See how time flies really quickly? Just 5 more papers!
Photography by Yours Truly.
Left: My new countdown timer. Right: My O Level Timetable
Hullo there, back to blog! Haha. Whew, finally the "tough papers" are gone so I'm left with the MCQ and Chinese papers. Which I feel it's not as threatening and scary as the rest of the papers I have done for the past two weeks.
And I've decided to shut up. So I won't review what I had done in Os.
What's done is done and you cant change it.
Anyway, it's 6 more days to the end of Os! It's so cool how I used to countdown to the days to Os, and now I'm counting to the END of Os. Time really fly quickly you know.
And I hope next week will fly really quickly. But I doubt it will.
And well the Os are going to disappear and soon I will no longer call myself a student from Tanglin. It's really scary thinking how fast time could fly, and how fast things come to an end. But memories will always remain. Right?
Yeah that's all for today I guess. See ya then!
My symphony's movement "Secondary school life" is going to end. Another movement will take over.
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