Okay people, tomorrow, is MY wait no... OUR big day! We are going to give our best shot tomorrow. I repeat, BEST shot. Enjoy playing guys! Don't worry about anything else alright, tomorrow is your day, you do it or you don't but I repeat, play music with your heart, passion and musicianship! Nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing (I know that is so Adidas or Nike?).
Today, as Miss Portia said was our last leap before SYF but yet, some people didn't turn up for STUPID reasons. I'm FCUKING pissed I tell you. I'm sorry to tell you this but you guys honestly have NO sense of urgency. It was 14 more hours to SYF just now and you guys didn't even BOTHER to turn up?!
Hello, Jia Min was sick and she still turned up, and she tried to play and she played well. Asharin was alone and he played through it. Honestly, you're a.... I have tons of words to say but it's okay, saying this won't make a difference. But honestly, I am UTTERLY PISSED and DISGUSTED by this kind of attitude. And sorry for my rudeness but sorry, I just have to vomit it out.
And I'm also pissed with some people. For God's sake it's just one more days, what more do you guys want.... ONE MORE DAY, 13 more hours to go. Can't you just like GIVE, EXERT that LITTLE BIT MORE? If there's like 3 months more okay fine I'll shut up but it's ONE MORE DAY. Today wasn't my day. Oh, what a wonderful day before the SYF.
Anyway, okay I shan't talk anymore but okay. Everyone, please please please pray hard for us. Wish us good luck and let there be miracle that happen tomorrow. We can do this TSMB, WE CAN, WE MUST AND WE WILL! SMALL BAND, BIG SOUND!
C'mon people, it's your big day, our big day, just give me your best shot!
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
Okay, SYF is like in... one more day and now I'm freaking out like SHIT I tell you. Okay first of all, it's funny how I keep telling myself not to worry too much because the more I freak the more I suck. Enjoy music, and music will enjoy you. So what's SYF is all about? It's the day where WE, show what we CAN do. Sadly, many people don't realise this.
I don't know seriously. To me I disagree when people treat SYF as a "competition". I feel it should be more of a concert where bands from around Singapore will come and show what they can do, not to boast, not to show off, but to be proud as musicians. Afterall, what matters is not the award you get, is how good you have performed and how have you enjoyed yourself. Well but being the last SYF of my secondary school life (or maybe my life) I want this to be a sweet one. Not a bitter one.
Well what can I say? I just wish everyone, EVERY SINGLE ONE from the band would give their best shot at this year's SYF. Be proud of yourself, be proud of your band. You are the one representing the school AND the band. The stage is ours when we play, enjoy playing, enjoy performing. Put it what you want to express the judges and make them CRY! Let your emotions touch their hearts so much that our song make them cry. nothis is impossible.
Alright All the best tou me, to the bands participating and to everyone in my band. Just give your best shot, remember, enjoy what you do and NEVER treat SYF like something you hate or forced to do. When you do something with passion, talent will come natrually. So, love what you do, love what you play. Anything is possible to come.
I feel so...
I don't know seriously. To me I disagree when people treat SYF as a "competition". I feel it should be more of a concert where bands from around Singapore will come and show what they can do, not to boast, not to show off, but to be proud as musicians. Afterall, what matters is not the award you get, is how good you have performed and how have you enjoyed yourself. Well but being the last SYF of my secondary school life (or maybe my life) I want this to be a sweet one. Not a bitter one.
Well what can I say? I just wish everyone, EVERY SINGLE ONE from the band would give their best shot at this year's SYF. Be proud of yourself, be proud of your band. You are the one representing the school AND the band. The stage is ours when we play, enjoy playing, enjoy performing. Put it what you want to express the judges and make them CRY! Let your emotions touch their hearts so much that our song make them cry. nothis is impossible.
Alright All the best tou me, to the bands participating and to everyone in my band. Just give your best shot, remember, enjoy what you do and NEVER treat SYF like something you hate or forced to do. When you do something with passion, talent will come natrually. So, love what you do, love what you play. Anything is possible to come.
I feel so...
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Life as a piece of music
Helloooo people, today was a great day because I went to the Esplanade to watch West Winds' concert "European Fair" with some other band peeps! It was half conducted by Dr Lee and who else but, Jacob De Haan! All my favourite songs were there! And the best thing is they played it WELL.
I truly enjoyed all the pieces, Miss Saigon was the best. The Book of Urizen was scary, but I love it because it sent shivers down my spine! But my most favourite piece? Ross Roy! They played this as encore. Oregon wasn't played well, I fell the drummer kinda slowd down there and yeah you know how things worked out after that. The drum, is, no one else but the "master-mind" of the band as it leads the tempo of a song. But overall, it was beautiful. And what's touching is we sang to him a birthday song, because yesterday was Mr De Han's birthday. Happy belated birthday to you :)
And as for the negative things? Okay here goes. In front of us were this bunch of girls who SERIOUSLY don't know CONCERT ETIQUETTE. They were like so noisy (while the band was playing) and two guys (one was LTY) scolded them. I mean seriously they're damn noisy. I was in the verge of like "can you shut up?" but I say it "nicely" by doing "ahems ahems AHEMS" hahaha.
Then there was this two girls sitting down. When I had to pass through their seat because I wanna go toilet they gave me that "TSK" and kao-pei face. I purposely said SORRY and another kao pei face too. Looks like they did the same thing to Brenda, Nissa and Suyi cause they were talking about the same thing haha.
Alright then we had dinner together at Marina Square and then headed home with Nissa, Brenda and Suyi. Well Brenda took MRT whereas the rest of us took bus. Thank Nissa and Suyi for the talk together, it's been fun haha. Alright, see ya then, that's all for this beautiful Sunday (well it's ironic cause it rained heavily just now)! SPA tomorrow and so, time for revision...
If life were a piece of music... (Okay I know I've said this twice)
I truly enjoyed all the pieces, Miss Saigon was the best. The Book of Urizen was scary, but I love it because it sent shivers down my spine! But my most favourite piece? Ross Roy! They played this as encore. Oregon wasn't played well, I fell the drummer kinda slowd down there and yeah you know how things worked out after that. The drum, is, no one else but the "master-mind" of the band as it leads the tempo of a song. But overall, it was beautiful. And what's touching is we sang to him a birthday song, because yesterday was Mr De Han's birthday. Happy belated birthday to you :)
