Monday, 31 October 2022

End of Blogtober 2022

We made it. It's the last day of October. Oh my gosh hahaha. We did it....! 

Not. Well I actually ended up doing 7 posts on Saturday/Sunday. I can't do this daily man, it's a torture haha. Especially towards the end of the month where I get even more busy.

I just looked at the number of posts of my blog. And wow can't believe we're about 200 posts away to 2000! I suddenly have an idea about next year. Which is actually the 15th year that I will be "blogging". Even though the past 2 years I haven't been blogging often heh. But yeah. Maybe I can do it. 

The thing is I kinda enjoy this year's blogtober. Somehow it reminds me of my old blogging days. You know like when you just post about random photos. Or what you eat, or etc. I guess blogging doesn't necessarily have to be some lengthy posts and so on. It can be short ones that you enjoy doing. I'm also thinking of doing blogging prompts. Perhaps doing it together with my Daily Stoic journal.

Alright I guess that's all for this year's Blogtober. I don't want to give you high hopes about next year hah.

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