I don't want to rot here like and apple.
Photography by Yours Truly.
Taken while I revised... Haha. Bring back those days.
Hello people! How's your holidays going? Mine? As usual. I don't know what to say. Well it's my second day officially "alone" in my hometown (cause my sis and her friends and my bro have returned to Singapore/Jakarta). And my first day... Was GREAT! Yeah right. It was okay I suppose, so so and normal. But it's not fantastic. And I want my day to be fantastic.
Today was alright, as usual I followed my dad to the factory, the clinic and now the pharmacy. It's kind of a routine. I hope, hopefully, I could break this routine. I wanna do something else, something I want and I love doing. Not something that I "have" to do. Oh well, I was pondering to myself today in the factory.
You know I love to talk to myself (inside my heart of course) and yup, today I had a deep conversation with myself. I was pondering about how and why... But never mind, long story. I don't bother telling it here. I just want to ask why can't I have a perfect holiday like how people have their holidays. It's just... This is not a holiday you know? I doubt it is.
I need a holiday, like after four years of hard work, blood, sweat and toil. This is what I get? This? This is not what I want and yet I get it. Well it's only the first day. So I really really hope that the days would get better and better. Really! Better and better.
Well I guess that's all for today, as I said I did nothing much. And it's really sad that I couldn't do nothing much. Well it's life I guess, nothing is fair and life will never be fair. Hopefully, it will, one day.
Now, my one and only ultimate wish is to get more freedom. And I wish and hope and pray that my days here would get better and better. And one more thing, I hope I can get a vacation. Oh God, please hear my prayers, and let it come true!
Everyone wants freedom. So do I.
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