Friday, 5 February 2021

Letting Go Is True Wealth


One of my favourite YouTube channels just uploaded this video recently and it's such a cool video! I'd like to quote a passage from the video that resonates with me a lot.

"The basic ideology of consumerist culture we live in is that "less is less and more is more". This has everything to do with how we collectively value social status, and that social status isn't measured by one's virtue or spirituality but by the car one drives, the house one lives in, the furniture one possesses and the clothes one wears. What we have seems to determine our place in the dominant hierarchy. So in a society in which holiness is wealth, the church is the shopping mall, and prayer is consumption, those who dare reject these sacred elements will be regarded as blasphemers."

I'm a proud blasphemer! Haha. Okay more about this on a separate post. Talk to you soon!

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