Saturday, 29 July 2023

Endings // Beginnings

July has been a month of endings and beginnings for me. As I close off a chapter, I know I'm embarking on a new one. Hasn't officially started but it's looming over the horizon. I guess this is what life is? A constant continuation of journeys, endings and beginnings - until death.

But I guess like I believe, everything has an ending but all endings are also beginnings.

I think one of the most beautiful events in life is the evolution of a butterfly. From a caterpillar to a pupa to a butterfly. The pupa may look like something uninteresting and plain, but we know that it's a start of something beautiful. A new stage of life. And as Lhasa de Sela says, birth may seem like a very chaotic process. The breaking of a pupa into a butterfly may seem like an arduous struggle. But we all know that they are supposed to go through this process to step into a more liberating stage.

I guess it's normal to feel overwhelmed at the things that are happening to us in life. But one has to also remember that we don't know which "stage" of life that we are at. No one knows what's next. Perhaps we're all a pupa now, waiting to break free and be liberated out.

I guess it's not easy finding peace in a sea of uncertainty. Let alone finding calmness in an everchanging life - where we don't know where we're heading to next. Which stage are we in now? How will life be? What stage is next? Finding peace in the midst of these questions is a challenge - but not impossible.

And I think this is my biggest lesson of the past 3 years. To find peace in wherever I need to be in. With the knowledge that this is life -  a place of absurdity where sometimes things just don't make sense. Yet I also find comfort that somehow things always fall into place; 

whether or not they fall in places that I want them to fall in to.

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