And as for the negative things? Okay here goes. In front of us were this bunch of girls who SERIOUSLY don't know CONCERT ETIQUETTE. They were like so noisy (while the band was playing) and two guys (one was LTY) scolded them. I mean seriously they're damn noisy. I was in the verge of like "can you shut up?" but I say it "nicely" by doing "ahems ahems AHEMS" hahaha.
Then there was this two girls sitting down. When I had to pass through their seat because I wanna go toilet they gave me that "TSK" and kao-pei face. I purposely said SORRY and another kao pei face too. Looks like they did the same thing to Brenda, Nissa and Suyi cause they were talking about the same thing haha.
Alright then we had dinner together at Marina Square and then headed home with Nissa, Brenda and Suyi. Well Brenda took MRT whereas the rest of us took bus. Thank Nissa and Suyi for the talk together, it's been fun haha. Alright, see ya then, that's all for this beautiful Sunday (well it's ironic cause it rained heavily just now)! SPA tomorrow and so, time for revision...
If life were a piece of music... (Okay I know I've said this twice)
Thursday, 26 March 2009
What is 1 + 1?
Okay hey peeps, don't mind the title, cause I was just being plain lame haha. This is what happens when you get bored. Well today was an ordinary day again. Nothing really much happened? Just a usual... Well not usual with the new timetable but the day just feels usual you know.
Well I think I got addicted to blogging! It's just been 4 days since I blogged and I already feel "weird" haha. And it seems like it, cause blogspot.com is the most visited website in my computer. I enjoy blogging, well in times when I'm bored or yeah. And it's kinda becoming my new hobby now apart from studying and playing the piano. Looks like blogging has kicked my habbit of "wasting time" too because previously before I have a blog, I usually spent my time lazing around doing nothing haha.
Hmm what else? I don't know what to say. My days are becoming a so-called daily thing which nothing much going on. 6 more days to SYF and I'm freaking out inside. I wonder if the members of the band do, I know most of the sec 4's are freaking out. Well what can I say, we're a BAND and band is not about INDIVIDUALISTIC. So what if you're good where the rest of your members are suffering. Be together, and we'll reach our goal. A SILVER. Okay see you!
It's funny to see some quirky and funny behavoiur of someone.
Well I think I got addicted to blogging! It's just been 4 days since I blogged and I already feel "weird" haha. And it seems like it, cause blogspot.com is the most visited website in my computer. I enjoy blogging, well in times when I'm bored or yeah. And it's kinda becoming my new hobby now apart from studying and playing the piano. Looks like blogging has kicked my habbit of "wasting time" too because previously before I have a blog, I usually spent my time lazing around doing nothing haha.
Hmm what else? I don't know what to say. My days are becoming a so-called daily thing which nothing much going on. 6 more days to SYF and I'm freaking out inside. I wonder if the members of the band do, I know most of the sec 4's are freaking out. Well what can I say, we're a BAND and band is not about INDIVIDUALISTIC. So what if you're good where the rest of your members are suffering. Be together, and we'll reach our goal. A SILVER. Okay see you!
It's funny to see some quirky and funny behavoiur of someone.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Halo people, back here again. Kinda bored so decided to blog before hardcore assignment chionging. Well today went well, I guess. The morning was super duper hot, I don't know why. Well then this raging temperature was drastically changed to something freezing! And it rained... Well Mr Goh once told me why it's always hot before it rains.
So well, before it rains, there's lots of water molecules in the air right? Yes that's one reason why dragonflies fly lower vefore it rains because the moisture makes their flimsy, weak and film like wings heavier.
And since water has a high heat capacity, EACH MOLECULE needs ~4200 joules of energy just to increase ONE pathetic degree celsius. So, since lots of energy is required, what happens is that the molecule takes a long time to "heat up" and hence while gaining this energy, the molecules kinda get warmer and that's why it feels hot!
Thanks to the rain, it feels much cooler then. But uh oh, it makes my thinking slow too! I kinda feel sleepy during Lit class and I was about to fall asleep (I fell asleep actually). The rest of the day went as a usual Tuesday, just that Bio focus was cancelled because Mrs Lee was on MC. Get well soon quickly haha. Okay that's all for today! Ciao!
So well, before it rains, there's lots of water molecules in the air right? Yes that's one reason why dragonflies fly lower vefore it rains because the moisture makes their flimsy, weak and film like wings heavier.
And since water has a high heat capacity, EACH MOLECULE needs ~4200 joules of energy just to increase ONE pathetic degree celsius. So, since lots of energy is required, what happens is that the molecule takes a long time to "heat up" and hence while gaining this energy, the molecules kinda get warmer and that's why it feels hot!
Thanks to the rain, it feels much cooler then. But uh oh, it makes my thinking slow too! I kinda feel sleepy during Lit class and I was about to fall asleep (I fell asleep actually). The rest of the day went as a usual Tuesday, just that Bio focus was cancelled because Mrs Lee was on MC. Get well soon quickly haha. Okay that's all for today! Ciao!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Viva La Musica!
Yo! Oh man I'm so happy today! Why? Mr Jacob De Han, that very talented, brilliant and wonderful composer came to our band today to give a talk about his wonderful piece, La Storia. Oh my God it seems very weird okay, like somehow I always feel meeting these composers will be like something that won't happen to me and it just happened to me like 3 hours ago. And what's best? He conducted us! I'm so proud of myself and the band, I mean... A guy so talented and famous conducting a band that is like small? I just feel so... Honored. And I feel he's a nice guy, he's humble, patient and fun haha. I hope one day he can come to our band again.
Well during band, he told us about this wind band in a small village in the Netherlands, the country where he comes from. He told us that this band is one of the best in Europe and I wonder if the same thing can happen for me? Like who knows I can have a wind band in my town, conducted by me. And it becomes one of the best is Asia, or maybe the world hohoho.
One thing we can learn here, don't give up for your dreams and don't be afraid if you're small. It's proven already, see? A VILLAGE wind band playing better than the CITY wind band? So why bother fearing what we are lacking of?
Okay the new term kicked in well I suppose, we received our new timetable and... I don't really like it seriously. Okay here's what I feel, I feel we shouldn't have two sciences in one day. The good thing is there's now no more one periods of sciences so which means, more focus! Secondly, why the heck is the last three periods of Friday? It's so lame!!! Haha. So it goes like Amath, History then Amath again. WTH!!! This is kinda retarded lol. Okay shan't complain more. See ya! Oh here are some pictures just now during band with the great maestro.
Mr De Han with the Woodwinds, and the alumni of woodwinds too. (Alif is acting tall lol)

