Okay peeps, I changed my skin. Kinda bored of the last one haha. So okay here it is!
Happy 120th post!
Saturday, 31 January 2009
A month
Yo! Today, was HELL tiring I tell you. Alright so we had the CIP flag day today and yeah, Ms Portia wants the sec 4 band members to help her out for the registration thingy,a nd also some SC's. She told us to meet her at 7 A.M. but... The school gate was locked! And it was opened at around 7.20-7.30, I didn't see the clock. Me, Chong Tuck and Neal reached the school at around 7.50... Lol and so we had to wait. Then done with the registration things and then we set out! Well the 4E1 students were assigned at Queenstown area and we were divided into 4 groups. One at the MRT, one at block 39, mine at block 40 and the rest of the guys opposite of Ikea. Okay opposite of Ikea is like a GREAT place to ask for money, so is th MRT station. BUT block 39 and 40 are like.... Deserted and secluded. There aren't many people out there and since they're after the MRT, most people donated already so we didn't have "customers".So Brenda and me were like walking... Here and there (I think we walked for like 3 KM?) and well we didn't really have the luck. If we didn't top up the amount ourselves, I don't think we would be able to get the 20 bucks? And well in my opinion, it's the hours that count, not the money don't you think so? But for some disciplinary measures (cause some students love to slack somewhere instead of doing their CIP), a target is set for everyone. It kinda sucked, too bad, it's life. Overall, I rate today's activity 65/100. After school me, Sherman, Wei Lun, Soon Hong, Kelvin, Brenda and Jie Long stayed in the SC room to do math (Hmm wait, Jie Long was there, but not doing math). Thanks to Sherman I did my 90% of my Amath workbook assginment and I'm only left with 3! Thanks for helping me and teaching me. We stopped at 3 because we couldn't stand our hunger, our stomach felt like there was this beast which was slashing our stomach wall with great intensity. So me, Sherman and Brenda went to KFC and EAT hohoho. Then went home and yeah. I fell asleep just now, was really freaking tired. Okay I wanna do my Amath homework and then have a SUPER GOOD REST. Okay see you!
Well, you can't expect things to happen like how you want it.
Well, you can't expect things to happen like how you want it.
Friday, 30 January 2009
No more bliss?
Alright so here again. Today was okay, I might say it's one of the most head-aching day of the week haha. Started the day with Amath, nothing special happened then it was P.E. Mr Tan asked us to run 2 rounds. For the boys, we have to run within like 10 minutes, if possible 8. But seriously, my timing has improved A LOT (well for a fat guy like me). Okay so I used to like run 2 rounds in 14/12/13 minutes but today, I ran for 10! EXACTLY 10 haha, how cool eh. I feel satisfied, really. Then the rest of the day went by and yeah. After school had Amath focus and that's when my head felt like bao-zha-ing why? Cause Mr Sia gave us like this Trigonometrical exercsied based on the workbook and I like well 80% forgotten that chapter. How cool.... Okay alright that's all I guess? I wanna rest cause tomorrow will be our flag day! And it's my first time doing it so yeah. See you guys then!
Life is a battle. Not a battle among people, but more of yourself?
Life is a battle. Not a battle among people, but more of yourself?
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Yo people, back here again. Today did Chem mock-SPA and it was okay... I guess, I can do better I believe. And then after that went to check our Bio SPA exercises which I'm very relieved cause by that, then I can know my mistakes. Then the rest went well, just that I was FREAKING sleepy in Chinese class that I fell asleep for like 10 minutes. Not my fault haha, my eyes just switched off in the blink of an eye and when I woke up we were in like on the third paragraph of the story of today's ke wen. Then to the big brother big sister thingy, today my class was not co-operative at all, and the SC's were very tired. Thanks to our body's "clock" that makes our blood glucose level drop at 2 P.M. And then had Chem focus which I hmm okay, survived thorugh it. And oh man, we're having Amath focus tomorrow??? Whyyyyyy.... I was like planning to have a GREAT rest tomorrow alright... Bleah it's life, nevermind. Then went to eat at MOS with Neal, Sherman and Kelvin. Had a great time there (thanks to Kelvin cause he was like.... Nothing...) except for that waitress who didn't send me my bloody garlic and lemon mussels! Okay then headed home and in the interchange, Kelvin and Sherman taught me a cheng yu, which sounds like "yi cun guang yin, yi cun jin. yi cun guang yin nan mai chu yi cun jin" Which means one inch of time is equal to one inch of gold, but we can't buy one inch of time using one inch of gold. Confused? Well to make it simple, time is precious. Alright that's all for the day! See you!
