Sunday, 23 April 2023

rOMADhon 2023

Right since it's still day 2 of Lebaran, I'd like to talk about something I did once again in this year's Ramadhan or fasting month! Okay so as mentioned last year, I actually did OMAD for last year's Ramadhan. And ever since then I've been consistently doing intermittent fasting (IF) for one whole year! Well basically I did different types of fasting every day, but mostly a 16-8 IF.

In the spirit of Ramadhan, (or as I'd called it now "rOMADhon" haha) I attempted to do OMAD for one whole month too! I thought it's gonna be easy after one year of IF but... I was wrong.

Okay the first week was pretty easy. I pulled it off very well and it's just like an ordinary OMAD week. I didn't have hunger pangs and so on. By the 2nd week it was also okay, but my mouth was "itching" by 6 PM (oh my meal is at 1 AM hah). So that's about 17 hours fast. By the middle of third week, I was struggling hard hah. Okay actually I was experiencing some severe gastritis and diarrhea on the 13th day of my OMAD month. So I stopped doing OMAD for 3 days cause health > OMAD I guess.

I'm not sure if it's because I stopped doing OMAD for these 3 days that I "wobbled" and struggled to keep up with my OMAD habits in the 3rd week haha. But anyway I persevered again and managed to go back to my OMAD diet for the rest of Ramadhan. It was okay I guess!

Well the truth is an OMAD diet is not sustainable in the long run. This I know and that's why I don't do it every day hah. I just do this in the spirit of Ramadhan. And... Also I didn't lose weight as I hoped at the end of this. I'm not sure why T_T but I do read that there will come a point where we reach a plateau state, where we will no longer lose weight. I think I need to exercise more.

Talking about exercise I've actually added jump ropes to my exercising regime! I came across a jump rope video on YouTube and thought it'll be a great exercise to do. I bought one and I was like "Meh this looks easy, I'm gonna do 500 for my first time!". Oh my goodness HELL NO hahaha. I couldn't even do 50 in one go! I read up more online and it's not good for beginners to jump a lot straightaway. I built myself up from 200, to 300, to 500. Now I do 700 on alternate days.

My aim is to do 500 everyday and hopefully 1000 soon. It's quite challenging in some ways. Like now I can do 100 in one go but sometimes it's hard to keep up. The positioning of the hands, and the height of the rope and so on plays a HUGE part. So I've been experimenting myself. 

Alright that's all for my OMAD post this year. I'm going to continue doing IF for the rest of my life. Maybe until I reach a healthy weight haha. IF to me has been super helpful in maintaining my weight. Like I never increase my weight the past year even though I don't exercise. So perhaps I should do more exercise so that I can lost more weight faster. Jump rope come to daddy.

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