Hello! Right so here's more details about my recent trip back to Singapore. It was truly a short trip, but nevertheless it's definitely a meaningful one. Glad to be reunited with everyone.
So this time round, I actually arrived in Singapore on Sunday. It's not my usual weekend trip (Friday - Sunday) but Sunday - Tuesday instead! Cause Neal's back in town also on Sunday till Friday. So that leaves me with either Monday - Wednesday or Tuesday - Thursday. But I have work to do on weekdays so preferrably, I'll leave on one weekend. That leaves me with Sunday! :P
I arrived in rainy Singapore at 11 AM. I forgot how efficient Singapore immigration is, and I arrived at the hotel at like 12 PM haha. I requested for early check in at 1 but well, too early. So I ended up walking around Orchard and buying stuff to bring back. I walked around Orchard Gateway and Plaz Sing.
Next I checked in and rested for a while as I didn't sleep the night before! Took a 2 hour nap and then I was off to meet Chris at Chinatown! I went earlier as I wanted to look for some stuff to buy back too. Well we're kind of unlucky cause we had a few options for dinner and all of them are (somehow) closed on Sunday?! Hahaha. But we ended up eating tacos, they have Impossible tacos and also we ordered a mushroom one. they're so good! (thanks Chris for eating vegan with me!).
Great to meet Chris again!It was a great dinner and catch up with Christ after... 3 years? We ended up talking about a lot of things, growing-up things haha. Like housings etc. It feels like yesterday when we're having Macs after band in poly :') Anyway it's nice seeing you again Chris! Hopefully we can meet again in Jakarta :D
That's all for Day One. I think I have to agree with Chris, it feels like I'm a jompo (old folks) now hahaha. After dinner I went straight back to the hotel and just rest hahaha.
Finally reunited after 4 years, with baby Leanne!
Day 2 was nice and simple. I started the morning doing shopping again cause I still have some stuff to buy back. And then in the afternoon I went over to Jes' house to visit her and baby Leanne! And Neal is coming over too. Gosh the 3 of us are finally in the same time zone after 4 years hahaha. We had lots of catching up to do and as usual, we're also talking about adult stuff! :P Anyway thanks Jes for the durian too! MSW is so amazing. I hope we won't have to wait for 4 years for the next meetup!
Next I went over to LTY's place to pass him some stuff. We're supposed to meet for a meal but due to some scheduling conflict it's just a short meetup at his house hah. But anyway I hope you enjoy the stuff I got you! And enjoy the candle too. And next I went over to Clementi to meet Adeline for dinner!
I specifically chose Clementi cause I haven't been there in ages haha. But sadly it was raining quite heavily in the evening so... I ended up walking around Clementi mall (sorry for the anti climax). But wow this place change a lot. Nevertheless, there's a lot of memories rushing back in my head!
Thank you Ade for the dinner and catch-up :D
Ade and I had dinner at C.Jade Hongkong kitchen. It was a lovely meal and catch up and reminiscing with her. Crazy to think that 13 years ago we're still in Tanglin walking around Clementi, and here we are now as working adults (and me a tourist haha). When those days felt like yesterday! Thank you Adeline for the dinner and it was lovely seeing you again! Have a good break in the year end <3
Okay not trying to be cheesy but after this... I purposely went back to my hotel (at Dhoby Ghaut) by taking 7 from Clementi. I went over to the upper deck to the front seat, cause... I want to see the Orchard Christmas lights HAHAHA. But it's so worth the bus ride! Full of reminiscent. From passing by Pei Tong, Pandan Valley, Holland V and of course the Christmas lights. Gosh, it was a nice and mellow bus trip to Orchard. But okay, another post for this!
Ah Paragon...
After that I went to Kinokuniya to get some books but perhaps I was unlucky cause all of the books I was searching for are out of stock haha. I decided to walk all the way from Taka to Dhoby to enjoy and soak in all the Christmas lights. Sigh, I feel old and sad. Christmas is always a bittersweet feeling for me. A sign that the year is ending, and I just think of the year that I went through and about the year that's dawning upon us. But nevertheless, it's a great feeling to be back!
Chili Krab burger. 9/10, so good!
My last day was a really short one. I took an afternoon flight, but I decided to squeeze one last meal before flying back haha. So I went all the way to Eunos to have... Veganburg. I've been wanting to eat here but cause it's so far (and I usually stay in the central area), I don't have the time for it haha. So this time round since I got some free time, I decided to go there. It was delicious!
I went back to my hotel, picked up my bags, and left for the airport. That's it for my trip!
This was a trip that reminds me so many things have changed, and yet so many things stayed the same too. I'm thankful for the (more than a) decade of friendship with my the lovely people I met in this trip. I hope we can all keep in touch and we'll meet up more in the future. Stay safe and take care everyone! I wish you a wonderful ending to 2022.