Being humble, is what we need to be. So what if we're freaking smart? But fame and jealousy get over us?
Being humble, is what we need to be. So what if we're freaking smart? But fame and jealousy get over us?
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Am I making the wrong choice?
Alright, I wanted to post last night but was damn freaking exhausted last night when I reached home at like 12 A.M. It was my very first time, in Changi, when there were NO taxi at all in the taxi queue. Usually there will be like 6 taxis at one go but this time, it almost went like one by one. Super irritating. Even thought I went out of the immigration thingy at 11, due to the lack of taxi I waited for 45 mins just because the freaking taxi didn't come! ROAR. Okay so today was okay, I was VERY tired though. I didn't want to go to band at first, I was really really tired. But I feel I should go, somehow? I don't know. In band, I'm really pissed with myself, really really pissed. It's like oh man? I don't know but I'm just pissed. Alright then I went home at actually... I fell asleep on the interchange! It's like I was so freaking tired and ravenous (yay used the word I learnt today haha) but thanks to the loud cymbals of Ivanhoe's third movement that I was listening to, I woke up and yeah, almost missed my bus. Okay I have things to do tonight, and that is of course my homework. See ya then!
I hate that feeling.
I hate that feeling.
Monday, 26 January 2009
CNY... Literature...
Hello peeps, had fun today during the day as we were like playing together happily haha. But it is kinda sad this year as thanks to our Sun, the revolution of the Earth made this year's Chinese new year to fall on a Monday (it's only celebrated in one day here) and so, my cousins have schools tomorrow. So they were going back straight to their respective houses just after the playing and everything is done. Unlike last year, it fell on a Thursday (If I'm not wrong) and so my cousins had like Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Cool eh? But too bad, this year it fell on Monday so yup. Well not ALL of my cousins went back after the playing and everything, only two haha. For me, this year's celebration is kinda boring? Cause the boys spent their time playing Black Jack and we also went out eating on this cafe, not bad for the food. Then after that we just lay around in a bed and watch TV (well I got kinda bored so I decided to walk walk). Unlike last year we were like playing till 5 P.M. and it was so fun. Then in the evening went to my grandma's house to do the house visiting and I guess that's all for the day? Heh heh. Well I just realised that I still have two literature assignments to do, and I'm currently working on my Curious Incident essay. I'm still left with the Pari questions and I stupidly left my Amath workbook in Singapore so... No Amath done for me. Alright I'll be flying back tomorrow night and I'll be meeting you all again on Wednesday. Oh man, honestly 3 days is never enough haha. Alright that's all people! Happy Chinese New Year again!
How you live is all up to you, not up to your parents, your teachers or friends. But YOU
How you live is all up to you, not up to your parents, your teachers or friends. But YOU
Happy Chinese New Year!
Yoyoyoyo! So first of all, Happy Chinese new year! Woots! Haha and yeah it's been fun, cause most of my cousins were in my grandma's house just now and we were having hell lot of fun! But this year, I feel is the most sleepiest CNY eve I've ever experienced, in fact I'm feeling VERY sleepy right now. Alright I will post some pictures up once I get back to Singapore, cause I know that it will take years to upload them here haha. Alright once again, happy Chinese new year! Hope this year will be a good year to all of you! Shee ya!
Gong xi fa cai, hong bao na lai!
Gong xi fa cai, hong bao na lai!
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Home sweet home :D
Hello peeps, I'm in Sukabumi now. Yesterday the flight was pretty smooth, it's just that the flight was delayed for 30 mins, which because of this, I ould actually finish my Math Algebra worksheet! Then apart from the quite horrible landing in Indonesia, the rest went well. I met my sis and her boyfriend at the airport and we went to eat at this restaurant which sells super good food. Arrived at Sukabumi at 1 A.M. I was damn freaking tired when I reached my house, just felt so sleepy. Today all my cousins came to have our reunion, and I totally love this moment of the year cause' it's when we have the chance to meet again, talk etc. I helped in the praying session to our ancestors thingy (I don't know how to name this is English haha). What did I do? Fold the "gim zhua" (is this how it's spelt?) into nice looking stack of the gim zhua of course. Then we eat lunch together! My aunt bought cheesecake and tiramisu and it tasted superbly superb. Alright see ya all then!
