Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Happy 100th post!

Yo! First of all this is my 100th post to this blog! Yay hahaha. Okay so today was... I dont know what day. The morning was okay, just that the mike has problems again (So stop blaming the PA crew cause the MIKE has problems, not US) and somehow... Mrs Oei asked the SC's who were in charge of the assembly (why including me?) and the PA crew. For the first time, she is embracing the SC! UNBELIEVABLE! Ok so she was saying that we are supposed to be role model and hoped that everyone will be inspired by us. Hope so. Alright then the day went smoothly, and well I wanna tell you this. I prefer Mr Tan P.E as a teacher, but not a DM LOL. Honestly he's a good teacher and he's like 180 degree change when he's a teahcer and DM haha. After school went to help Cheryl, Chong tuck, Sam sim and Amanda to hang the banners for CCA open house. We hang one banner in a SPECIAL place, but we were afraid that we can't hang it there. It's up to the principal tomorrow... Really I pray so hard that she won't say anything about it, PLEASE. Anyway none of the teachers actually forbid us to put it there. Even Mr Chan looked at it and he didn't say anything so.... Ok. Alright that's all for today then! See you

Life, accept it.

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