Sec 4's and alumnis with Mr De Han. I looked kinda retarded, make the pic look bigger. I look nicer LOL!


Hahahaha, Suyi's face looked retarded! (No offence)
Okay that's all, see you then!
Music, my passion, my life, my dream.
Well during band, he told us about this wind band in a small village in the Netherlands, the country where he comes from. He told us that this band is one of the best in Europe and I wonder if the same thing can happen for me? Like who knows I can have a wind band in my town, conducted by me. And it becomes one of the best is Asia, or maybe the world hohoho.
One thing we can learn here, don't give up for your dreams and don't be afraid if you're small. It's proven already, see? A VILLAGE wind band playing better than the CITY wind band? So why bother fearing what we are lacking of?
Okay the new term kicked in well I suppose, we received our new timetable and... I don't really like it seriously. Okay here's what I feel, I feel we shouldn't have two sciences in one day. The good thing is there's now no more one periods of sciences so which means, more focus! Secondly, why the heck is the last three periods of Friday? It's so lame!!! Haha. So it goes like Amath, History then Amath again. WTH!!! This is kinda retarded lol. Okay shan't complain more. See ya! Oh here are some pictures just now during band with the great maestro.

Mr De Han with the Woodwinds, and the alumni of woodwinds too. (Alif is acting tall lol)

Sec 4's and alumnis with Mr De Han. I looked kinda retarded, make the pic look bigger. I look nicer LOL!