Everyone has their own dream. Be it good or bad, it's up to them to decide.
Everyone has their own dream. Be it good or bad, it's up to them to decide.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Oops sorry
Oops, I forgot to add another thing, two videos! Of Kelvin and us hahaha. Enjoy
Okay here's the first video we took, but decided yo improve it so...
Here's the second one. Haha improvised!
Okay here's the first video we took, but decided yo improve it so...
Here's the second one. Haha improvised!
Alright, so today was the CNY celebrations at school. We didn't do a good job. In music wise yes, but in emotion wise hell no. And oh man, I honestly feel the audience kinda sucked? Because they don't even respect us by keeping their mouth shut when we play? I can't even hear the saxes and clarinets playing! Cause it's simply too noisy! ROAR. Alright, it's really difficult to find people who truly enjoy music. These people will simply stare and enjoy, not talk and think we're invisible. Anyway after the whole thing we went to Seoul Garden @ Bugis there. At first we wanted to go to Bugis, then Neal wanted to go to Taka, then Taka full so we went to Bugis at last. Anyway the people going are: Me, Neal, Kelvin, Jes, Ah meng, Wei Qi, Ade, Madelline and Hui Xian. We were finding a hard time looking for a seat but managed to find one after like waiting 30 mins. Daamn. Alright it's picture time! Finally I managed to fullfil my target of puttong pictures into my blog of what's happening on the day haha.

Here are all the nicest pics we took. And for your info, what Kelvin doing above is actually adding strawberry ice crea, to Meng Fung's coke! HAHAHAHAHA. Alright I shall end my post here, see you all!
High school, never ends

Here are all the nicest pics we took. And for your info, what Kelvin doing above is actually adding strawberry ice crea, to Meng Fung's coke! HAHAHAHAHA. Alright I shall end my post here, see you all!
High school, never ends
Thursday, 22 January 2009
1 mole = 6x10^23 particles. The molar mass of an onject refers to its R.M.M or R.A.M
Confused by the headings above? Well this is simple for me. BUT, once you see the questions related to that chapter, your head will surely feel like exploding into a thousand molecules or brains skin etc. It's REALLY tough (for me) and I surely need more time on this chapter. But ironically, this is the easiest chapter of Chemistry, cause all you have to do is just times this times that and yeah. Today I got back two of my tests, Chem and Bio respectively and... I didn't do well. It's a wake up call for me and yeah, time to buck up, no more procrastinating I guess. Then I had my Chemistry Focus and that's when the "real" fun started... Then spent a little while talking to Mdm Ng about dropping subject, which of course I'm not going to do that. Tomorrow will be the Chinese new year celebrations and... I can't wait! Haha. I think it's going to be fun, and I hope everything went smooth. I'll be going out with my friends tomorrow too so yeah. Alright then, I guess that's all for the day, see ya!
Life lessons, are not what people teach you. But more of how you teach yourself from the things people taught you.
Life lessons, are not what people teach you. But more of how you teach yourself from the things people taught you.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Starry starry night...
Hello peeps, back here again. I'm freaking tired haha. Today was okay, nothing that special really happened? Just that we were having rehearsals for the CNY celebrations. Uhh yeah so we will have a CNY celebrations in school on Friday, and the next day? I'm gooing back!!! Yayayayayaaaayyyy. I'ts ANG PAO time hohoho. Okay that sounds so evil for our parents. Alright so yeah that's really all? But well, I was walking home just now and I... Think this was my first/second/third/more time that I see the Orion belt! In Singapore! Wow, I only see that part of Orion back in my hometown, where the sky is like super dark at night yeah. Alright I guess that's all, see ya!
I can, or maybe I can't accept the facts.
I can, or maybe I can't accept the facts.
Monday, 19 January 2009
When technology diappoints you.
