Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Flu Alert!

Hello people, what's up. Today was a great day I suppose, nothing much happened though. Seems like I'm getting more prepared for MYE.... YEAH. Okay I'm still in the verge of being super stressed you know. I don't know why.

Will be having Chinese Oral tomorrow. I don't know how it will turn out, but I know I'll screw it out and today I have listening compre and again, I screwed it out. After school went to have a consultation session with Mdm Ng, asking her about enthalpy change etc. A HUGE THANK YOU to her man, now I understand the topic...

Alright what else... Oh yeah, Swine Flue or H1N1 strain! To people out there, take good care of your health alright, eat vitamin C everyday, don't forget the veggies and fruits too! And the occasional exrcising eh. Okay that's all for the day, see ya then!

Oh oh, mid year, I love you so much.

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