Hahahaha, Suyi's face looked retarded! (No offence)
Okay that's all, see you then!
Music, my passion, my life, my dream.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Heya peeps, back to blog before I'll be doing the remaining holiday homework. Oh man, here comes my procrastinating, I told myself I'll do my homework by Thursday and here is what I get. Hmm alright tomorrow will be a brand new term for us. My resolution and targets? To do better than ever, stop my procrastinating and be more hardworking. My wish for this term? To get Silver for my SYF! Which is like 10 more days. How can't I not freak.... Oh dear it just keeps coming you know. Alright See ya guys sooner or later then!
Freak freak freak
Freak freak freak
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Ubin Ubin :D
Hello people, I'm back from the Ubin trip. Well not really back, I was back yesterday but well yeah too tired from the BBQ and I went to sleep straight after I reached home. Well the Ubin trip was super fun, I love cycling so yeah haha. And thank God the weather (in the beginning) was great, even though it rained later in the afternoon. And thanks to it I fell down in front of 20 plus people haha, and then I heard a chorus of "Woow" then "Ouch". Haha, like as if I did a stunt. Ok I shall let the pictures tell you the story alright.

That's the glimmering sea when we reached Ubin. And that's us, or group one pointing at our first destination which is Maman Campsite.

That's some random picture when we were cycling. And that's the second task we have to finish in which I have to take picture of the beach at Noordin Campsite. A good idea for the tasks planers! (Neal, Sem and Sherman)

Another random shot haha, and that's a cute dog I found in the shop where we took shelter from the rain.

Okay so Jie Long was inspired and Physics and we were trying to balance ourselves on that see-saw like thing. Well I'm 87 kg and he's 50+ (I think) but we managed to balance on it! :D (Apart from me who kinda look retarded in that picture)

Last but not least, it's an Au Revoir to Ubin. I love that island haha, so serene and sweet.
Alright that's all folks for the pictures, I have more random shots but hmm let's keep it to a limit alrighty. Overall, I enjoyed the trip, it's nice and totally reminded me of my hometown. I went there like in Sec one and surprisingly there isn't much changes there. I've discovered new places, new mysteries and new lessons. Sorry for not having any pics during the BBQ cause I was keeping my phone inside my bag during the BBQ and was busily cooking with Amelia, Neal and Reena who joined us later. Thank you all to whoever made this trip a memorable one haha, perhaps I should visit Ubin sooner or later haha. Alrighty ciao!
Well, I'm still not sure if my instincts were right or wrong. I hope it's wrong. Life is such an irony.

That's the glimmering sea when we reached Ubin. And that's us, or group one pointing at our first destination which is Maman Campsite.

That's some random picture when we were cycling. And that's the second task we have to finish in which I have to take picture of the beach at Noordin Campsite. A good idea for the tasks planers! (Neal, Sem and Sherman)

Another random shot haha, and that's a cute dog I found in the shop where we took shelter from the rain.

Okay so Jie Long was inspired and Physics and we were trying to balance ourselves on that see-saw like thing. Well I'm 87 kg and he's 50+ (I think) but we managed to balance on it! :D (Apart from me who kinda look retarded in that picture)