Yo, today was a tiring day for me, don't ask me why. Well the day went smoothly, just that we had 3 periods of Social Studies and... I fell asleep for like 10 minutes because I was VERY, EXTREMELY sleepy. Anyway the 10 minutes was not about any thing, just Mr Andy showing us some stuff so yeah. Then we had band and Mr Shukor came! Oh man I feel so happy haha, I like him a lot, not only he is (was) our woodwind tutor and he simply rocked lar okay... Then after band went home, da bao some food and yeah. Well after band I saw Mrs Lee's sms for me to relay to my relay people. BUT, what's irritating is that when I sent it to the people, it says "Unable to send" and so I tried to resend but the same thing happened. And what's even more irritating is that I resent again and actually my friends have received it. It's like... WHAT??? Omg sometimes techonology just really disappoint you, and man... This shows we shouldnt rely too much on them, and I really hope such things won't happen again. Okay I guess that's all for the day then, see you!
Gah, gah GAHH
Gah, gah GAHH
Sunday, 18 January 2009
The heat, I can feel it now.
Okay, seriously life is getting tougher? Even though it's just the 18th day of the year and I have like seriously TONS of homework. It's all thanks to procrastinating that I have a pile of work on my desk as I took out my student diary and "Oh I have this (take out worksheet from file)" "Oh ?I also have this (Take out textbook)" "Oh? I have this too? (Take out another worksheet from the file)" and when I looked at my table there is this like thick pile of worksheets. Well can't help it either, I have been like extremely busy this week. Looking back, I went home at 6 P.M. every single day of last week (except for Friday) as I have SC investiture, band and more. On Saturday we went to video tape our marching and we were very pleased that we did it. So now, it's all in the focus of our SYF set and choice piece. No more marching, falling in but... RUNNING. Thanks to our dearest Su yi that proposed to Ms Portia for having this daily running. Sorry, I would rather after every band practice than run in the morning. Or run 5 rounds round the field every Saturday. After all, yes stamina is part in playing music. But I feel that the passion, and more of the discipline is at the topn of everything else. What's the point of being able to play your tuning note for 100 seconds if you don't put your heart and soul in the music? Bleah here goes my rantings again. Anyway yeah, I wouldn't be able to blog everyday now, after all my wife O-level is waiting for me at the end of the year so yup. Alright I wanna sleep! See you all.
It's amazing how numbers can be a mystery in our lives.
It's amazing how numbers can be a mystery in our lives.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Bliss, blue skies, winds.
Halo everyone, here to blog cause I've decided to use tonight as a rest night for me cause' I was simply exhausted after this week's activities. I went home at like 6 P.M. everyday during this week, how cool eh? So tonight, rest as much as I can I suppose. And tomorrow? Band marching video taping.... So... 8.30 meet in school. WOW, I thought I am supposed to have such a deserving weekend? But too bad the answer is no. So well today after school, I took up the band banner with Jia Min and Jacqueline (is that how it is spelled?), thanks for the help! And I owe jia min macdonald breakfast so uhh see first okay? Hahahaha. Then went to chill out and i found out that Sherman was ill... And he was waiting for us... Oh my God I felt so guilty haha. Then me, Denise and MF headed to WCP to treat them Sakae cause I promised them last year hahaha. And I promised Neal, MF and Denise that if I got an A1 for Chinese O level I'll treat them Crystal JAde haha, cause I know it won't be possible. Then eat eat eat and then we went to walk walk and we watched this Chinese Acrobatic show and it was rather cool I guess. Alright that's all then, see you all!
It's what makes us different, that makes us special.
It's what makes us different, that makes us special.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
I won't forget today :)
Today, is the day I won't forget. Yes, investiture? It's like super totally AWESOME alright... It was my first time being an emcee with Cheryl and I stumbled upon some words but, WHO CARES? What's more important is that we enjoy ourselves right? So what if we did mistakes in the dancing part, what's more important is that we love EVERY moment of the dance right? Yeah, life is not about being perfect cause it ain't perfect, but it's more of enjoying what life is. I will never forget today, I love you SC's! We've worked hard, we've sweat it out, but we did it, like awesomely? I kinda regret though, for not taking photos with the dancers. I want tit to be an unforgettable experience that I have in my life. Well after the investiture we had Chemistry focus. Oh man I would so love to go to it like everyday? Because we were really relaxed but in a sense also study. Then went to chill out in the SC room with Neal, Sherman, Jie Long and Wei lun, then Wei Lun headed off first with Sem and the rest of us (except Jie Long) went to Clementi. We wanted to go home straight but ended up eating, yeah I was the one who ate at first but Neal followed, and I forced the two of them to eat the dumplings I've bought but anyway, thank you for acocmpanying me to eat. I love chilling out at night, I don't know why. Alright this week and next week will be a SUPER DUPER busy one for me, so more on time planning, less blogging sadly :( alright, see ya!
