Thursday, 24 June 2021


Hello hello, look who decided to blog again after one month! Hahaha. I think at this rate I might just blog one entry a month heh. Anyway yes I've been busy as always. It's crazy how things are running at kind of a fast pace the past month. Or in this year to be honest. 2020 felt like a year that went by slowly but 2021? A whole new different speed, a whole new different feel.

Anyway I'm writing now to give you a very surprising update. Major update.

I got COVID-19.

And I have recovered.


So here's the story. On Saturday I went for a lab check with my mum. It's been a month since we both got vaccinated and we went to check if the antibodies have formed. I don't think this is a "standard" protocol yet, but I read and heard the news of people checking their Ab levels post vaccination. So I went to get checked on Saturday. The result was out on Monday. I was both nervous and also excited to know the result. It's kinda cool seeing science at work haha. Especially since I'm a Biomed graduate!

On Monday evening I got a call from the phlebotomist (whom I know) and she asked if I have been infected by COVID. I said no, or... Not that I know of haha. I asked why, and she told me that my Ab level was very high, it indicates a past infection. Usually vaccinated people don't have Ab levels that are this high. I was shocked and when asked what is the amount, it was 250!

For one, I know that our farm manager got COVID back in November. In January when he went for a blood test, I checked his Ab level and it was 275. Very high. A few other people I know who got infected also have such high levels. So I was pretty shocked to know that wow, I actually got infected without myself knowing. Well I did not experience any severe/bad COVID symptoms but...

I do remember experiencing this:

1. There was once when I had an itchy throat (which was barely affecting me) back in April or May.

2. I also had a low grade fever once (37.8 degree ish) back in April or March, I can't remember.

There was no sore throat, no cough etc, and the fever only lasted for one day. I thought I had masuk angin, as usual, so I asked my mum to do kerokan on my back and that's all. I was okay the next day. As for the itchy throat, it was just an itchy throat, nothing else. So in both experiences I just went to isolate myself for 2 days. Seeing how my symptoms persist. And I got better so yeah.

I haven't done any Ab check since January I think. I did get swabbed in April when we found out my brother was positive (and result came as negative). So I really don't know when I actually got COVID. The infection window hence is from January up till now. Or maybe May. Since my Ab level is pretty high now. So it's kinda new (maybe 1-3 months old infection? I'm not sure).

My parents went to get their Ab levels checked too, dad is still low Ab level probably from the vaccine, while mum's Ab level isn't formed yet. Apparently it takes longer for older people to form their Ab. But this also shows that I didn't pass it to them (thank goodness!), despite the fact that I stay with them, eat with them for most meals, and interacted a lot. Perhaps it's true about the study saying that asymptomatic patients may not be able to infect others. I hope it's true!

So yeah it's been a pretty wild discovery for me. A big plot twist that I got it this year. Anyway, I hope you are staying safe and healthy. Please take care, we're not out of the storm yet!

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