Last but not least, it's an Au Revoir to Ubin. I love that island haha, so serene and sweet.
Alright that's all folks for the pictures, I have more random shots but hmm let's keep it to a limit alrighty. Overall, I enjoyed the trip, it's nice and totally reminded me of my hometown. I went there like in Sec one and surprisingly there isn't much changes there. I've discovered new places, new mysteries and new lessons. Sorry for not having any pics during the BBQ cause I was keeping my phone inside my bag during the BBQ and was busily cooking with Amelia, Neal and Reena who joined us later. Thank you all to whoever made this trip a memorable one haha, perhaps I should visit Ubin sooner or later haha. Alrighty ciao!
Well, I'm still not sure if my instincts were right or wrong. I hope it's wrong. Life is such an irony.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Happy 150th post! :D
Yay, this is my 150th post in my blog! And this is the longest post, longest blog that have survived my life haha. Sometime, like Ann Frank, who treated her diary as her friend, I wonder if my blog would want to treat me as her/his friend even though I complained a lot here hah!
Today we had the exchange @ Henderson Sec. Total of 10 bands playing together and I guess they really did a great job! I Seriously love Yuying band, I feel they are the best band playing during the exchange. Kranji was not bad too, they played my favourite song, Green Hills Fantasy. Well, we screwed up during La Storia. Somehow Desiree slowed down during the 6/8 part. Don't point fingers at her, treat it as a lesson. Nothing is perfect.
Then we had Amath focus after that and seriously, listening to Overture No 1 for like ten times made the song ring inside my head like a gong echoing inside a huge hall. Somehow bar C, E and B rings in my head, lots of times during math. I couldn't focus at all and I fell asleep three times!
Alright what else... I think that's all. Oh yeah we're (SC's) are going for a cycling outing at Pulau Ubin tomorrow. I hope the weather will be great! Blue skies with no clouds at all. I'm looking forward towards it, I guess it made me feel better. Cycling is one of my favourite form of exercise (does it even count as one?).
I remember when I was young I used to cycle with my cousins at my house. It's always druing the weekends as that's when the cars are kinda little (see, my town is super unique. If here the weekends are filled with people, there it used to be empty of people haha. Well now it's busy) and I love it, because evenings are when the skies are orange in colour. Signifies a feeling of peace and calm. Too bad we'll be cycling in the afternoon so no orange skies. But blue skies are appreciated, cause to me, it represents freedom. Okay enough talking! See ya!
The forgotten.
Today we had the exchange @ Henderson Sec. Total of 10 bands playing together and I guess they really did a great job! I Seriously love Yuying band, I feel they are the best band playing during the exchange. Kranji was not bad too, they played my favourite song, Green Hills Fantasy. Well, we screwed up during La Storia. Somehow Desiree slowed down during the 6/8 part. Don't point fingers at her, treat it as a lesson. Nothing is perfect.
Then we had Amath focus after that and seriously, listening to Overture No 1 for like ten times made the song ring inside my head like a gong echoing inside a huge hall. Somehow bar C, E and B rings in my head, lots of times during math. I couldn't focus at all and I fell asleep three times!
Alright what else... I think that's all. Oh yeah we're (SC's) are going for a cycling outing at Pulau Ubin tomorrow. I hope the weather will be great! Blue skies with no clouds at all. I'm looking forward towards it, I guess it made me feel better. Cycling is one of my favourite form of exercise (does it even count as one?).
I remember when I was young I used to cycle with my cousins at my house. It's always druing the weekends as that's when the cars are kinda little (see, my town is super unique. If here the weekends are filled with people, there it used to be empty of people haha. Well now it's busy) and I love it, because evenings are when the skies are orange in colour. Signifies a feeling of peace and calm. Too bad we'll be cycling in the afternoon so no orange skies. But blue skies are appreciated, cause to me, it represents freedom. Okay enough talking! See ya!
The forgotten.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Overture... La Storia... Overture... La Storia
Okay, sorry for the long-time-no-post. I am seriously packed with stuff and of course it includes band. Seriously this is not a holiday for me (or us) because I am (or we are) packed with LOTS of stuffs from Monday to Saturday! Wow, busiest holiday ever.
We have been doing much of our competition songs for band practices and tomorrow... We'll be having an exchange at Henderson Secondary. I'm looking forward to it, but also am feeling intimidated. Well we may be small, but hmm some other big bands don't play as well as us you know. I still feel intimidated. Having only two players, in which we are weak (?), I have to put in my best effort to do my best. Overture is my favourite. Just that I have to keep my tone right. La Storia is okay too, it's the song I've played for... 1 year plus, but 6 months in Clarinet, 6 months in Flute. Thanks to the practicies, I now memorised the two pieces, and it's kinda riniging inside my head now...
I feel irritated. Cause I have a PIMPLE in my ear!!! I don't know why and how it grows there. I'm kinda moody these days too, I dont know why. I shouted in band a lot cause yeah, I don't think some of the people should behave that way in band? Or am I just being too sensitive lol.