To the exco members, congratulations. To the SC members, fabulous job. To all SC's we ROCKED
To the exco members, congratulations. To the SC members, fabulous job. To all SC's we ROCKED
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
So, tomorrow is D day, and I will be the emcee! Oh my God hell I'm nervous. And we will also do the aha aha you know, so ALL of us are nervous actually. Well I am seriously looking forward to tomorrow, as I'm VERY sure it's going to be a fun day! Yes it will. Okay so well today, nothing much going on except for Band and yeah. Alright I got to go then, wanna do my Emath homework!
See ya guys!
Go SC! Lets put the best show!
See ya guys!
Go SC! Lets put the best show!
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
This is life, life is this thing.
Hello, I have been busy these days so won't be blogging as often now. Well it was pretty tiring you know, these days. First of all we will be having our investiture this Thursday. We have band practices, and of course our beloved homework and tests. Well I think we are all matured by now so I feel we should be able to juggle our times well right. Yesterday the O-level result came out and yes, I saw some people crying, laughing, smiling, stoning. It's heart-breaking to see those who didn't do well, and it's a wake up call for us. Anyway I'll be ending here, lots of stuff going on here! See you!
Well it's life, it's never fair, it's never perfect, it's a suffering :)
Well it's life, it's never fair, it's never perfect, it's a suffering :)
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Procrastinate... Gahh
Hello peeps, sorry for not posting these few days as I was busy and TIRED. Well we had CCA open house yesterday but.. We didn't perform well, don't ask me why but the exhibition booth that we put up kinda attracted many sec ones! Most of them want to join band too and some are ex-band members. And guess what, some Indonesians are also interested in joining the band! Woots. Well we have this international students meeting again (as usual per year). and I'm VERY surprised that there are HELL LOTS of Indonesians in Tanglin! Woot yeah yeah haha. But most of them are in Sec 3's and not Sec 4's so bleah, haha. Anyway this year is my last year in Tanglin so I feel it's kinda pointless to rejoice too haha. Well talking about today's tittle, really hate myself for not doing a single of my new year resolution! I have been procastinating, I have not done a single swimming session but well I've work on my diet. So I promised those resolutions will be done ASAP (yeah how long is soon in ASAP hahaha). Okays that's all for the days then, see you!
Tomorrow, I'll see my seniors crying, smiling, laughing, stoning or dieing.
Tomorrow, I'll see my seniors crying, smiling, laughing, stoning or dieing.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
The future?
What's up peeps haha. Sorry for not posting yesterday cause I was literally just dozed off as I reached home (which was 8.30 P.M.) as Sherman, Neal and me went to eat KFC first for dinner. Well since my body was soooooo freaking tired I fell asleep from 8.30 - 5.20! Exactly 5 hours and 40 mins. Today was fun I guess, cause' we went to Ngee Ann poly open house! I finally have the chance to see what's inside there and to me, poly life seems fun. I want to go to poly, that's if I didn't score like 6-8 points (which rather sounds impossible but nothing is impossible). And also because of that "issue", I have no choice but poly is the only option (or is it not?). I want to go to Biomedical and I was surprised that there are actually two Biomeds, one is Biomeds sciences and engineering. After much comparison, I feel that the sciences one is my choice but, I need ten points to go there... WOW haha, that's rather... Ahem you know. I wanted to go to healthsciences but hmm NP only provides 2 modules there which is nursing and optomerist. I'm not really into that. Well there are over hundreds of modules there so I can think slowly alright. Okay I'm bloggin early cause I have to study for my Bio test tomorrow so, see ya!
The future is in my hand, or is it not?
The future is in my hand, or is it not?
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Happy 100th post!
