Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Whoa, haha another record broken lol. I'm super busy this week. Wait no, maybe I should use the word "tried" better. You see on Monday and Tuesday, I fell asleep from 7 P.M. - 12 A.M. and I did my homework from 12-1/12-2 A.M. How cool, yes? I'm simply tired like seriously.

Congratulations to Dance Ensemble and Guzheng for getting the Gold With Honours! You guys deserve it, yes. Also, to Drama who get Bronze. It's okay, don't have to be so sad. I repeat, as long as you enjoyed what you did on stage, the medal you get won't matter. It's not the medal that matters, it's the experience and the fun you had. Last but not least, to Contemporarry dance who get silver. I feel all of us did a great job eh? To my sec 4 friends, this is our last year so I hope the last SYF will be a memorable one.

Today was a fine day. I would say Wednesday is such a great day. I don't know. MYE is coming in like 15 more days. I'm excited and freaked out upon knowing this. Well I've started revising but I'm not sure about some chapters. I just hope I'll do well for it.

Well life is rather becoming confusing for me. I don't know is it me or is it just my feeling. Is it my ego or is it the truth. Is it my instinct or is it reality. Life is indeed a suffering. No doubt about it. I wonder whether I am better to be left alone. Or am I just simply being too egoistic. Okay enough of this crap, time for another date with my girlfriends!

Sometimes I wish I could be the wind. Going to places that I have no idea where is it.

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