I wish this holiday can come to an end, or maybe I hope it can extend somehow somewhat. If I only have one day to enjoy... I have really nothing to say. Alright then see ya, time for English!
Dream, it's something we hope to grasp.
We have been doing much of our competition songs for band practices and tomorrow... We'll be having an exchange at Henderson Secondary. I'm looking forward to it, but also am feeling intimidated. Well we may be small, but hmm some other big bands don't play as well as us you know. I still feel intimidated. Having only two players, in which we are weak (?), I have to put in my best effort to do my best. Overture is my favourite. Just that I have to keep my tone right. La Storia is okay too, it's the song I've played for... 1 year plus, but 6 months in Clarinet, 6 months in Flute. Thanks to the practicies, I now memorised the two pieces, and it's kinda riniging inside my head now...
I feel irritated. Cause I have a PIMPLE in my ear!!! I don't know why and how it grows there. I'm kinda moody these days too, I dont know why. I shouted in band a lot cause yeah, I don't think some of the people should behave that way in band? Or am I just being too sensitive lol.
I wish this holiday can come to an end, or maybe I hope it can extend somehow somewhat. If I only have one day to enjoy... I have really nothing to say. Alright then see ya, time for English!
Dream, it's something we hope to grasp.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
When you get bored
Okay seriously, I'm freaking bored now. No mood to do this, no mood to do that, no mood to do anything but to stand in front of the computer, chatting with Sem, currently haha. So well here I am to blog. So what should I blog? Lets have a small talk.
So what's life to you....? Okay boring. What's music to you...? I think only me and some people will be interested in this. What's your favourite food? I'm not hungry to talk about this. Okay this is lame haha. But well yeah it's life, sometimes you feel some moments in which time literally STOPS and bang, there you are doing nothing. But sometims you feel time flowing so fast you want it to stop.
It's weird but true. I find life in many forms. Life is a race, it's a flowing river, it's a puzzle, it's a tangled string, it's the sky, it's a murder mystery. Okay yeah. I find life confusing, it's ironic, it's funny somewhat somehow, it's cruel, it's a suffering, it's a weapon and many more. I find it weird.
Everything is connected to life. Time, love, friendship, dream, hopes and even food. My life is currently mixed up. I'm confused, both saddened and happy. Disappointed, worried and yeah. The instincs hurt but the truths kill. Funny somehow eveything went so quickly I don't even feel it. I dont know. Okay I guess that's all for my boring to kill time blog haha. See ya!
This is life
So what's life to you....? Okay boring. What's music to you...? I think only me and some people will be interested in this. What's your favourite food? I'm not hungry to talk about this. Okay this is lame haha. But well yeah it's life, sometimes you feel some moments in which time literally STOPS and bang, there you are doing nothing. But sometims you feel time flowing so fast you want it to stop.
It's weird but true. I find life in many forms. Life is a race, it's a flowing river, it's a puzzle, it's a tangled string, it's the sky, it's a murder mystery. Okay yeah. I find life confusing, it's ironic, it's funny somewhat somehow, it's cruel, it's a suffering, it's a weapon and many more. I find it weird.
Everything is connected to life. Time, love, friendship, dream, hopes and even food. My life is currently mixed up. I'm confused, both saddened and happy. Disappointed, worried and yeah. The instincs hurt but the truths kill. Funny somehow eveything went so quickly I don't even feel it. I dont know. Okay I guess that's all for my boring to kill time blog haha. See ya!
This is life
Sec 1 camp!
Yo people, I'm back from the sec 1 camp which took place on Fri-Sat. It's a 2 days one night camp and I love it! Well besides the running, shouting, long-distance walking, dancing and stuff, I love it especially my group VV! I love you all! Yes you including the famous, naughty, Prabu and quiet and shy Shamir. The camp was super fun and tiring at the same time but I'm loving it still. It's sad that this is my last year in Tanglin and I won't be attending these camps anymore in the following years. The camp taught me lots of stuff, made me know more stuff and made me to get along well with other SC's and sec 1's. This camp marks another thing too, that is the end of the BBBS programme. I'll miss my assigned class 1e2 and my other SC's there, Firdhouse, Beatrice, Jia Wen, Zhi Ming and Samantha Ng. So now I'll have to attend those shows/talks on Thursday FT period then? Okay... After the camp I went home and I took a bath and... Slept from 8 P.M. to 9 A.M. STRAIGHT! Gosh I love it, well I only slept for 1.5 hour during the camp and it was not even a sleep, it's a sleep-wake up-sleep-wake up and such yeah. Then today I went to Vivo and Orchard to accompany my sis to buuy stuff for her and my mum. And today was my frist time, stepping in into a Louis Vitton shop and... Oh-MY-GOD I'm so shocked to hear the price of the bag that my mum wants. If I count my Crumpler bag as expensive, I wonder what the LV bag will be? Haha. Then yeah and oh I finally bought the full collection of Beethoven Symphonies! Woots. And today something's wrong with my stomach so yeah, hope it'll stop today or I won't be coming for band, and that's a bad thing. Okay see you!
A man's intinct, can sometimes be equally strong as an animal's instinct. Or am I being too childish?
