That's the glimmering sea when we reached Ubin. And that's us, or group one pointing at our first destination which is Maman Campsite.

That's some random picture when we were cycling. And that's the second task we have to finish in which I have to take picture of the beach at Noordin Campsite. A good idea for the tasks planers! (Neal, Sem and Sherman)

Another random shot haha, and that's a cute dog I found in the shop where we took shelter from the rain.

Okay so Jie Long was inspired and Physics and we were trying to balance ourselves on that see-saw like thing. Well I'm 87 kg and he's 50+ (I think) but we managed to balance on it! :D (Apart from me who kinda look retarded in that picture)

Last but not least, it's an Au Revoir to Ubin. I love that island haha, so serene and sweet.
Alright that's all folks for the pictures, I have more random shots but hmm let's keep it to a limit alrighty. Overall, I enjoyed the trip, it's nice and totally reminded me of my hometown. I went there like in Sec one and surprisingly there isn't much changes there. I've discovered new places, new mysteries and new lessons. Sorry for not having any pics during the BBQ cause I was keeping my phone inside my bag during the BBQ and was busily cooking with Amelia, Neal and Reena who joined us later. Thank you all to whoever made this trip a memorable one haha, perhaps I should visit Ubin sooner or later haha. Alrighty ciao!
Well, I'm still not sure if my instincts were right or wrong. I hope it's wrong. Life is such an irony.
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