What's up peeps haha. Sorry for not posting yesterday cause I was literally just dozed off as I reached home (which was 8.30 P.M.) as Sherman, Neal and me went to eat KFC first for dinner. Well since my body was soooooo freaking tired I fell asleep from 8.30 - 5.20! Exactly 5 hours and 40 mins. Today was fun I guess, cause' we went to Ngee Ann poly open house! I finally have the chance to see what's inside there and to me, poly life seems fun. I want to go to poly, that's if I didn't score like 6-8 points (which rather sounds impossible but nothing is impossible). And also because of that "issue", I have no choice but poly is the only option (or is it not?). I want to go to Biomedical and I was surprised that there are actually two Biomeds, one is Biomeds sciences and engineering. After much comparison, I feel that the sciences one is my choice but, I need ten points to go there... WOW haha, that's rather... Ahem you know. I wanted to go to healthsciences but hmm NP only provides 2 modules there which is nursing and optomerist. I'm not really into that. Well there are over hundreds of modules there so I can think slowly alright. Okay I'm bloggin early cause I have to study for my Bio test tomorrow so, see ya!
The future is in my hand, or is it not?
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