A man's intinct, can sometimes be equally strong as an animal's instinct. Or am I being too childish?
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Okay so, what's up with me these days? One word to sum it all: TIRED. Somehow I feel reeeaallly lethargic these few days (I didn't feel it today) like on Tuesday for example, I fell asleep during SS. On Wednesday, I TOTALLY fell asleep during History. And in the evenings of these two days, I fell asleep like automatically. Like I reached home at 6, and I can "blink" and then I find myself sleeping and waking up 4 hours later. I am tired I don't know why. Guess my glucose level is low (I skipped some meal heh heh)? Today was fine, everything went as per normal again but I love the blue skies today, except for the super black skies in the evening. I love Basics today, it's about career thingy. We played this game in which we have to guess our "assigned" job by Mrs Lee. Well I guessed mine correctly, which is a musician and it is my dream career. Whereas some people's job don't really match them haha. Joel as a bodyguard?? Meng Fung as an air stewardess?? Annabel as a headhunter (maybe this matches as she's super duper sadistic mwahahaha)?? Sam Sim as choreographer?? Haha. Some have the potential though, Sherman as governor, Cheryl as doctor and maybe me, as a musician. And who knows those who don't seem to match their job can really be their future career? I shall create a story perhaps?
Who knows one day in the future, where I become a pianist or something like that, I'm having a premiere concert in Singapore and I took SIA to fly here. Then I see an air stewardess named Lee Meng Fung. As I land in Singapore, a lawyer named Ang Chuan Huat was being interviewed by people about a case and a bodyguard named Joel Chin is standing behind him. In my concert, a governor named Sherman Lee is watching my recital. Then he suddenly fall sick and a doctor named Cheryl Tsai come to the rescue!
Then sometime after my premiere concert, a choreographer named Samantha Sim agreed to work with me on a musical. Then a headhunter from somewhere named Annabel Lee come to help us in recruiting the personnel in which they are used in the play (I thought a headhunter is someone who hunts for human heads haha. Thanks Annabel for the other meaning!). Then an accountant named Neal Chan came and offer his help with the finance and everything and last but not least, a disc-jockey named Sharon Pow also comes and offer some help in the mixing of the sound and stuff. We do a great musical and it becomes an award-winning piece. Then suddenly come a writer Wong Wei Lun who says that he's so inspired about the play that he decided to write a book about it. Perhaps, this musical will be called 4E1'09 hahahaha!
Okay I only write names of people whom I remember. Not that I don't bother to remember or stuff but I simply can't remember them or I don't even know them haha. Alright enjoy my story then! I will be staying overnight in school tomorrow for the sec one camp. Hope everything went smooth sailling!
What Mrs Lee said is totally true. But will I be able to do it? Or is it my destiny?
Who knows one day in the future, where I become a pianist or something like that, I'm having a premiere concert in Singapore and I took SIA to fly here. Then I see an air stewardess named Lee Meng Fung. As I land in Singapore, a lawyer named Ang Chuan Huat was being interviewed by people about a case and a bodyguard named Joel Chin is standing behind him. In my concert, a governor named Sherman Lee is watching my recital. Then he suddenly fall sick and a doctor named Cheryl Tsai come to the rescue!
Then sometime after my premiere concert, a choreographer named Samantha Sim agreed to work with me on a musical. Then a headhunter from somewhere named Annabel Lee come to help us in recruiting the personnel in which they are used in the play (I thought a headhunter is someone who hunts for human heads haha. Thanks Annabel for the other meaning!). Then an accountant named Neal Chan came and offer his help with the finance and everything and last but not least, a disc-jockey named Sharon Pow also comes and offer some help in the mixing of the sound and stuff. We do a great musical and it becomes an award-winning piece. Then suddenly come a writer Wong Wei Lun who says that he's so inspired about the play that he decided to write a book about it. Perhaps, this musical will be called 4E1'09 hahahaha!
Okay I only write names of people whom I remember. Not that I don't bother to remember or stuff but I simply can't remember them or I don't even know them haha. Alright enjoy my story then! I will be staying overnight in school tomorrow for the sec one camp. Hope everything went smooth sailling!
What Mrs Lee said is totally true. But will I be able to do it? Or is it my destiny?
Monday, 9 March 2009
Tension and fear.
Heya peeps, today was a fine day. I enjoyed P.E very much because Mr Tan was not there! So Mr Luke (is that how it's spelled?) gave us a handball and we played... Captain's ball with it haha. It's a G vs B match and of course, the boys won by 3 haha. Alright what else... Uhh well something unpleasant happened in Math class, shan't tell you what. Then as usual we had band! As usual we played Overture and La Storia and hmm I feel I'm improving? I don't know but yeah. It's uselss if only one improves. As a band, EVERYONE must improve and hence the band will improve. What's the point of having only one guy improve whereas the rest stays behind. Again something happened in band and shan't tell you why LOL. Okay that's all for the day then. But before I leave, this post is dedicated to Beatrice to pay back OUR (Neal and me) revenge! Haha enjoy!