Yo! First of all this is my 100th post to this blog! Yay hahaha. Okay so today was... I dont know what day. The morning was okay, just that the mike has problems again (So stop blaming the PA crew cause the MIKE has problems, not US) and somehow... Mrs Oei asked the SC's who were in charge of the assembly (why including me?) and the PA crew. For the first time, she is embracing the SC! UNBELIEVABLE! Ok so she was saying that we are supposed to be role model and hoped that everyone will be inspired by us. Hope so. Alright then the day went smoothly, and well I wanna tell you this. I prefer Mr Tan P.E as a teacher, but not a DM LOL. Honestly he's a good teacher and he's like 180 degree change when he's a teahcer and DM haha. After school went to help Cheryl, Chong tuck, Sam sim and Amanda to hang the banners for CCA open house. We hang one banner in a SPECIAL place, but we were afraid that we can't hang it there. It's up to the principal tomorrow... Really I pray so hard that she won't say anything about it, PLEASE. Anyway none of the teachers actually forbid us to put it there. Even Mr Chan looked at it and he didn't say anything so.... Ok. Alright that's all for today then! See you
Life, accept it.
Life, accept it.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Why you feel sleepy? Because your brain isn't doing anything.
Okay so today, was a fine day I suppose, everything went well. Since it's the first day of lessons we have in 2009, we didn't really do much except going through.... What else? But Holiday assignments. This time some (or is it only one?) faces appeared in our class. And that's Mr Tan Puay Eng haha, our new physics teacher. Since Mr Goh left, he took in chahrge of us for Physics and I guess he's good! He digressed A LOT I tell you. He started from lenses, to Albert Einstein, to JC stuff, back to no parallel lines, to think a lot in life and so on. Well this is good, because at least the lesson is not like _____________ but it becomes __/\__/\__/\ which means it has life! Alright after school had band and oh my god, I love it. Somehow I really miss band? And it's like I can't wait to play overture one with the band and it sounded okkkaaayyy, but not good yet. For me too, it's in a quicker tempo so I had some difficulties following but, I'll get used to it. Then I went home and my guardian's maid is so kind, she cooked dinner for me! And heeellll I'm starving you know but thanks to her food my stomach is damn full now. Alright that's all for the post today, I wanna bathe and revise Bio. See you!
Life is nothing, when you don't think.
Life is nothing, when you don't think.
Sunday, 4 January 2009
No more procrastinating, but it's just the matter of time.
Hello peeps, alright Frederick told me that his year we must not procrastinate, ANYMORE. I totally agree with him but it's just the matter of time. It's true that the worst enemy of our life is ourselves, don't you agree? Yes it is us, the most hated enemy of ourselves. Ok so start the day at 11 (I was supposed to wake up at 9.30 but... Don't ask me why) and started my day with... History hohoho, now I'm done with history and now left with Literature's book review. School will start tomorrow and I'm pretty much excited about it. I cooked dinner tonight at tried to make a vinegarette and... IT FAILED. Well everyone knows that oil is less dense than vinegar (don't you?) and so, the oil was seperated with the vinegar and so what I get is like an-oil dressing. Eew right? Then I went to blog here. Alright well, somehow I sensed this "evil-feeling" that his year, it's gonna be a tough year. Both in my house, and in school. Well so I better get prepared then. There'll be band tomorrow and I can't wait! Oh man I so feel like playing Overture no 1, and show someone that... GET UP ON YOUR ASS AND START PRACTICING . Then, you can play like a pro. And of course not to forget to add lots and lots of passion for music and you become a music-savant. Alright that's all then, see you!
What happens when you get pampered too much?
What happens when you get pampered too much?
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Slack baby slack!
Hello, today was really a slacking day for me. I wanted to wake up at 9 A.M. to do my leftover-English homework but ended up waking up at 10 A.M. Then I had breakfast and decided to clean up my room a little bit and then... Watch TV! I watched Babel at star movies, pretty cool I guess but the ending was a little bit weird. After watching it I fell asleep and woke up at 8 P.M. (the movie finished at 5 P.M.). Then I brought my cousin out for dinner and decided to eat at Sushi Tei. Yum... It has been sucha long time since I ate the spicy ramen haha. Tomorrow I may go out again with my cousins so I think I have to clear my homework by tonight/tomorrow morning. Alright I guess that's all for the day then, see ya!
