Well during band, he told us about this wind band in a small village in the Netherlands, the country where he comes from. He told us that this band is one of the best in Europe and I wonder if the same thing can happen for me? Like who knows I can have a wind band in my town, conducted by me. And it becomes one of the best is Asia, or maybe the world hohoho.
One thing we can learn here, don't give up for your dreams and don't be afraid if you're small. It's proven already, see? A VILLAGE wind band playing better than the CITY wind band? So why bother fearing what we are lacking of?
Okay the new term kicked in well I suppose, we received our new timetable and... I don't really like it seriously. Okay here's what I feel, I feel we shouldn't have two sciences in one day. The good thing is there's now no more one periods of sciences so which means, more focus! Secondly, why the heck is the last three periods of Friday? It's so lame!!! Haha. So it goes like Amath, History then Amath again. WTH!!! This is kinda retarded lol. Okay shan't complain more. See ya! Oh here are some pictures just now during band with the great maestro.

Mr De Han with the Woodwinds, and the alumni of woodwinds too. (Alif is acting tall lol)

Sec 4's and alumnis with Mr De Han. I looked kinda retarded, make the pic look bigger. I look nicer LOL!


Hahahaha, Suyi's face looked retarded! (No offence)
Okay that's all, see you then!
Music, my passion, my life, my dream.
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