has been a weird year, where time seems to move quickly and slowly at the same time. It's like part of me is shocked that it's already November. But another part of me is also like of course it's November. I'm usually excited to end the year. Kind of anticipating what the new years has to offer. But not this year. I mean, I don't even know if this madness will come to an end or not. Or we're gonna have the new normal.

Well whatever the case, we have to continue. Gotta go on living I suppose. 2021 is going to bring its surprises and hopes too. Just like 2020. Who would have imagined we'll spend 9 months of 2020 in a pandemic. Nobody right haha. So yeah. Have faith and keep going I guess!

Alright that's all from me now. I will see you soon.

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