So we're left with 362 more days to 2010?
So we're left with 362 more days to 2010?
Friday, 2 January 2009
New day
Today was hell lot of tiring I tell ya, and kinda boring too. The principal, as usual "created" her own program whereas the program was supposed to go in such one way. The ironic thing is, she was scolding us about being punctual but she herself was not even punctual in "following" the schedule ya know. Well I was assigned to 1E2 with Beatrice as IC, Firdhouse, Smantha, Jia Wen and Zhi Ming. The class is okay, it's just that I find them kinda anti-social and some of them simply don't wanna listen to us (especially the trails thingy). We played games with them in the afternoon and it was kinda fun, cause' they were already "warmed up" by then. Aftyer school went for a meeting and debrief and, congratulations to Brenda and Jie Long for being the new Vice-{resident and President of SC! And we voted the positions for the Exco-members too. After the whole thing went to share the almond cookies I bought with the fellow SC and then head to WCP for Subway with Neal, Sherman and Sem. Sem refused to go but we forced him and it ended in a such that Sem didn't want to leave as he was "stucked" with Sherman's PSP. Alright this is all for today, see ya all then!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
I'm back peeps!
Hey people, I'm back in Singapore at last... I'm so tired... Fatigue but I don't think I'll be able to sleep cause' I'll have that "I'm excited for the new year" syndrome so yeah. Anyway my journey seems alright, we board the plane earlier (instead of 8.05 it becomes 7 something) and everything seems fine. Well so I'm back in Singapore I guess, I'll be going to school tomorrow too. And SC will be super duper busy so I guess, what a great way to welcome the new year. Hmm I think I should tell you all what I did during new year's eve. Well ym cousins all came and we went for this Teppanyaki-ing session together and the food is so yummy. The pasta I made is also well-loved by my cousins and aunts. Then we went to play firework and then say happy new year to each other as the clock strikes 12 A.M. It's funny somehow, 24 hours ago I was still at my hometown laughing madly with my cousins. Now I'm here blogging in my room as usual again... It's funny to realise how time flies eh? Alright I gotta unpack some stuff so better get going, see ya all then!
I hope time will fly even faster, and brings me to 24th of January in a blink
I hope time will fly even faster, and brings me to 24th of January in a blink
Happy new year!
Alright peeps, firstly I wanna say Happy New Year 2009! 2008 is gone now, time to look forward to 2009 alright! Somehow, I don't know why time flows very quickly, it's like another 366 days had gone by, and now we have to face another 365 days. Well, it's always funny when ou reminisce about the past, it feels weird to feel that things happened just like yesterday. Alright let me tell my new year resolutions. First of all, I wanna work harder in everything, and I wanna score 8 points and below for O'level (sounds impossible but nothing is impossible). I wanna lose weight! And I want to go to the institution that I want (well this sounds more like 2010 resolution, but 2009 resolution depends on this too , right?) . There are many more but nah, these are the main ones. Anyway next year is going to be a super duper hyper busy year for me. I'll have: SYF, my dearest O'level examinations and many more. I'm planning for a very very deserved break at the end of the year though, to pay my hard work for these four years. You see it's weird, next year will be my last year in Tanglin and it feels like it's just yesterday that I stepped inside the school. And it feels like last week when I went to Singapore to study. Well? I rate 2008 75-89/100. Many things happened last year, be it good ones, bad ones, funny ones and weird ones. But I feel it's a good year for me, I joined a new class which I love, I transferred to flute section in the band, I somehow clinched top 5 in level and I hope I can maintain it this year. And this year, my cousin will be joining me and he's new in Singapore so well, gotta take care of him. I will be going back today at 8 P.M. Indonesia time, and reach at about 10.40 Singapore time. And I'm going to school tomorrow. Well I miss school, really but the first day of school is always the busiest day for us, the Tanglin SC's. And just as I opened friendster, Meng Fung is already asking me for help. Bleah, sorry NO I'm tired lol. Alright then, I haven't packed my bag and I'll be doing it tomorrow morning. See ya then!
New year, new beginning, new chapter, new movement, new symphony...
New year, new beginning, new chapter, new movement, new symphony...
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