It's funny somehow, somewhat.

It's funny somehow, somewhat.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Beautiful Sunday
Hello people, back here to blog before I study for Bio test tomorrow and do my EL summary of that Broader Perspective magazine. Honestly, I prefer NGC, Discovery, Times, or Reader's Digest more haha. But nevertheless, it is a good magazine. Well I love today. Why? Okay first of all I started my day at nine in the morning and chionged all my math works till 12 p.m. Can you believe it? I actually finished 3 assignments within 3 hours! DONE. Then my sis, cousin and I headed to Ikea. Remember I mentioned about me wanting a coffee table? For me to study yeah? Yes we went there to look for one and we got it! And seriously, it is so-totally-what-I-have-in-mind-design. I'll show you the pics later. And weirdly, I met many people today! Okay I met.. Our Lab assistant (the young lady one btw!), Larry, Brenda, Sandra and uhh more but I forgot who. I guess, just my luck. Then we headed home and I stayed at home while my sis anc cousin headed to Orchard. I decided to stay because I want to do my EL summary but sadly, I still have no idea of what to write! Alright yeah I guess that's all for today? But seriously, it is a beautiful Sunday :)
Life can be so beautiful, like the blue sky. Yet it gives us a deep thought, beyond the highest skies.
Publish Post
Life can be so beautiful, like the blue sky. Yet it gives us a deep thought, beyond the highest skies.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Blue skies of eternity
Hello people, what a beautiful Friday isn't it? I'm just being sentimental, cause' I think today is the only day in which I see the sky so blue in this week. And to Cheryl and Neal and Rachel. sorry for being emoistic in Chem today cause I'm having my monthly PMMS (pre-men-menstrual syndrome) and yes I mean it, boys DO have PMS okay, I call it more of emotional PMS, just that men don't expell any uterus lining, but more of sour and sad faces and emoistic feelings. After all, it's part of puberty right? Anyway today school went normal, just that we had our assmbly in the hall. Played BBall for PE and to Kelvin and Neal, sorry for my sucky playing, I shot 5 times and it's all off haha. I love Ms Solastri's class, yeah you guys may think I'm crazy but she's nice person after all. And I love the saboing part. Thank you Meng Fung for choosing me just now, appreciated! What else hmm I guess there's nothing left to talk about today. I just love the blue sky. Alright I guess that's all, see ya!
Thursday, 5 March 2009
It's getting far?
Okay peeps, finally WMD is over, Well we didn't do asl well as last year, I mean we were the top 12 classes last year and now we're the top 41 in the High School category only, not even the whole world. But I guess it's okay, it's not the matter of who win and who lose, it's the experience and effort that counts right? Alright anyway got back most of my results. I'm kind of disappointed with my results, and myself, and my stupidity, and my carelessness. I know you guys why will wonder why, even though I get quite a number of A's but, even though it's A's, it's not my target hahaha. Especially Chem, I'm super pissed with myself I mean oh gosh, how stupid can I be? It's written SOLUTION and I wrote SOLID. How cool LOL. Okay anyway enough of the results. I'm pleased overallly, pissed with myself. What else.... Oh yeah we did Chem SPA today. I think Brenda and me have the highest result of point of neutralisation. That is spooky. Alright I won't talk much anymore. See ya then!
Is it just me? Or is it the truth. Life...
Is it just me? Or is it the truth. Life...
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
My hands are super sour!
Oh my God, honestly I'm very sleepy, my hands are sour (suan), my eyes are shutting tight and yeah. Well I was playing World Math Day (WMD) just now, from 7-10.45, rest, then chiong until 11.30 and now I stop because I couldn't take it anymore!!! I'm super tired, and I'm super sleepy. Band will resume tomorrow so I better get a good rest. Talking about band... SYF will start in 28 more days!!!!!!!!! We're the FIRST band on the THIRD day, oh God, how nice can it be? Alright today got back other results, I'm satisfied with thm except for my MATHS! Okay no idea why. Alright I guess that's all for today, see you!
My hands are aching....
My hands are aching....
Monday, 2 March 2009
It's over, the pain hurts.
Hello peeps, finally the war is OVER. But the pain hurts, like how a knife stabbed my heart and ripped it into fine pieces. Chemistry today was HORRIBLY done. First of all, somehow I didn't manage to have time to finish the paper (I left one question blank). Next, I skipped the questions that I was not sure with and went to the next question and next one and next one. When Mrs Lee said "You have 5 minutes left", I have three questions BLANK and I freaked out. I rushed rushed rushed and I may not guarantee that these questions (and other questions) will be answered correctly. I am totally pissed. I don't know why but I'm still discontented with myself. Well the war maybe over but the main one is coming in 238 days. How cool. It's funny how life can be, it's just... Okay I'm stressed right now. Anyway I got back my Biology and Physics paper today, I'm satisfied with my results, yes. 88 and 74, haha. Okay that's all for today, see you with good news (I hope).
Thanks guys for the nice comments, appreciate it :D
Thanks guys for the nice comments, appreciate it :D
Sunday, 1 March 2009
I'm exhausted.
Okay peeps, again I'm just blogging to ease the pain of studying. Somehow two things make me happy when I'm stressed. Wait, make it three. One: Blogging, I can just fill my post with all my grunts and complaints and feelings of hatred and... Okay you should be able to continue. Two: Playing my piano/flute, somehow this makes me calm but I mean duh, it's my passion, it's what I love doing. Third: Venting my anger to people! Alright Waiyee is angry because I flung her lol (don't get the wrong idea, I pushed her and she kinda flung on Friday haha!). But I SELDOM vent my anger physically towards people (again, don't get the wrong idea, I don't you-know-what the person like how some people do in stories and movies), I more oftenly kinda tell these people why I'm so pissed! It worked okay haha. Alright so today I went to have my hair cut, thanks to the weather, I was stucked in the rain and I didn't want to be drenched. So after I get my hair cut, I went to Clementi instead to chill. Thank God I brought my Chemistry book! So that I can study. I decided to stay at Subway (wanted to go to Mos but too crowded) and stayed there for like one hour. After I ate, I'm surprised, annoyed and speechless to see the rain becoming heavier lol. I mean it's been rainning for like one hour and it didn't stop? Grrrr. Okay then as the rain subsided a little, I decided to RUN FOR MY LIFE but still, I get drenched. After the rain stopped, I see a beautiful scenery just outside my house. It's cool. It's like this blue sky with a patch of yellow clouds, behind this blackish cloud. It kinda tells me something. Even though darkness and gloom surround you, there will sill be light shining on you eventually. So when there's a will, there's a way! Okay I supposed I have to stop here, my eyes are shutting. Wish me luck for my last battle!
Life can be nice, even though it's a suffering. I wonder if there's nirvana on earth?
Life can be nice, even though it's a suffering. I wonder if there's nirvana on earth?
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